Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

In a shock to no one paying attention Gavin Newsom was able to survive his California recall.

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

Gomers throughout the Golden State gathered or printed as many ballots as needed and deposited them at one of who knows how many drop boxes located all over the State, at least those not caught and arrested with a car full.

Yes, that actually happened multiple times. . .of which we know.

The Dems were afraid to use the Postal Workers in California as Biden’s threat to vaccinate them all turned them from a “reliable” delivery service of ballots, wink wink, into a free for all where even Lib ballots end up in the trash.

Hopeful and very disappointed Republicans returned to their California roots and started to blame everyone including Larry Elder for the outcome, ignoring the fact that this “election” was as valid as any of Vladimir Putin’s.

With those facts stated there still had to be millions of voters who willingly said, “No” to recalling the man who gave China one billion dollars for masks that reportedly never arrived.

The man who mandated those masks be worn by everyone except himself and his friends.

The man who allowed a Chinese foreign national to oversee the largest pension system in the United States and then helped that man escape back to China.

The man who gave alcoholics alcohol and drug addicts drugs.

The man who tried to buy off Harvey Weinstein’s accusers.

Sadly, I could go on and on and on yet somehow the “voters” in all their wisdom decided that horrible roads, crumbling dams, man made water shortage, constant fires and rolling blackouts are all something they want to continue.

Let’s also remember that Gavin is requiring their children to wear masks and will soon attempt to force vaccinate anyone under the age of 18 while trying to fire everyone else who says no.

Well done Libs.

Well done.

While the vaccines roam through the country spreading the RONA, report after report continues to add to the boatload of info telling anyone with a pulse, to run far and wide away from the jab, for the “deadly virus” that kills no one.

As stated many times viruses don’t kill or have the ability to kill.

It’s the choices of people to consume alcohol, drugs, high fructose corn syrup and chemicals called “oils” that cause death.

Heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, etc., don’t kill people either.

These are the effects of the cause that has rotted the bodies and brains of too many in California, who regardless of facts, continue to guarantee their own demise.

A recent article stated, “Moderna Analysis: Those vaccinated last year twice more likely to get Covid-19 than those jabbed recently.”

Due to Liberals lack of understanding factual information allow me to explain.

Everyone who received the vax last year has had the time to let the free radicals gather steam inside their bodies and beat down their natural immunities thereby not only making them more susceptible to getting the RONA but also to become super spreaders as the “leaky” jab exits their bodies through shedding.

Progressives: The gift that keeps on spreading.

What we need now is a permanent vaccine to eradicate those who continue to spread oppression.

There has to be something found somewhere in some written document that allows for the removal of a government who no longer serves the people.

Bueller ?




Oh wait, there is, but just like rules and laws, Constitutional Rights don’t matter if they are not enforced.

The practice of Free Will is required for Freedom to survive.

Jason Kraus

And Now You Know the Rest of the Story

Last week’s column discussed the inanity and insanity of allowing the government and its entourage known as the media, universities, and many in the medical field, to dictate to Americans.

As previously stated virtually everything about health and nutrition that we have been told has either been wrong or a complete lie.

Now through the Deserter Biden the powers-that-be have decided to further their extreme measures and try to force Americans to receive the jab while also continuing to bury us in debt with another six trillion.

The RONA is so dangerous Newsom liberals are constantly caught not wearing masks, the border is wide open and Afghanis are reportedly given Ivermectin upon arrival but Americans need to line up and get as many shots as the “experts” say are needed.


Over the years I’ve written about the Constitution, Socratic Theory, Freedom and Oppression.

I’ve chronicled the disease known as Liberalism.

There can be no doubt, no more questions and absolutely no more excuses.

The sliding slope into Tyranny has arrived.

Many times I’ve been asked when?

When will we stand and fight?

When will we remove those who continue to abuse others?

I’ve always answered this with preparation and patience.

First, you must be able to FIGHT when you stand.

Second, you must be able to remove them when we engage.

There will be no protests, no signs, no kids or snacks.

American hands must be filled with the 2nd Amendment in the many shapes and sizes it affords.

There will be no negotiation, no prisoners, and no prosecution after.

The reason AMERICANS haven’t engaged to this degree is simple.

We will do what needs to be done but we will not be juried and judged after it is accomplished.

I have referred to this as waiting for critical mass to arrive.

Prepare your bodies and minds.

There can be no doubt the traitors in today’s government are not looking to the next election.

