CNN Anchor Says Trump is Right on Asylum System

by Daveda Gruber:

CNN anchor, Fareed Zakaria, admitted on Sunday that President Trump is right about the current asylum system and that the U.S. does have a crisis with the number of new arrivals at the southern border.

Yes, a CNN anchor actually agreed with Trump on the border problem. Don’t get me wrong, Zakaria was not praising the president, by any means, when he explained his views even though he mentioned that it “pains” him to say it.

Zakaria said, “Given President Trump’s mean-spirited and often bigoted attitudes on immigration, it pains me to say this, but he is right that the United States faces a crisis with its asylum system. Democrats might hope that the out of control situation at the southern border undermines Trump’s image among his base as a tough guy who can tackle immigration. But they should be careful. It could actually work to the president’s advantage.”

The CNN anchor is the host of “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” and was also critical of asylum rules that he called “vague, laxed and being gamed.”

Zakaria also said, “The Trump administration’s approach has been mostly to toughen up the criteria: hire more judges, push Mexico to keep applicants from entering the U.S. But a much larger fix is need. The criteria for asylum need to be rewritten and substantially tightened. The number of courts and officials dealing with asylum must be massively expanded. People should not be able to use asylum claims as a way to work in America. There needs to be a much greater cooperation with the home countries of the applicants rather than insults, threats, and aid freezes.”

Zakaria said asylum was initially intended for a small number of people in the most extreme circumstances and not as a process of immigration in itself. He said the rules need to be “substantially tightened.”

Zakaria tweeted this out:

He was quick to point out that “many” current asylum-seekers often have “suspiciously similar stories” and employ “identical phrases.”

Zakaria went on to say, “Democrats have spent most of their efforts on this topic, assailing the Trump administration for its heartlessness. Fine. But that does not address the roots of this genuine crisis. If things continue to spiral downward and America’s southern border seems out of control, Trump’s tough rhetoric and hard-line stance will become increasingly attractive to the public.”

You can see the video here:

The Trump administration’s policy that would keep thousands of asylum-seekers locked up while they pursue their cases was blocked on Tuesday, by a federal judge in Seattle.

The judge, U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman said that the Constitution demands that such migrants have a chance to be released from custody and are entitled to bond hearings.

Even Democrats have to be able to see that a crisis actually exists. Come on, a CNN anchor is admitting it. Trump was right and they were wrong.

Sign, Sign Everywhere a Sign

by Daveda Gruber:

Residents and visitors to Hollywood California got a rather interesting view. A billboard was in clear sight on Friday morning. A group of Conservative street artists had put up their work of art.

A billboard, which just happened to be across the street from CNN, was taken over by the artists known as “The Fraction.”

“The Fraction” mocked CNN with their latest project that also made fun of  its president Jeff Zucker for its coverage, or lack thereof, of the summit in Hanoi, Vietnam.

This week’s summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un was actually the big news of the week.

The billboard must have been a sight to behold. I’m sure that Republican views must have caused laughter and agreement with the wording. On the other hand, Democrats may have thought it wasn’t so funny.

The billboard referred to CNN as “Communist News Network.” It also had the phrase “Keep Korea divided” with an asterisk that read “because OrangeManBad.”

The sign also featured an image of Jeff Zucker. The title given to the CNN president was “CEO, CNNPC,” a reference to the “non-playable character” meme which has depicted liberals as robotic.

Okay, I think that’s funny but I really don’t think of CNN as real new, in fact, I’ve called them “Fake News” for a very long time now.

Hollywood Reporter tweeted this:

An anonymous member of “The Faction” told The Hollywood Reporter, “When Trump speaks glowingly of Kim Jong Un it’s a tactic. Zucker and his journo-activists know this, but are more than willing to try to torpedo the summit — the future of the long-suffering North and South Korean people be damned.”

After seven hours of being seen, the sign was taken down and replaced with an advertisement for a marijuana dispensary.

Did you see either one of them? I didn’t see them in person but lyrics came into my mind when I saw the sign. The lyrics to the song say it all:

“Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind
Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?”

The two leaders at the Hanoi summit couldn’t agree on the terms of an agreement. The Trump and Kim summit ended earlier than expected.

