Let Not Fear Dictate Your Outcome

Whether it is the Clintons, Cuomos, Newsom or Biden/Harris the drone of sexual deviancy pushes forward as the #MeToo misogynists matriculate where needed and feign aghast when required.

The new tool in the arsenal of the diseased, is to state that they are on the “right side of history” and many believe, as their fable is told, their reputations will be written in a positive light, as history is supposedly written by the victors.

It is not.

History is written every day, as the “memory” of the web is the catch 22 that occurs, although Google, Facebook, Twitter and friends are doing their best to challenge that dichotomy.

They will not be successful.

To paraphrase a famous line when the liberals finally go out it won’t be with a bang but rather a whimper.

With all moments in human behavioral history the righteous eventually attack their abusers and unlike humans living in Asia, Africa, Europe, most of North America and all of the Southern continent, the humans living in these United States have in the past, replaced the current system, with something better.

Americans earn, strive, and when suffer too greatly, fight.

The difference currently is too many still don’t feel that they’ve suffered enough and until that moment of inflection occurs the criminal politicians known as Democrat will continue to run wild as the cowardly politicians known as Republican sit idly by or in some RINO cases join in.

Too many in today’s America are willing to listen to the “experts” whose only quality of consistency, validity, and reliability is the drawing of a paycheck from some government backed entity.

Money does indeed talk and it’s spewing through the maws of too many in the “medical” community.

Case in point decades ago I sought a doctor to give me a cortisone shot in a shoulder I’d damaged playing baseball. I knew exactly when the damage occurred, had gone through my options of physical therapy and decided the next step was the injection. As I’ve shared this story in the past I will fast forward through the “doctor” who was obese, could barely walk and collapsed into a chair while he ignored the only reason I was in his office to try and sell me a statin for my “high cholesterol.”

Of course I declined, which quite possibly saved my life, as trying to get off of statins has lead to the death of a plethora of humans.

Years after this I was in a different doctor’s office for a routine check-up. The “physician” needed to lose at least forty pounds and was admittedly struggling with the new computer system in front of him when he blurted out that I might have a “heart murmur.”

I do not.

A couple of years ago I picked up a virus. Runny nose, sore throat, blah blah blah, same thing as millions of humans get every year.

After about a week my wife became a little concerned because I am never sick.


Part of our insurance program was the ability to call an M. D. for a diagnosis and possible prescription.

After a fifteen minute question and answer I was informed that a doctor would call.

About twenty minutes later a doctor did indeed call and asked the same questions that they always do.

How long, congestion, color of fluids, yada yada yada.

After a brief two minute chat he told me what I already knew.

“You have a virus. Antibiotics don’t work on viruses. It will work its way out in a few more days. If it goes longer than a few weeks you may want to go see your regular physician.”

No kidding?

Thanks Doc.

Before I continue I will say that I do know a couple of doctors who are excellent physicians who not only provide great care but also follow their own advice.

Sadly most do not, yet Americans who’ve lived their entire lives being told viruses have to work their way through, continue to ignore their own common sense and historical data to clamor for a vaccine that is not only not providing them any protection from the RONA but has actually hospitalized many who have been willing to let their fear control their outcome.

The lie of this century known as Covid-19 has “reportedly” been in the United States for well over a year.

If you haven’t had any contact or issues with it the chances you will now are miniscule.

I am in contact with people all over America and I’ve only known one person that I can factually verify who had the RONA.

The individual is an incredible friend, wonderful parent and great American who is in their mid fifties, has had a heart attack, and will openly say they need to lose seventy-five to one hundred pounds.

Their “symptoms” were flulike, and after a week, were back to normal.

Just in the last week I’ve verified at least three different people who’ve received the vaccine who’ve had major problems, including 104 degree temperatures, bells palsy type facial issues and even hospitalization.

All of these people were fine, had nothing wrong UNTIL they willingly allowed poison to be pumped into their bodies.

For their sakes I hope they don’t have any repercussions down the road and even more importantly learned that their decisions based in fear could have cost them their lives.

If I walked around Anywhere U. S. A. right now and asked “people on the street” if they trusted government I doubt few would say yes and those that do are idiotic liberals who believe Portland and Minneapolis look good in spray paint and rising homicides.