Biden’s polling numbers are in free fall yet he continues to make deadlier decisions every day.

In the past murdered Marines in Afghanistan would have slowed the Liberals a bit.

Not anymore.

They don’t care about the military, the voters or you.

The United States government is so far off the rails the crash that is coming won’t be catastrophic.

It will be complete.

The complete annihilation of the greatest country in the history of Man.

There can be no argument that Russia, China, Iran and ISIS are dramatically stronger than they were nine months ago yet even these groups cannot and will not be the demise of America.

The demise is currently happening in front of our very eyes.

Our problem is few want to admit what is actually happening and even less want to do what needs to be done.

Do not take the vaccine.

Those who do are only helping the free radicals inside their bodies and the radicals running free inside the country.

Elections aren’t going to fix this.

Trump isn’t going to fix this.

This is up to us.

“And now you know the rest of the story.”

Jason Kraus

Liberals: Too Afraid to Live, Too Afraid to Die

For those who enjoy college football Fox Sports broadcast a game last Thursday night from Minnesota as the Golden Gophers faced off with Ohio State.

Putting the game aside I had to laugh as I watched both teams, coaches, bands, cheerleaders, officials and announcers go about their business with nary a mask in sight.

This was nothing compared to the tens of thousands of fans in the stands watching, dancing and cheering like it was 1999 or 2019 when the economy was booming, ISIS was dead, and gas was affordable for all.

Again, no masks anywhere.

When all of these groups were combined with the television crews, security and vendors it’s easy to say at least fifty thousand people were definitely NOT social distancing or covering their faces yet somehow children across America cannot go to school without masks, shots and lawsuits.

I’ve said it many times and I’ll say it again the RONA is a complete and utter lie.

Viruses and apparently Chinese biological contagions do exist.

They always will.

Your life and its survival is predicated upon your ability to keep your immune system strong.

Regarding nutrition over the last thirty years, virtually everything we have been told as a society has been horribly incorrect and now tens of millions have been coerced, shamed and pressured into making things dramatically worse.

Of course those who don’t want to see reality never will but one must ask why Israelis are no longer allowed to travel to parts of the EU?

Israel is one of the most vaccinated nation’s in the world but for some reason they cannot stop the RONA and its “variants” from spreading.

Although the “media” isn’t reporting any of this the “hot spots” around America are overwhelmingly filled with vaccinated souls, many double jabbed, just like the Israelis.

An entire nursing home was shut down due to a Covid outbreak and according to reports everyone including the staff was vaxxed.

Most of them are still alive, currently, and are lucky they didn’t fall under the purview of Killer Andrew Cuomo yet daily reports of “healthy” men and women around the world continue to come in as heart attacks, strokes and clots are soaring while the “flu” has miraculously disappeared.

Doctors who tell the truth have been banned or removed from social media while Anthony Fauci is broadcast all over the country with his new statement of “third doses offer dramatic Covid protection”.

One can only imagine how powerful the fourth, fifth and sixth doses will be as the Mu or Moooo emerges.

This new strain should be referred to as Baaaa as the sheep clamor and defecate on each other in search of another vax fix.

Enough is enough.

Life is an individual experience.

Waiting for others to awaken is a lost cause and frankly I’d prefer all Liberals, Progressives and RINOS to line up, get jabbed as many times as possible and especially continue to wear a mask.

This way as they collapse in the streets their stupidity can instantly be recognized as their permanent quarantine sets in.

Liberals, too afraid to live.

Too afraid to die.

Jason Kraus

The Patriots Have Given Enough

While the United States Federal government continues to line up its citizens for multiple Covid injections thousands of criminal foreign nationals roamed through our open border.

Amazingly the RONA isn’t stopping them.

It also doesn’t appear to have any effect in Africa or Afghanistan for that matter.

It seems the Taliban have “natural immunity”.

As the Taliban continued to do what they do ISIS reportedly arrived to wreak havoc and murder humans.

The RONA hasn’t stopped ISIS either.

That was Donald J. Trump.

Joe Biden’s statement was clear in the death of Americans in Afghanistan.

“We will hunt you down and make you pay.”

Finally Biden and I agree on something.

Now, let’s be very clear on who needs to pay.

First, William Jefferson Clinton for allowing Osama bin Laden to breathe when all Bill had to do was give the word.

Second, George W. Bush for taking that part of the world and making it dramatically worse.

