About Daveda

I write for http://DefiantAmerica.com, http://aleadernotapolitician.com/ https://magamedia.org/ and http://FreeAmericaNetwork.com & Graphic Artist & Video producer. I adore journalism. Politics seems to be my preferred genre although I do not hesitate to write anything that strikes me as interesting. Researching and finding 'Breaking News' makes my blood rush. I've written seventeen books. and over that including books in conglomeration with others. Doing graphic art design has always been fun for me. Sometimes I incorporate this talent into my articles or when a special 'feature picture' is required. You can find me tweeting on: https://twitter.com/DavedaGruber You can always find my articles on the sites I write for.

Can New York Turn Red?

by Daveda Gruber

New York City has never been known to be a Republican city and in some ways it is known as a very liberal place.

On Tuesday New York City experienced something a little different for those who make the city their home. For anyone who happened to be in the area of Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue and through Times Square in the Big Apple around 3:30 PM, they got to see the world’s biggest Trump flag.

The 75-foot-by-50-foot flag was carried by President Trump’s supporters as part of a demonstration, and yes, it was peaceful.

The giant flag displayed the words: “Trump: Law and Order.”

People from the group marched and chanted “Four more years,” “Whose streets? Our streets” and the Pledge of Allegiance.

There were several videos of the demonstration posted on a Facebook page that uses the title “OperationFlagDrop,” which has an impressive nearly 140,000 members. The page is meant for users to share pictures of Trump 2020 flags and banners.

One of the President’s sons, Eric Trump, thanked the crowd for their support of his father on Tuesday afternoon.

He tweeted this:

Can the state of New York turn RED? That would naturally be a great accomplishment.

Rural New York State is not the same as New York City when it comes to voting.

Republicans carried rural and some suburban counties, but Democrats lead in great numbers in New York City and the upstate population centers, which leads them to election victories.

In 2016 the same story held between the two home-state candidates for president, Democrat Hillary Clinton and then Republican candidate Donald Trump.

Clinton won New York with 58 percent of the vote, while Trump still pulled in 37 percent.

Have the residents in New York City had enough of the violence that has erupted there lately? I’m pretty sure some have.

Are some residents of Manhattan fed up with Bill de Blasio and his alleged siding with the “Black Lives Matter” movement? Maybe they’ve had enough of destruction and violence.

I’ve always felt that no one should take for granted what a free people will do or how they will vote in any given election.

Some people believe that promises that are made should be kept.

President Trump has kept his promises that he made during his campaign in 2016.

What Did Harris Lie About?

by Daveda Gruber

The Democratic Presidential nominee and former Vice President, Joe Biden and his running mate, Senator Kamala Harris, the Democrat from California have been caught in lies that are on video but it seems that they’ll keep on lying as long as they have listeners.

The 2020 Vice Presidential debate was held on Wednesday night and clearly, to me, Vice President Mike Pence won the debate hands down.

Pence came across as intelligent, a gentleman and a calm experienced debater.

Harris, on the other hand, came across, in my opinion, as being a condescending liar.

The Democratic Vice President candidate said that in the past several months there were 210,000 dead people in America due to COVID-19.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admitted numbers are being padded and that actually only 9,210 people in this country have died due to the coronavirus alone.

She also indicated that frontline workers that have been treated like sacrificial workers. Really? After seeing what was happening to frontline emergency workers in Italy, the Trump administration took action early and ensured so as to that kind of problem never did happen in the U.S.

She mentioned that over million people filed for unemployment during the last month. In fact, the Department of Labor reported that about between 837,000 and 879,000 new initial claims that each of the weeks in September, which adds up to less than 4 million new claims for the month. The rreport further explains that the total number of people claiming benefits in all programs for the week ending September 12th was 26,529,810, an increase of 484,856 from the previous week.

It is also likely that a considerable amount of those who are on unemployment are more likely, as a result of shut-down orders by Democrat Governors in Blue States, than any action taken by the Trump administration.