Overwhelmingly most humans living in America do not trust any form of government, rightly so, and ignore virtually everything their doctors tell them UNLESS they are told to “take this pill” or “you need this shot.”

Regardless of what you may believe viruses do not kill humans, type-two diabetes is one hundred percent curable by consuming less calories, doctors are making fortunes off your “prescriptions” and the government lies. . .about everything.

Oh Jason we know all of this.

No, it’s clear many of you do not or worse are too afraid to bet on “yourselves” and are willing to be lead to the slaughter.

One heart attack, stroke, or “Covid-19” related episode at a time.

First they required masks, and you put it on,

Then they locked down businesses, and you hid in your house,

They invaded your body and you smiled and put it on facebook,

Now you stare at each other awaiting a check and permission to step outside.

Life is too short to live in fear and these United States were not founded or protected by cowards.

Turn off the television.

Get off the internet, and the couch, and get moving.

Your country is going to need you soon.

Sooner than you think and your freedom is predicated upon your response.

This is a country of rugged individualism.

Prepare to do your part or the liberal California train to nowhere will eventually arrive at your door, where your mask and vaccine will provide the same benefit they do now.

None whatsoever.

Jason Kraus



DisneyLand: The Ultimate Green Zone

The current platform of the Democratic Party is as follows.

Bigotry, Stupidity, and Sexual Assault otherwise known as the new boss, same as the old boss.

The only things Andrew Cuomo has to do to be the next Democratic Presidential nominee is hold tight, refuse to resign just like black face Virginia Ralph Northam, and then marry a hateful woman who don’t feel no ways tired, abandons Americans under fire, and carries hot sauce in her purse.

Handy Andy has stepped forward to replace Slick Willie Clinton while the #MeToo crowd drools at their feet and welcomes their “god” Harvey Weinstein back into the fold.

As stated before same old same old.

Not to be outdone Gavin Newsom continues to show the world that the fastest way to cure the RONA is to recall any and all politicians who attempt to mandate lockdowns.

According to reports new “strains” of the RONA are everywhere, especially in Southern California.

Furthermore Groping Joe Biden is still calling for 100 days of mask wearing while his crony Tony Fauci is telling people to double up.

Teachers unions are refusing to work while Kareem I’m An Idiot Who Jabbers continues to tell black people they are under attack from the white man’s covid creation.

All of this and more yet somehow gruesome Newsom is now announcing a “Green tier” and let’s open up Disneyland!

Two million recall signatures and miraculously the RONA has been cured.

Isn’t science fun!

Speaking of science it appears the passing of February won’t be the end of the national month of bigotry.

As an aside, I do find it pathetically “racist” that the Liberals designated the shortest month of the year, the time to celebrate “blacks”.

Come on Progressives!

You could have at least given morbid obesity. . .err. . . Stacey Abrams and Oprah a thirty day window to preach their mindless drivel.

Still, the “science is real” crowd continues forward proclaiming that the “color” of one’s skin designates a race, a species.

It does not.

Black lives, brown lives, whites lives do not matter because according to “science” these things do not exist.

Also according to “science” there is no such thing as an African-American, Asian-American, Latino, Hispanic, Cracker, Kracker or my personal favorite People of Color.

Any and all who make these statements are either ignorant, lying, evil, or a combination of the three.

No rational, educated human, who actually cares about freedom AND requires the truth be spoken, would ever use any of this terminology.

It is hateful, harmful, and most importantly WRONG.

For the last year we’ve been lied to by politicians who didn’t wear masks, refused to social distance, assaulted others, and actually killed senior citizens under the guise of science.

Shake hands, take off your masks, and refuse the China spark.

Science is indeed real.

It’s the “scientists” that need to be dealt with.

Jason Kraus



What’s Your Sign

Recently I ran across a sign posted in the yard of a house in a nearby town.

The sign had a few things listed and interestingly enough color coated.

One statement printed in white on a dark background was Black Lives Matter.

It was pretty clear this was caucasian privilege and/or a dog whistle as they stated their message in white and used black as a background or prop, practicing again the liberal bigoted agenda telling blacks they are too stupid, too lazy, and too abused to ever be successful.

Wow Jason, that is quite a stretch don’t you think?