Third, Barack Hussein Obama who fed the terrorists for years through agreement, appeasement, and billions of dollars.

Of course Biden is responsible and should be charged, at a minimum, with both high crimes and misdemeanors but the blame for what is happening currently lies squarely in the hands of Liberal, Independent and RINO voters.

Their decisions to support and continue to support any Democrat must be seen for what it is.

Hatred of all things American specifically our military.

One can no longer hide from their decisions.

“Chickens coming home to roost,” they ranted after 9/11.

“Pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon,” as they shot cops in the head.

“America is racist,” as criminal foreign nationals who’ve committed rape and murder were protected and hidden by judges or outright released to murder and rape again.

Over a dozen American soldiers were murdered this week.

Their blood is on the hands of every Biden voter.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

The patriots have given enough.

It’s time for Progressive blood to be spilled.

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.”

Let’s ride.

Jason Kraus

Fauci is Evil

While Joe Biden, Barack Obama and their felonious crew continue to again try and light the Middle East (really Asia) on fire, Liberals push forward their “agenda” of stupidity which has now been with us at least since the Sixties.

Obama freed Taliban leaders, American made helicopters and weapons left behind, and humans falling from planes.

Shouldn’t be too much longer before ISIS returns.

When Biden’s Secretary of Defense was asked a simple question he stared into the lights, like a guilty Bill Cosby, and then looked in a circle for SOMEONE to rescue him.

If you listen carefully you can hear him say Bueller, Bueller, anyone, anyone.

It appears these traitorous morons have learned nothing from their head mouthpiece.

Hey Lloyd Austin your response should have been “Let’s circle back.”

Even Jen I’m on vacation Psaki knows this but of course she “misremembers” or lies for a living.

Speaking of lies, decade upon decade, our society has been told a plethora of things that were never true.

Cigarettes are cool and “good” for you.

Smoke em if you got em.

Margarine is the new butter and will help you stay thin.

If they meant the rotting of your stomach lining until one is unable to eat then yes a thin corpse will ye be.

Diet soda is health food, marijuana is medicinal or just a plant, and Trix are for kids.

According to the experts so are Ritalin and Adderall.

Obesity has skyrocketed, heart attacks and strokes are the norm, seems as though almost everyone is on some type of mood stabilizer, and heart disease and cancer are the biggest causes of death in America.

The flu shot, which has made billions for pharmaceutical companies, who’ve bribed who knows how many politicians, has been replaced as one of the biggest scams in human history.

Move over rover here comes the RONA.

Imagine the allowance of a foreign substance (flu shot) to be injected into your body based on a THEORY that hopefully thirty percent of the “viruses” available will become negligent to your system.

The other seventy percent?

Well, you’ll just have to deal with it.

This has been the “softening” of the American mind, body and soul.

Too many have been convinced of a bogey man that can only be handled by a pill or an injection and this is known by the powers that be.

The RONA is a complete and utter lie. . .as a virus.

As a human created biological contagion, well, that’s another story.

Did China create this situation?


Is Fauci somehow involved?

Looks like it.

Are some of the least healthy humans on the planet telling you to take the “vaccine”?


The question is why?

We know wearing masks for a period of time is harmful to our health.

The blocking of oxygen, constant inhalation of carbon dioxide and microfibers from the masks, will cause incredible stress on a human’s body and has done so.

Putting a mask on a child is abuse and the children inherently know this and fight, claw and cry to get them off as the adults in their life tell them to shut up, put it on and drink this juice box filled with high fructose corn-syrup.

To combat this our “leaders” created a “vaccine” and promised as long as everyone took it the masks would come off.

Millions around America have taken the jab to find out that was all a lie.

Put your mask back on and get ready for a booster shot as even the corrupt CDC, who still won’t say these drugs are safe, is now stating that the vaccines may only be good for a few months, so line up all you good little Germans and get ready to be jabbed three to four times a year WHILE STILL WEARING YOUR MASK.

Reports are circulating that the RONA and its “variants” are spreading like wild fire across America.

At first the media blamed the unvaccinated for the breakout.

“You are all selfish” for not lining up and doing what the government says.

They would have called all of us “racist” but reportedly three quarters of the “black” population won’t take the jab either so the race card, at least on this issue, is currently defunct, although I have faith they will work it in eventually.

Kareem is ready to go at a moments notice.

I watched what appeared to be a junkie prostitute on television say, “Dey aint no way I’s taken dat chit.”