On Wednesday CNN gave practically no coverage to the summit. They instead kept the spotlight on the turbulent congressional testimony of former Trump attorney and “fixer” Michael Cohen.

While the congressional hearing was interesting, it didn’t compare to the Summit.

Ignorance will never be blissful

Last week a conversation took place of which I became privy.

One individual (let’s call her a cross between Margaret and Marilyn, Thatcher and Monroe) was patiently trying to explain to another individual (let’s call her a combo between Bernie Sanders and nataS) why, despite the ignorance of the media and politicians of both Parties, the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic and not a Democratic Republic .

“But Dan Rather said we are a Democratic Republic and I agree with him.”

Yes you read that right…Dan Rather.

The same Dan Rather who was fired from CBS due to reporting lies about the Bush Administration.

Stunning when you think about it…having to create lies to go after Bush when W supplied so much to prosecute on his own.

According to this “proud progressive”, Dan Rather is the end all be all, when it comes to what kind of country we have.

I guess Brian Williams was unavailable.

Probably busy ducking bullets with Hillary.

Insert disgust here.

Marilyn Thatcher, showing incredible patience, started to explain the difference between a Constitutional Republic and a Democracy.

As I have explained this ad nauseam (for those of you who use the term Latino but don’t speak Latin ad nauseam can be defined as having to explain things to you, over and over again, causing me to retch) over the years, I will keep this short just in case we have any liberals (attention span issues) looking to be educated.

Constitutional Republic:  Protects the Constitutional Rights of the Individual through the Rule of Law. (Freedom)

Democracy:  Majority over Minority or in other words gang mentality. (Oppression)



I digress.

This info was presented to the SS acolyte along with the fact that in referring to the United States as a Democratic Republic, she was ignoring a little thing we AMERICANS like to call:

The Constitution.

Our heroine did a little copy and paste and sent a note to the Progressive puppet.

United States Constitution Article 4, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a REPUBLICAN Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Furthermore it was pointed out to Beelzebub that there are Democratic Republics around the world.

The Democratic Republic of Congo.  (Also known as one of the poorest countries on the the planet.)

The Democratic Republic of Algeria.  (Yes ye of the crescent moon)

The Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. (No more need be said)

If you are reading this, and thinking these are all countries in Africa, you would be correct.

In other words the worst continent to live on in the world.

Some will point to Germany as a Democratic Republic and after some research it appears they call themselves quite a few things including a Democratic Republic.

Sounds about right for the motherland of Karl Marx and Adolph Hitler.

So on one side of the equation we have the teachings and thoughts of Plato, Adam Smith, John Locke, and others, evolving through time, arriving in America through generation after generation of humans, eventually able to construct the ideas of Free Will and Freedom, into a document written by many, including Alexander Hamilton and James Madison.

I can hear the liberals now.  What is this written document of which he speaks and what does Pluto have to do with it?

On the other side of the equation we have destitute countries in Africa, Islam and Marxism (systemic oppression) and Adolph Hitler (Nazism).

Is it any wonder, those of us with a soul, abhor “Progressive Liberals”.

When you or your ignorance decide to choose Karl Marx over James Madison you are an enemy of free people, an enemy of all people, and an enemy of the American People.

“People who are free are never equal.  People who are equal are never free.”

The breakdown of Progressivism (Communism) is in full bloom.

Crushing debt, lack of the rule of law and overt corruption has overtaken the greatest country in the history of man.

When Dan Rather becomes the “go to guy” the jig is up.

The game is over.

It’s simply time to send in the clowns.

The fat lady with the Chairman Mao attire is singing…and she is tone deaf.

It’s time for a brand new band.

A band of Constitutional Republicans known as…Americans.

Jason Kraus


CNN, Clinton, and the Klan

Whether we refer to it as the eyeball test or Malcolm Gladwell’s theory covered in his book Blink (our brain gives us all the info we need in most situations in the blink of an eye) the message is the same.

Listen to what your body tells you.

Too many in America aren’t doing this anymore.  Denial, rationalization, willful ignorance, or idolatry has taken us down a road that too many won’t understand how dangerous until it’s too late.

As I watched the CNN Democratic Presidential debate my brain gave me all I needed to know in the blink of an eye.