Absolutely, just like Dr. Seuss is a racist, Clarence Thomas is an Uncle, and Donald Trump is a Russian agent but let not the facts get in the way of “breaking news.”

Another placard on their bloat of many colors read “Science is real.”

These statements and more coming from the group who dons a mask in their cars by themselves while idling for thirty minutes in line at Starbucks and then screams about “net zero emissions”.

The same group who packs their already gluttonous bodies with more processed foods, wheezes while blowing carbon dioxide with every step, but then refrains from using a straw and pats themselves on the back because they’ve done their part.

The struggle is “real” and will someone please get these grazers a stimulus check!

Traitors Joe has two buck chuck on sale and nothing goes better with a heart stopping inhale of legal pot than a nice two dollar bottle of wine and a Covid vaccine!

Congratulations liberals!

To add to your prilosec, diarrhea, and meat sweats, which are caused by your carbohydrate caloric choices and have nothing to do with meat, we can now add fever, chills, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, nausea, swollen lymph nodes, rash, Bell’s palsy and in limited cases death due to your taking the RONA spark!

Just another Friday night for those who hang out with the Democratic Royalty Klan of the Clintons and Cuomos, although after a night with these perverts the shot needed might be more penicillin appropriate.

Yes indeed science is real!

Before Hiden Biden had his feed shutdown, by presumably his staff, as they are exhausted from trying to explain what their idiot boss continues to bleat, the Catholic Groper gave us more “sciencey stuff” with the mask muttering moron attempting to bloviate about Neanderthals.

I wish just once liberals would read some of these books before burning, banning, or culture canceling them.

Get ready progressives. . .here comes some anthropology.

Without getting into the weeds on this issue, we as an “educated” society currently teach the concept of species.

Our species has been labeled as homo sapiens with our current understanding of today’s human falling under the category or subspecies as homo sapiens sapiens.

According to science, homo sapiens, neanderthals, and a recently discovered group labeled denisovans, make up who we are today.

I’m sure there are others yet to be “discovered” by today’s human who believes nothing happens until it happens to them.

Again without getting into the tall grass a good portion of today’s humans carry neanderthal DNA.

Furthermore neanderthals reportedly had larger brains which allowed for certain evolutionary processes to occur.

The short of it is the “scientists” believe that those with neanderthal DNA evolve much more quickly to struggles in their environment and overcome problems through critical thinking unlike the smaller brain homo sapiens who spent a lot of time fornicating, raping and killing each other and other species.

Look at that.

We can use science to explain the difference between Americans and liberals.

Critically thinking freedom loving entrepreneurs or #metoo sharia supporting pedophiles.

Texas, where guns are available for personal protection or Chicago where guns are used to murder children every day of the week.

As the saying goes,

God made all men.

Samuel Colt made all men equal.

God also made all women.

Samuel Colt’s science gave all women a fighting chance.

Embrace it with both hands.

Jason Kraus



Stop Voting For Democrats

Liberals are truly amazing creatures as they continue to behave in the same fashion yet expect a different response.

When one puts stupid humans in charge horrible decisions will be made.

Governors in both California and New York are supposedly on the political ropes due to Covid deaths, sexual harassment/molestation, and ruining life in general, but my guess is both will escape unscathed as circling the wagons is the one thing Progressives do well. . .that and voter fraud.

Still, the Liberal voter continues to try and put a square peg into a round hole as reportedly parents in Berkeley California are protesting because the teachers don’t want to return to “babysit their children”.

I have just a solution.

Stop voting for Democrats.

Black females are complaining “trans” athletes are taking their positions, medals and scholarships.

Repeat after me.

Stop voting for Democrats.

Criminal foreign nationals are flooding the border, gas prices are on the rise, and we’ve lost thousands of businesses in New York and California because their governors are allowed to be dictators.

One more time.

Stop voting for Democrats, stop voting for Democrats, for the love of all that is holy you freaking morons STOP VOTING FOR DEMOCRATS. . .and Mitt Romney.

Of course they won’t because “science is real”.

Uh huh.

It sure is and you Libs are about to get a serious lesson in political science where truth, justice, and your 401k’s go to die as it is all but guaranteed that the stock markets will continue the Sliden Biden tour right into summer where more than likely  gas will be well over $4.00 a gallon, unemployment will no longer be reported and the RONA will be moving through its twenty seventh strain where Fauci will have you imbeciles wearing five masks, four pairs of gloves, three face shields, two cans of lysol and a partridge in a pear tree.