If a crack whore says no to any jab, it is time to call a cab.

Yet after all the peer pressure, shaming, threats and even firings we now have learned that the overwhelming majority of people getting “sick from the RONA” have been vaccinated.

Of course they are and each and every one of them can be now described as a super spreader due to the biological contagion (poison) being injected into them and then the process of “shedding” which is very real regardless of what the “experts” continue to spew.

Doctor after doctor who has called out the lies online or on television has been censured, blocked, banned and ridiculed.

What the powers that be cannot do is stop the one on one conversations happening around the country in physicians offices.

I’ve had many stories shared with me but I believe this one is perfect for this column.

An individual in their sixties, in excellent shape, was initially told to get the vaccine by their doctor.

They did and didn’t feel well for about a week.

Months later in the physician’s office for a checkup, the doctor almost ranted and told this person to never get the shot again and NEVER take any of these boosters.

The patient was told, “Fauci is evil”.

That is a direct quote.

Finally I have the chance to say something I’ve waited to for a while.

The doctor is not wrong.

Of course the thousands who have died from the “vaccine” didn’t need to be told.

They received a one way trip courtesy of our Federal Government who continues to circle like a bunch of jackals in search of their next victim(s).

The Liberals are squawking “Say it ain’t so Joe,” while Joe just smiles.

It is so. . .and so it goes.

Jason Kraus

White People in Vermont

During my youth one of my favorite newspapers to read was the USA Today.

I enjoyed their breakdown of disparate sections of the world as well as the color coding that differed from any other print media.

Sadly they’ve lost their way.

One of their more recent columns was titled,”White extremism is winning in my Vermont town. I’m selling my animal sanctuary and moving.”

Bigoted propaganda like this used to irritate me but in today’s world it actually makes me laugh as its whiny pathetic author goes about creating “his truth” also known as fiction.

His second paragraph, listed below, is a microcosm of the safe space inherited money liberal mindset that should require all Progressives to wear Pampers as we are all tired of cleaning up their feces.

“It’s everywhere. It’s even in Vermont, where I live, which some people mistakenly consider a progressive haven. It’s bullied countless people of color in Vermont– who had to flee their communities because it became increasingly hostile and unsafe for them – and now it’s pushing me out, too. I’m selling my farm this summer, in fact, because the assault-weaponed bullies are winning on my road, and I refuse to stoop to their level and weaponize myself to fight back.”

I’m sure Black Lives Matter, Antifa and looting had nothing to do with Americans in Vermont pushing back.

It was just random privileged white dudes running around terrorizing the “colors” because that happens everyday across America.

Uh huh.

The stupidity of this “author” is beyond rational understanding. Suffice it to say I’m sure this lib has been vaccinated at least five times which hopefully caused sterility as the last thing this country needs is more beta males breeding.

First let’s deal with his “It’s everywhere” statement.

Yes, triggered lib “white” people make up almost seventy percent of America.

You can run but you can’t hide sweetheart.

We see you.

“It’s even in Vermont, where I live!”

One can literally see the urine running down his leg.

White people in Vermont?


You don’t say?

Putting aside the skin color bigotry let’s take a look at what is actually in Vermont.

Bernie Sanders, the Progressive (Communist) who believes women fantasize about being raped by three men simultaneously while having intercourse is in Vermont along with all the disgusting perverts who continue to vote for him AND anti-semitism known as Ben&Jerry who have made millions selling Type-Two Diabetes, heart attacks and strokes while begging for “universal healthcare” and hating Jews.

Of course our asinine author also lives in Vermont and as with all libs struggles with language, facts and truth.

There is no such thing as an assault weapon, nor can one make it past tense by adding “ed” but due to the libs lack of education let us again explain.

A “weapon” or a “gun” is an inanimate object.

An assault is what Progressive Andrew Cuomo or Bill Clinton or Joe Biden or Jeffrey Epstein committed dozens of times, not to mention battery and rape.

Assault and weapon isn’t like peanut butter and chocolate.

They don’t go together nor did Jeffrey Epstein kill himself although if Andrew or Bill or Joe were found “suicided” I for one would not be disappointed.

Referring back to the story our USA Today author finally explains his problem.

It isn’t the faux “mean to black people” culture appropriation or the ridiculousness of referring to the NAACP as a legitimate organization.

The anti-American putz’s problem is living out in the mountains and having to deal with noise from people who like to shoot their handguns and rifles.