The Party of “Racial Diversity” had five white faces on the stage…sort of.

Four white and one orange, if we want to be accurate, as Martin O’Malley appeared to have borrowed John Boehner’s tanning lotion.

Then again maybe he was trying to channel his inner Elizabeth Warren.  Someone should have told him “orange face” is “racist” or Orange is only the new Black on NetFlix.

Just ask Syracuse or St. John’s University.

But let us give Martin the benefit of the doubt.  Maybe the reason he looked so orange was the rest of the panel appeared to resemble Casper the Friendly Ghost.

My brain then took in the next obvious factor.

The Party of “Gender Equality” had four men and a Clinton.

Yes Hillary is a woman but because of the damage done by her husband to more women than we will ever know, and her constant covering up of his crimes, my guess is O’Malley would be a better voice in support of female rights except he apologized for saying “all lives matter” so maybe he doesn’t care about our American sisters either.

These Democrats are hard to follow unless we institute the rule of hypocrisy and the comprehension that they will Say Anything (excellent movie) to be elected.  Once we have our hypocrite/liar model in place they are much easier to translate.

I digress.

The last eye catching moment was the audacity of the Democratic Party to claim they are the Party of the “Youth”.  I’m not going to bother doing the research.  No one on that stage could possibly be south of sixty and we all know Hillary struggles with “email”.

These politicians have crushed the “youth” with catastrophic federal debt, punitive Obamacare premiums or fines, and stunning student loan insanity.

But if all that wasn’t enough Colonel Sanders decided to wade in with his love of “Democratic Socialism” and Scandinavian countries.

Hmm…this is more about the ear test…and a few historical facts.

You see the Democratic Party in all its glory was the Party of…Slavery.

Specifically of the black human.

Yes slavery existed in the Americas long before the Democratic Party.

The indigenous “tribes” murdered, raped, pillaged, and sold each other long before any European “invasion”.

The English sold the Irish up and down the Americas reportedly as early as the 1600’s.

They also sold “Afrikans” as did the Mohammedans (Muslims).

Humans have done and continue to do horrible things to each other.

Unfortunately slavery still exists in Africa and Muslim countries as accepted practices…whether you want to believe or acknowledge that or not.

Fortunately a man named Lincoln made a Proclamation about Emancipation  and an imperfect people in an imperfect world gave their lives for many reasons…one of them being the freedom of humans who did not look like them.

This is the only time in recorded history I am aware of that one “color” of human fought the same “color” of human to free another “color”.

Even in her infancy America was leading the way.

Or at least part of America.

The Democratic Party did not support Freedom for All and it appears nothing has changed as that same belief system, that skin color dictates our place in the world, was seen on CNN.

One of Hillary Clinton’s idols was a woman named Margaret Sanger who believed in Eugenics or black and brown or even “yellow” humans (a racist phrase made famous by The Boss ‘going to kill the yellow man’) are inferior to white humans.

“Weekend at Bernie’s” himself lauds the systems of Scandinavian nations knowing they are well over ninety percent…wait for it…Caucasian.

Removing Jim Webb from the equation the only thing missing on that stage were the hoods.

In case you didn’t recognize it America, that was a 21st Century Klan meeting.

To all Americans who fall on the wrong side of the Eugenics absurdity and still support the Democratic Party:

You are being taken down a brutal path.

Just look at parts of Detroit, Chicago, Los Angeles, Baltimore, and New York City.

Time to blink twice, refocus and join your American Brothers and Sisters who believe in the “content of our character” not the “color of our skin”.

To all Americans who look like and still support Hillary, Bernie, and the rest of the hatred and bile coming from the Democratic Party:

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

But whether you are or are not is irrelevant.

I and millions of Americans like me are already standing shoulder to shoulder and are on our way to deal with you.

You won’t recognize us from our skin color because we all blend under the freedom of the red, white, and blue.

But we will recognize you as we do with all bullies and cowards from that yellow streak running down your back as you flee from the righteous rage coming your way.

It’s easy to run your mouths when you are the only one throwing punches.

We’ll see how you do when we stop holding the line and start moving forward.

I’m pretty sure that won’t be a tingle running down your leg.

Jason Kraus