The Biden Liberal/Catholics all use the same rationalization.

“Well, Joe/The Vatican isn’t perfect but they’ve put a lot of money into disadvantaged neighborhoods.”

Right, and so did Jeffrey Epstein in between raping all those girls.

In other news around the world Angela Merkel proclaimed that she was too old to take the RONA vaccine.

Yes, you read that correctly. . .too old.

Cuomo sends the China virus TO the old people in New York but apparently in Germany one can reach the viral load status of “too old”.

Merkel is a conniving, vicious, horrible person who willingly partners with Putin on many projects but the one thing we know for sure is she does not want to die, hence is refusing the China spark.

For all of you thinking about taking the needle don’t listen to the Liberals, watch what they do, and Adolph Angela is being very clear.

The “vaccine” is not your friend.

Finally, as we are still in the national Month of Bigotry (will it ever end) and reparations is again being pushed to the front, I thought it pertinent to go on the record and tell Oprah, Lebron, and every other “black” billionaire who continues to attack America, we want our “white man resistance” money back.

That’s right Obama.

We want every single dead president you’ve made returned to the American coffers as apparently making bank off the backs of white consumerism, white labor, white ingenuity and white freedom isn’t your cup of privilege.

I’m sure Liberia will accept you Oprah but leave the white man’s hair straightener, white man’s planes, and white man’s ships behind.

Time to see if Weight Watchers floats.

Xi Jinping is waiting for you Lebron.

You can try and dribble around Ethiopia and Nigeria where China is literally enslaving “your people”.

No, you cannot take any guns with you.

Guns are “bad” besides you don’t look anything like Samuel Colt.

Don’t you just love the smell of bigotry in the morning.

Jason Kraus



30 Days In

Barely a month in and the Biden-Harris bohunk trip through Wonderland has again been slowed as they bounced off the walls of the rabbit hole they’ve so wantonly plunged.

Bunker Biden might be better served if he permanently returned to the basement as his bigoted schtick seems to never end.

Shia supporter and cocaine snorter Barack Obama was the first to be found Biden worthy by being “clean and articulate”.

Apparently the Choom Gang leader enjoyed the bigoted banter, as he chose the man whose hairy legs entertained the “blacks” by the pool, in Joe’s more carefree days.

From that point on Robert Byrd Biden unleashed himself onto the world proclaiming that blacks all think the same, aren’t black if they don’t vote for him and too stupid to get photo identification.

As if that wasn’t enough, and apparently it isn’t as crack addict Hunter’s daddy reportedly carried the black vote, Biden decided to reach out and extend his bigotry by saying both blacks and browns don’t know how to use the internet.

So to summarize, the current resident in the Oval Office believes blacks all think the same, forfeit their skin color if they didn’t vote for him, are too stupid to get their picture taken or use the internet, and enjoy rubbing his shaggy shanks.

Liberals are truly pathetic and definitely sub-human.

The backup plan for the late-term Catholic is a woman infamous for riding Willie Brown’s political casting couch all the way to the ultimate glass ceiling, posting bail for criminals across America, and calling for reparations while ignoring her family’s history of slavery.

Thanks Obama!

While the groper-in-chief vacillated between wearing one mask or two, Dr. Seuss Fauci was found wandering cable news, pontificating on the wide variety of new strains roaming around New York City and Los Angeles.

Those new twists are actually called homeless and unemployed.

Never fear though struggling Americans, ol Joe is wanting to legalize 30 million criminal foreign nationals to ease your economic pain and if that doesn’t work will bring in someone from the Cuomo administration to help you navigate through the RONA.

Especially you elderly folks specifically living in assisted facilities.

Wink, wink.

Washington D. C. where men aren’t men, women aren’t women, and the beef will soon be synthetic.

Where a man who stole computer code from IBM and Apple now believes he is an expert on all things.

Where Seth Rich’s murder is still unsolved.

Isn’t that right Donna Brazile?

Jason Kraus



The National Month of Bigotry

Ahh February.

Back in the seventies the second month of a new year was a celebration of romance.