Yes, the teeny weenie believes everyone should conform to his every desire and if people don’t they are “white extremists” or let us be honest we all know the word Nazi gets thrown around by these jokers who are trying to force masks, color coded bracelets and injections into anyone and everyone they choose.

Finally, at the end of his verbal vomitorium his fear of the bad white man was so great we are lead to believe he is already on his way “north” probably to Canada to join the Tories and all the Vietnam draft dodgers but alas we are let down as apparently the “death threats” and gas lighting are not enough.

The last statement by this piece of cr#p is this:

“I’m on a short leash with this state and give it a few more years to restrain its armed white extremists or I’m gone.”

Liberals are like a drunk at a party or Andrew Cuomo.

They whine, bitch and moan but they never leave.

Jason Kraus

Useless Eaters

For many years I’ve taken “pen to paper” to provide rational thought that always requires facts in service to Freedom.

I’ve shared many times about the idea of Conspiracy Theories in that there is actually no such thing.

Humans indeed do conspire, it is literally happening in front of us everyday, and theories do exist in that they are not fact.

Some, such as String, are incredibly interesting, at least to me, and provide a window into the vast untapped potential of the human mind while others such as Critical Race begin to validate last year’s run on toilet paper.

Due to my consistent statement of facts many in America and around the world, especially before censorship, shadow banning, etc., shared my thoughts weekly with those they care about and in some cases those they wanted to slap around a bit.

The reason for this pretext is simple.

Today I will “theorize” on what is happening and incorporate quite a bit of “information” that has crossed my path in the course of human events.

My only goal in my writings is to push Freedom forward and as such I felt it necessary to tackle multiple subjects, that have most, so thoroughly confused they are no longer focusing on the reality of ever creeping tyranny.

As I’ve stated many times there are only two forms of Culture in human behavior.

Freedom and Oppression.

The further from one requires you be closer to the other.

Today’s human condition is rollercoastering itself off the tracks and into the patiently waiting arms of oppressive forces.

This isn’t a satanic, socialist, globalist, fill in the blanks with whatever word floats your boat statement.

It is a fact, easy to see, if one is willing to open their eyes, and happening, eyes open or not.

As stated many times in the past, most humans have now abdicated their freedom for perceived security and as Benjamin Franklin stated, will soon lose both.

This is again easy to see as for example most of America is calorically unhealthy, morally lost with no hope in sight as they continue to look to other humans for temporary solutions to their very fixable problems.

A poor diet can be addressed for most in less than sixty days with incredible results.

The removal of “medications” also known as drugs, alcohol, prescriptions, can quickly be stopped IF the person is willing to heal and deal with their underlying issues.

Sadly this isn’t happening and the Great Experiment has now been whittled to “I have a right to eat, drink, and sit on my couch if I want to” while the Hippocratic Oath has switched from First Do No Harm to Take This Pill and I’ll See You Next Month.

These people aren’t dying.

They’re dead and are taking the greatest country in the history of Man with them.

As stated earlier I am going to “theorize” today.

So far nothing I’ve stated is theory.

It is all pathetically true.

The reason I’ve primed the pump this way is to explain that the above behavior has now allowed for seriously bad actors to grasp immense control.


Decades ago I read a book titled the Celestine Prophecy.

Although a bit science fictiony when finished my thought was the author combined quite a few concepts that could be construed in many ways, however the tone, at least to me then, was a positive one in service to humanity.

The idea was that eventually humans would realize that procreating like rabbits was a waste of the planet’s resources and a detriment to their own lives and would willingly stop having so many offspring.

Of course religions, governments, Bernie Sanders acolytes and Jim Jones wannabes all hate this idea, as for their greed to succeed, subjects are required.

A surrogate word for subjects is servants.

Another is slaves.

Today’s world doesn’t need to search for its slaves.

They line up daily to be watered, fed and “protected” otherwise known as vaccinated.

Now the concept of vaccination is tricky for the commoner to understand and although information is available at our fingertips most would rather watch porn or porn lite labeled as tik tok.

Scantily clothed women who gyrate and twerk while men flex and gesticulate wildly doing their best Chippendale’s performance in search of validation are both much more of “interest” than understanding the difference between a vaccination and what is now being injected into our bodies.

There’s quite a bit of actual science behind this but very few will hang with me long enough to really grasp the concept so I will condense.

The vaccines received in our childhood have all had a bit of the “virus” in the injection.

Our bodies take the foreign substance and then render it inoperable in its danger to you.

The new vaccines also known as an mRNA do not do this.

They are man made creations that humans are willingly taking for a “virus” that most will never get and if do very few will die.

No one is guaranteed protection by it, and as has been reported, many who have received their vaccine now have the RONA not to mention the thousands who have died from the injection.

So, if it isn’t stopping something that most will never contract, and again if do, only those with multiple “co-morbidities” might have complications, what exactly is in this concoction?

Finally we have arrived at the “theory” part of this week’s column and this entire diatribe that has been building was piqued by a message sent from a friend.

The message was short and stated “Please forgive me for sharing this, BUT I had to.”

Now, I receive a LOT of mail from a LOT of people and I unfortunately don’t have the time to read it all BUT I considered the source and then the statement of an apology out of the gate and scrolled down.

I will leave a link at the bottom from the article that was sent for all to peruse at your own convenience but the premise was one of world depopulation.

Something I’ve read about, discussed, pontificated and have given significant thought to as I have no doubt the greater the growth of the masses the closer wars are to happening.

It is consistent and historic.

This theory is a little bit different and many will have to remove their own biases, fears, and in some cases desires to focus on the one thing I am trying to point out.

I cannot validate this anywhere but the theory is that this particular mRNA is carrying in some way Graphene Oxide and that this substance, by design, will eventually kill all who have it their bodies.

Now I didn’t need anything to tell me I was never getting this “vaccine” as the government in general is corrupt and frankly stupid but to read something of this nature with all the other information floating around seemed to be a good topic for me to share and “theorize”.

The quotes from the “Dr.” in the article are stunning and my first thought was this has to be satire.

I did my best to vet this article and could not find anything that would argue against his statements but I also couldn’t verify the quoted “Dr.” as real either.

This is why I refer to this as a theory.

With that said those of you who’ve been with me for a while know I don’t discuss things I cannot prove but as each day goes by the behavior of those at the top and the willingness to conform from those at the bottom has lead to me this topic and this position.

All things are now possible and in many cases probable.

There can be no doubt SOMETHING is taking place as this supposedly deadly “virus” doesn’t kill the homeless, or stop the United States from being overrun at the border while our military is this close to being given an “order” that they must be sparked.

The population is growing, politicians are on airplanes mask less and the only thing increasing is murder in Liberal run cities.

The aforementioned “Doctor” has been attributed with the statement, “95% of the world’s population are “Useless Eaters” who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible. “Look at downtown Chicago, Baltimore, or Los Angeles,” he has stated, “and you will clearly see why the Useless Eaters must be put down like rabid dogs.”

Now, as stated earlier I cannot verify that this Dr. is actually a Doctor or even exists BUT this is the quandary of our world today.

All things, crazy as they seem, are now possible because the humans in charge continue to lie on a minute to minute basis.

America is now feeling the pressure to put the “mask” back on while threatening those who will not take the jab.

At the same time Joe Biden is babbling about a “shooting war” breaking out.

Be very careful Joe.

It’s closer than you think.

Jason Kraus

How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?

News? Not Really

I rarely watch the news anymore, local or otherwise.

The local news is filled, and has been for years, with robbery, rape and murder, interspersed with commercials related to diabetes, erections or lack thereof, weight loss and “vaccinations”.

My guess is most people don’t bother anymore, and according to reports, millions of Americans no longer tune in to cable news either.

This phenomenon has tentacled into sports as well where athletics and the watching of such events has also dramatically fallen.

Some would point to other options such as Netflix but Netflix and the like are also down on views.

Phones are everywhere and available with this content but humans are starting to say not interested.

Pray tell what could have brought this on?

Could it be the overt bigotry we see everyday on every viewing asset?

Could it be the constant anti-American hatred spewing 24/7?

Could it be the overwhelming lies coupling with the ignorance of facts and truth?

Yes, yes and yes.

One simple example that happened recently can be used to provide an explanation.

A group of “Moors” decided to get together and drive through Massachusetts. The group was dressed reportedly in heavy camo with body cameras, helmets, and rifles slung, begging for attention while pumping gas.

A State Trooper initiated an investigation whereby the trooper was told the Moors didn’t “recognize” American laws and then fled into the woods.

Hours later they were all locked up getting their pictures taken by the “law” they didn’t recognize.

I have no doubt most of them, if not all, are very familiar with probation and/or parole, taking the 5th, and a public defender.