Valentine’s Day landed in the middle and the collection of cards and candy hearts carried the hopeless, and hopeful romantics, through the winter.

Yes, we were digging holes in the forest for bombs shelters and hiding under our desks (neither would have mattered and hold the same efficacy as today’s mask wearing), in preparation for nuclear war, but the possibility of love was in the air.

Fifty years later and February has become the National Month of Bigotry.

Time to do the exact opposite, of what Martin dreamed, and celebrate the skin color of “black people”.


Because they are black, unless they voted for Trump and lost their card, according to Maxine Waters.

Nevertheless let the National Month of Stupidity and Bigotry begin!

First I’d like to thank all the “blacks” as Joe Biden calls them for the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.

Uh Jason, that was white men.


Not according to Critical Race Theory but okay I’ll try again.

I want to thank all the “articulate, bright and clean” blacks as they were referred to again by Joe Biden for electricity, the automobile, the airplane, the telephone, radio, computer, the internet and hundreds if not thousands of inventions that have made living on Earth easier.

You are zero for two Jason. Those were all white men as well.

Moon landing?


The originator of Public schools?


The creation of baseball, basketball or football?

Not even close bud.

Okay, well then you tell me, where do the  “blacks” lead the nation.

It isn’t pretty Jason but “they” lead in truancy, abortions,  and per capita murder among other unpleasantries.

So the blacks, as Beijing Biden calls them, have created virtually nothing in society but are killing people faster than any other group in America?


Amazing on so many levels what it takes to be celebrated for an entire month.

It’s a good thing we don’t praise “them” for a full quarter.

If you are reading this now and getting uncomfortable GOOD FOR YOU.

This is what bigotry sounds like and we hear it every day from Biden, Obama, Abrams, Harris, Pelosi, Romney, Schumer, McConnell and every other walking dead liberal who is driving our country into crushing debt, a crashing dollar, and a dark winter.

The consistent soft bigotry of low expectation liberal story that blacks are less than, oppressed, and too stupid to survive and thrive.

It is one hundred percent false but we are now in the month that points to bigots like Lebron and Oprah as role models.

One supports communist China and can’t put a coherent sentence together while the other continues to prey upon poor souls trying to control their caloric intake while eating her hypocrisy one dozen brownies at a time.

In these United States AMERICANS don’t celebrate or care about skin color. We measure the man or the woman, yes the man or the woman, based on their individual choices.

Work hard, save your money, be beneficial to others and Americans like myself will always stand shoulder to shoulder with you.

Whine, bitch, moan and use your children as excuses, or as shields, as I personally witnessed some Black Lives Matter cowards do, and regardless of your color your time here will not be pleasant.

Recently a truck driver pulled up to my house to make a delivery.

He jumped out, introduced himself, and proceeded to do his job while he spoke and smiled.

In a short period of time we got to know each other.

When our fifteen minutes was complete he shook my hand, thanking me for telling him he didn’t need a mask, and said God Bless America and God Bless you my Brother.

It was a nice moment, one that doesn’t happen too much in California anymore as half the population hides in fear of the RONA.

I smiled, nodded, and said, “God Bless you my Brother. There’s more of us than there are of them.”

“Amen my Brother,” he answered looking me right in the eye.

There are colors that matter.

Ours did not. . .to either of us.

Jason Kraus




Dear Jason,

What do you think of Biden’s first week in office?



The Democrats have tied themselves to a liar (not that they care) who has no plan, less morals and zero constituents.

Donald Trump has a constituency.

Sadly Obama still has a following.

Even the Clintons have millions of stupid people who would willingly vote for either of them.

Hiden Biden?

He’s a puppet who barely knows where he is most of the time let alone what documents he is signing.

The “backup” plan to the Groper is Kamala Criminal Harris whose political Presidential following is nonexistent.

Neither of them have any understanding of economics, foreign policy or freedom, and their survival instincts are purely political.

That won’t be near enough.

When the New York Crimes tells a Liberal to slow their roll in the first week, things will only get worse for these two.

What about us Jason?

I remember when Obama was first elected.

An interview of three different people was done asking if there was any impact on their lives in the first moments of the Choom Gang leader.

One white guilt type-two diabetes liberal proclaimed her world to be overwhelmingly better.

Another pre BLM Farrakhan following parasite exclaimed that her dreams would now come true, phone and all.