A stand off in the middle of Massachusetts that had the locals locked down should have brought nationwide attention and would still be getting CNN and MSNBS primetime play IF those sitting in the cells carrying “assault weapons” were white but the media looked the other way because the “Moors” are black.

The Moors were lucky the white privileged trooper happened by.

Between the amount of dope, and the amount of dopes in their vehicles, the odds of one or more being “gangstad” in the woods was pretty good.

This also would have been ignored by the media just like they do everyday in Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, etc. and blamed on the white man because, well, 1619 homeboy, 1619.

I digress.

The media has continued to push the narrative that blacks hate America and there’s just enough Lebron’s out there on Twitter to lend credibility to this “theory” as for those who seek hate, hate is easy to find.

Americans of all colors have had enough and as stated earlier have turned off the noise in their lives.

The media is beginning to realize this and is trying to switch gears with the Olympics and “rally round the flag” while they and their traitorous athletic counterparts continue to spit all over America.

Because of this We the People’s response has been a bit different than in the past.

When the female soccer team (all but three) took another knee, and was subsequently trounced in their first game, Americans who love our flag CHEERED.

When the men’s basketball team struggled in their Olympic warmups those who would die for our country ROARED.

The media?

Somehow tried to blame the entire debacle on the mask less and unvaccinated.

Sadly the liberals and their oppressive sites have created such an Alice in Wonderland situation the few who are still watching cannot figure out why Rachel Maddow dyed her hair purple and is now playing on the anti-American Women’s Soccer Team.

Jokes aside, as the liberals are no laughing matter, I recently heard a song that played on the radio by a country singer named Creed Fisher.

I’ll just leave some of the lyrics right here.

“You don’t like our traditions
You say we done you wrong
Why don’t you pack up your bags
And take your ass back home
This is my home, but son I’m mad as hell
And son I think whopin’ your ass is worth a few nights in jail”

It’s not neck stretching but it’s a start.

Jason Kraus

As California Goes So Goes the Nation

The saying used to be “As California goes so goes the Nation”.

Before Ronald Reagan’s 1986 Amnesty disaster the Land of Milk and Honey was indeed the leading State in the greatest country to ever exist.

My how things have changed.

It should come as no surprise that the rewarding of any behavior will equal more of said behavior and the largest economy in the country has been overtaken by government/public union greed and corruption.

The simple definition of a Communist State is a “government” owned/run economy, rather than Capitalism, otherwise known as the trade of goods or services for a profit.

The largest “employer” in the State of California is. . .the State of California.

Between the communist behavior at the top, the lawlessness bigotry of La Raza deeply embedded in every level and Motor Voter, the opportunity for an honest election is negligible at best yet enough of the citizenry are angry and organizing and have put together the second recall election of a Governor in State history.

Gavin Newsom is an alcoholic drug addict who cheated on his wife with his best friend’s spouse.

Sadder news is the realization that the voters in Cali knew all of this and still elected him.

Through power outages, drought “threats,” climate change nonsense, crumbling infrastructure and rising homelessness Newsom has staggered his way through the last year of the RONA by continuing to live in a state of hypocrisy.

What’s good for you doesn’t matter to him and what’s good for him isn’t any of your business.

Even as hundreds of thousands continue to flee, validated by California’s lost representation in the House, Liberals are still convinced that California is “growing”.

These are the people who will vote to keep Newsom.

They also support BLM, Hamas, and Castro’s killers.

Through this lens the “polls” still say he is supported by more than not, but even if he wasn’t, the Republican Party in California does more harm to itself than good.

In the last election the head of the R party called Newsom a “friend” and a “good man”.

It’s doubtful Newsom has any friends.

There is no doubt he is not a good man but that’s how the RINOS do it out here.

A recall election is a little bit different from the norm.

Voters have the opportunity to retain or remove the current politician in charge and select someone new.

If Newsom is recalled a new choice will be selected. This choice does not have to capture a majority.

The lead vote getter wins.

With this knowledge, and the pressure Newsom is putting on other Democrats to not put their name on the ballot, even though he was too incompetent to get the designated D or Democrat by his name, the Republican Party has its best opportunity in a while to put together a coalition around one challenger and pull a rabbit out of the hat.

Instead a new Repub seems to join the “making an announcement” crew everyday proving once again to be nothing but fodder for the illogical and immoral Democrats.

Cox, Faulconer, Elder, Jenner, et alia continue to pose and preen as politicians while showing no humility, foresight, or even gumption in reaching out to one another and building an electoral juggernaut as many Independents and even Dems are willing to show Newsom the door IF the Republicans can organize enough to provide one name.

Sadly it appears the RINOS will do what they always do and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

I’ve even started to wonder if any of them would be any different from the Chinese Communist Party supporting Newsom.

None have stated they would recall the appointed United States Senator, which would be under their purview.

Not a one has said they would remove the appointed California Attorney General, also under their purview.

What do we hear instead?

Random noise coming from sporadic places showing zero unity by a group who just took off their masks.

A carpet bagger from Illinois, a “socially liberal” mayor, a talk show host and a man who thinks being a woman means putting on a wig, skirt, makeup, and heels.

As California goes so goes the nation.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Jason Kraus

America in Ten Years

Recently I was asked what I thought America would look like in ten years.

The inquiry caught me by surprise as most aren’t thinking beyond their next Bill Gates McDonald’s French fries or fourteen hundred calorie Starbucks “coffee” brought to them by the gun/cop hating Howard Schultz.

With that said it is a fascinating question with many possibilities.

As long as we continue to foster fierce competition, and financially reward hard work, entrepreneurs and technological breakthroughs, also known as Capitalism, these United States will continue to lead the world in the most important category.


Yes our schools are becoming obsolete due to the parasitic teacher unions, a lack of factual information being taught and the loss of talent who no longer chooses to be part of a de facto communist propagandized system, but in reality the way we are teaching our children is dying on the vine due to advancements in the internet that allows children all over the country, nay, all over the world, to learn without leaving their homes.

Coupled with crushing debt, which is everywhere, the shift to online learning was fast forwarded by the RONA and has now created an avenue that inner city schools (survival) and eventually most “public” learning facilities, at all levels, will be forced to embrace as the biggest debt bomb known to Man finally goes off.

America will fare better than the rest of the world but being the furthest house on the street from the dump will have the same results.

It’ll still stink.

Whether history is captured correctly, or not, the man made greed fueled disaster that is coming will be a reminder to those who remember the Seventies, and a whiplash of a wake-up call to those who’ve either forgotten, or have only experienced the markets, stocks/housing go in one direction.

What goes up must come down or in Newtonian verse every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

For example we are being told everything wrong in the world is because of the white man.

Someone pops dirty on a drug test in the Olympic trials?

The white man’s fault.

Over one hundred degrees in Seattle?

Stupid honkies are killing the planet.

Robbery, rape and murder on the rise across America?

It be da white man!

In reality, according to biology, there is no such thing as a white person.

Humans are made up of subatomic particles that coalesce into atoms and then adjoin to form molecules and molecular structure never mind the possibility of String Theory.

It’s the same for everyone but sadly no one teaches “science” anymore so the children, and too many adults, have zero understanding of neutrons, protons, electrons and/or how they work or don’t work together.

Apparently getting lost in nonbinary, genderless pronouns is dramatically more important than understanding how free radicals are eating away at most Americans bodies everyday.

It is nice to see the kids getting excited about language but would learning the seven other parts of Speech be too much to ask, then again I’ll bet most teachers couldn’t rattle off that list either.

My guess is the other seven would be listed as Like, Uh, Um, You Know, Right, Selfie and Circle Back.

Like, uh, you know, um, we should circle back and take a selfie right?

Shakespeare just rolled over in his grave, as the rest of us still amongst the living find it easier and easier to never turn on the television, radio, or internet.

To borrow a Liberal part of “speech” let us circle back to our original premise.

Where will America be in ten years?

That depends on how much more we are willing to take.

If nothing changes, the Federal government will be well over 100 trillion in debt, Social Security will be a myth, and actual food lines could again appear as stores close down and/or are no longer willing to accept food stamps otherwise known as EBT.

Of course by then the Liberals will have unleashed the wolves to kill all the cows, let the forests burn to the ground and outlawed every weapon known to Man, so to answer the question accurately I only need one word.


At least the parts that gave up their guns and can’t run a plow.

The only good news is Type-Two Diabetes will have disappeared, completely, and AOC will be proven wrong for the billionth time.

In the meantime go get your Covid booster, as many as you can, prepare to put your masks back on as Biden and his crew go door to door and always remember.

You are still doing better than Seth Rich.

Isn’t that right Donna Brazile.

Jason Kraus