Finally the third individual looked into the camera and said, “No, my life hadn’t changed. It’s not like Obama moved into my neighborhood.”


He still had the same neighbors whose dogs bark too much, the drunken idiots who play their music too loud, the dumb teenagers who thought they were sly while smoking pot in the backyard.

Same boss, same car issues, same financial pressure, etc.

Don’t get me wrong.

Pedophile Joe and his crack addict son are going to cause problems in America, our markets (already down three percent) and our way of life, BUT, for things to get better, and I hate to say this, they have to get much much worse.

He’s shutting down the pipeline, opening the border, killing jobs, frustrating our allies and benefiting our enemies.

These things seem pretty big to me Jason.

I didn’t say they weren’t but the “average” human living in America is walking around wearing a mask (that actually damages their immune system) and hasn’t a clue about what is really happening.

The Democratic Party is doing its best version of self-flagellation while the Republican politicians continue to run head long into a brick wall hoping no one will notice.

Trillions more in debt are coming, Janet Yellen is back, not that Jerome Powell has been any different, as they both lie straight to the People who are too busy tik tokking to care.

As the incomparable Adam Smith explained Life is an individual experience.

Living in America (currently) YOU have the choice to see your glass as half full or half empty.

Free or Fear.

Joy or Joe.

It’s your choice.

I strongly suggest you make the correct one and then get busy living.

It’s the only thing that will stop the politicians from killing us one at a time.

Ones and twos, threes and fours, tens and twenties.

As I’ve stated in the past, miraculous things will occur, to benefit Freedom.

Whether your life will be, is up to you.

Jason Kraus



The Road Less Traveled

It has taken less than twenty-four hours for Basement Biden to reward criminality, anger the Canadians, and break his own Executive Order.

Are we sure Hunter is the only crack addict in the family?

While the Big Guy was bending over for criminal foreign nationals and China, Antifa and BLM continued their assault on America by attacking Portland and Seattle, again.

According to Hiden Biden, Antifa is an idea, not actual people.

Interestingly enough this “idea” burned part of the Democratic headquarters in Portland while screaming F%ck Joe Biden.

This must be the liberal version of “inciting an erection.”

We now know why Fantasy Rape Bernie was wearing gloves.

Of course the first media reports of this blamed “right wing fascists” but then virtually disappeared when the Liberal goons stood to take credit.

The recently re-elected moronic mayor in Portland, who supported Antifa and hates law enforcement, is now begging those same cops to restore order.

Some around the country might be wondering what kind of idiots actually live in Portland and I can say from personal experience I know of one individual who not only supports Antifa but actively supports the Palestinian Authority, otherwise known as Hamas, but calls Trump a bigot.

She is as dumb as they come.

On one side we have the Liberals who’ve lied, cheated, and stolen their entire lives, now telling the country it’s time to get along while they put President Trump on trial, use our taxes to payoff illegals, and are still attacking cities around the country.

On the other side we have, well, I am going to borrow a line from a friend of mine to explain this simply.

“F%ck Biden and f%ck you for voting for him.”

Although I try to not use profanity I must admit those nine words state the situation perfectly.

So here we are watching a buffoon who just “ordered” everyone on Federal lands to wear a mask, stand in front of the Lincoln Memorial, while not wearing a mask.

Bernie and AOC are still clamoring about the end of the world in “ten years” and counting, while raking in millions from “donors” whatever that means these days, and the lying former Obama mouthpiece known as Jen Psaki stated that she is going to bring back truth and transparency.

Just one of these would be a drastic change for her.

The audacity of these parasites would be stunning but we’ve seen it for so long only the naive are still willing to be colored surprised.

On the flip side Q is being run through the wood chipper as four years of “trusting the plan” ended in excrement hitting the fan.

I was not a reader of Q but I know some wonderful Americans who were, so to them I will say, for the truth you can come here once a week, after that I guarantee nothing else of what may pass over the internet.

As they say believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear.

We may need to update that in the Biden Error. . .err. . .Era with a new understanding.

Believe none of what you see and laugh at anything coming out of their mouths.

Laughter, patience, and a long memory are imperative.

As I once explained to a distraught citizen, time is on our side, and as crazy as this sounds in our current situation, miraculous things are on the way.

It may be hard to see, and even more difficult to believe, so get off the internet, turn off ALL the fake news, all of it, and get busy living.

Ones and twos, threes and fours, tens and twenties.

Stop looking skyward to be rescued.

You’ve been given Free Will and live in the greatest country in the history of Man.

God has done enough.

The Big Fella Upstairs will provide the correct path when we, like our Founding Fathers, are willing to take the road less traveled.

Stop “trusting the plan” and trust yourselves.

Freedom First.

Freedom ONLY.

Jason Kraus



Amen and Awomen

A few days ago I was having a discussion with a friend.

My friend was irritated, frustrated and angry at the ridiculousness taking place in the country.

“Is this ever going to end?”

I nodded and said, “Absolutely, when the government can’t print anymore money reality will finally set in.”

“When will that happen?”

That’s the thirty-trillion dollar and counting question.

Coups, faux coups, BLM reeking havoc, bangers killing each other in Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore, Pravda-like media in America creating and repeating lies on a second to second basis is nothing compared to what will happen when the financial rug gets ripped out from under 300 million plus humans conditioned to controlled heat, controlled air, clean water and available food.

For them it will be stunning and it’s probably closer than many want to admit.

Another friend asked a more pointed question.

“What’s going to stop this?”

I nodded and said, “These people are bullies who’ve been successful in stealing an election. They won’t stop until they are permanently dealt with. Are you ready for that?”

The short version of their answer was no.

“Then it’s going to continue.”

As these kinds of conversations continue around kitchen tables all over America the media is now trying to spin the D. C. rally as a terrorist attack while ignoring years of Democrats calls to kill cops, riot in the streets and Antifa destruction.

Hilariously the Party who called for the Police to be defunded has ranted, at yes the Police, for a lack of defense at the Capitol.

Make up your minds Liberals or eventually your minds will be made up for you.

To proclaim the Capitol rally to be an attack on America is absurd.

It’s comparable to the joke that asks what five hundred lawyers at the bottom of the ocean is called.

A good start.

Politicians are three rungs below an attorney, a tiny fraction above rapists and child molesters.

Ever so tiny.

If the group, who filed in one by one between ropes, while sharing snacks and carrying babies, somehow gave all the politicians a big enough conniption that they all collapsed from cowardice, err, mask asphyxiation, we could finally get a benefit from the ruling of “Covid related deaths”.

Jokes aside the newly elected Congresswoman from Colorado, who carries, was feeling pretty good that day, while others hid in the corner and then patted each other on the back as if they’d all gone through a firefight together.

I’m sure combat pay and medals will soon be awarded.

They can inscribe them all with “In this together, alone.”

Amen, Awomen, and AOC.

The new stooges coming soon in Black Panther II, Rise and Demise of the A Holes.

Jason Kraus



Stop the Madness or Prepare For a Dark Winter

During a very busy week I took a brief moment to turn on the television and visit one of the business channels to check the price of gold and silver. As I waited for the ticker to rotate a talking head proclaimed that the reason the Republicans lost the Presidential Election was due to them not reaching out to the black community.

I have to admit it’s getting harder and harder to keep track of the “labels” but wasn’t it reported over and over that the “blacks” gave President Trump a greater amount of votes than any other candidate in Florida?

No Jason, those aren’t blacks, those are Cubans.

What about Detroit and Philly?

Those are blacks because they did what Joe Biden told them to do. Remember, unlike the Hispanics, they all think the same.

Okay, but it was also reported that the Hispanics in Florida voted for Trump as well?

No, no, no, Jason.

Those were also Cubans with a splash of Puerto Ricans and Costa Ricans.

So you can be black and Hispanic at the same time?

Don’t try to apply label logic Jason. Hypocrisy never makes sense.

Then why do you do it?

Because it works. Look Jason, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Biden was 100% correct. The blacks all think the same.

That isn’t true.

Please. Main stream media all reported that they voted for Biden didn’t they? Obama, Lebron and Jay Z all called Trump a racist and the blacks sent him packing. It’s the blacks that control this country.

How’s that?

White Guilt.

White people can’t seem to bend over fast enough for the “po black folk”. The Hood thinks y’all are a bunch of Kracker Klowns. Go to YouTube. They tell you all the time but do you listen? Nah. You just keep coming up with new “programs” that feed their kids, you wear the Black Lives Matter shirts, rebuild their towns, and send them checks. Trump funded the Black Colleges for future years! Do you think they are teaching love the honky? Where do you think that 1619 garbage is taught! It’s the definition of insanity but you stupid honkies keep doing it and then get excited when they give you twelve percent of the their vote. Twelve percent! You’d have to walk past dozens of black voters before statistically passing one who voted for Trump but according to you and media y’all are now diverse! Whatchoo talking bout Willis!

What about criminal reform, opportunity zones, and lowest unemployment ever in the black community?

Don’t care and doesn’t matter.

Why not?

Just doesn’t. Orangeman pandered to Kim and Kanye for almost four years, and they spit in his face. That’s the thing about you white folk. You keep trying to make sense of everything. Sometimes things just be what they be.

Okay, I guess I’ll stop asking about that but what about the Hispanics in Arizona and Los Angeles who voted for the President?

Those aren’t Hispanics. These are stupid, traitor to their race Latinos.

What do you call the ones that voted for Biden?

Those are called La Raza. Come on Jason! Where have you been? This has been going on since your “Conservative” hero Ronald Reagan legalized half of Tijuana back in 1986. They now own Southern California and control the entire State and arguably the Country with their politics and policies. They even have a Supreme Court Justice. She’s wildly unhealthy and may not last another decade but does it really matter? You idiots gave them Roberts AND crybaby Kavanaugh, let alone Gorsuch who thinks half of Oklahoma should go back to the “Tribes” and what’s with Chasing Amy? Is she ever going to “get caught up” and vote on something?

Alrighty then. Let’s recap so I have this correct.

Go ahead Falcon.

Ah, you’ve read my book.

I have. You have some wonderful policies, stories and ideas but let’s get real. The country survives on debt, has done so for a while, and is increasingly becoming neurotic and psychotic at the same time, which is quite a feat, but go ahead and recap, I don’t want to interrupt your flow.

Okay, African-Americans are black if they voted for Biden BUT they are Tom’s if they voted for Trump?


Hispanics and La Raza voted for Biden but Latinos, Cubans, and “Ricans” who voted for the President are traitors to their race.

True dat.

What about the Asians?

They went with the Dems because deep down they are comfortable with Communism as it as been fed to them for centuries.

If this is true why did some of them leave their original countries in the first place?

For the American Dream.

The American Dream? What exactly is the 2020 American Dream?

Free masks, free medical, free college, legal weed and even meth in Oregon, and the best of all credit, credit, credit, and then one big bankruptcy every seven years. Why work? Just get on a program, especially on the Liberal West Coast, and spend your days smoking, snorting, eating, borrowing and binge watching porn on Netflix and Disney.

Porn on Netflix and Disney?

Soft stuff right now but when you can now legally ride the Horse from Eugene to Portland it won’t be too much longer before Mickey is riding Goofy.

Cartoon porn?

Already exists. There’s sick folk in Hollywood but the Weinstein, Hanks, Streep crowd are some really twisted sisters.

Fair enough. Let me ask you one more thing. How do you see this movie ending?

Badly, in a puff of heroin laced smoke, more than likely sometime next year when the Federal Government sends out their twenty-seventh “stimulus” package of 2021, cryptocurrencies will explode even further than they are now, while the Markets get stroked.


You whiteys call it a collapse followed by the “greatest Depression ever.” So dramatic. On the South Side of Chicago it’s called every day life. You Krackers just don’t get it.

So why keep going down this road?

It ain’t our road Jack. It’s yours. We figure as long as you keep clearing and paving we’ll keep moseying along. Besides you don’t care about the hood and that’s why they voted for Hiden Biden. He’s dumb as a box of rocks but it sure pissed you whiteys off! Now they are sitting around their tables laughing at you Saltines as your President tries to claim fraud.

Fraud doesn’t exist?

Sure it does, but it’s been going on for decades, and you know it, and we know you ain’t gonna do one damn thing about it. You may think you da man but we just dumped YOUR man and put OUR Kracker in place.  Our lives ain’t changing one bit.

I’ll say this Jason, you got two choices.

Stop the madness or prepare for a dark winter.

Just like your new President said.

Jason Kraus