Harris also said that “the Trump administration knew the dangers of the coronavirus and did not tell the American Public…imagine if you knew on January 28th? … they knew and they covered it up.”

The timeline proves her wrong.

This is the exact timeline:

January 3: CDC Director Robert Redfield sent an email to the director of the Chinese CDC, George Gao, formally offering to send U.S. experts to China to investigate the coronavirus.

January 5: CDC Director Redfield sent another email to the Chinese CDC Director, George Gao, formally offering to send U.S. experts to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak,

January 6: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a level I travel notice for Wuhan, China due to the spreading coronavirus.

January 7: The CDC established a coronavirus incident management system to better share and respond to information about the virus.

January 11: The CDC updated a Level 1 travel health notice for Wuhan, China.

January 17: The CDC began implementing public health entry screening at the 3 U.S. airports that received the most travelers from Wuhan – San Francisco, New York JFK, and Los Angeles.

January 20: Dr. Fauci announces the National Institutes of Health is already working on the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus.

January 21: The CDC activated its emergency operations center to provide ongoing support to the coronavirus response.

January 23: The CDC sought a “special emergency authorization” from the FDA to allow states to use its newly developed coronavirus test.

January 27: President Trump tweeted that he made an offer to President Xi Jinping to send experts to China to investigate the coronavirus outbreak.

January 27: The CDC issued a level III travel health notice urging Americans to avoid all nonessential travel to China due to the coronavirus.

January 27: The White House Coronavirus Task Force started meeting to help monitor and contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the President.

January 29: The White House announced the formation of the Coronavirus Task Force to help monitor and contain the spread of the virus and provide updates to the President.

January 31: The Trump Administration: Declared the coronavirus a public health emergency.

Chinese travel restrictions were announced.

Harris said that suspended entry into the United States for foreign nationals who pose a risk of transmitting the coronavirus was what had happened.

The truth is that even the Associated Press had indicated that the Biden Camp was claiming that Trump said that the coronaviruswas a hoax and not true.  He was actually calling their politicization of it their “latest hoax.”

Harris said, “You know this administration took the word ‘science’ off the website?”

In reality, the word “science” was not scrubbed from U.S. government websites by the Trump Administration, and that fact was even confirmed as not true by liberal left NBC News.

Harris also said, They still don’t have a plan. Well, Trump administration’s plans regarding coronavirus actually began out the gate at a time the Democrats were claiming the alleged virus was nothing to worry about.

She also brought up that Donald Trump paid $750 in taxes. That was not true too. The Washington Examiner reported that most, if not all, of the facts appear to be inaccurate. The New York Times reported, regarding Trump’s taxes, also ignores that the President paid $7.4 million in federal taxes in 2017.

Harris said that passed a tax bill benefiting the top 1% and the biggest corporations of America.

That claim is out of context. The plan to cut taxes wound up reducing the tax burden for just about everyone across the board.

Later in the debate Harris claims they plan to only raise the taxes for people making $400,000 per year or more after Pence claimed Biden supports raising everyone’s taxes.

Even if Harris’ claim is true, and the increase of taxation will only affect the top earners, the tax burden would largely land on those who own businesses, or are high ranking persons in these corporations, who do the hiring, and who adjust prices of their products based on the company’s cost to do business.

Biden’s plan would reduce hiring, and pass the tax on to the average workers and newly unemployed with higher prices of products. This is an economics lesson they have apparently never understood.

She said that Trump’s tax cuts led to a two trillion dollar deficit.

Well, after the tax plan, because of the growing economy as a result of the tax cuts, federal tax revenue increased. According to the Institute for Policy Innovation, “federal revenue has consistently increased in the years after the Trump tax cuts. Despite the enormous tax cut, federal revenue increased by $10 billion in 2018, by $130 billion in 2019, and was projected to grow by even more in 2020 before the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic effects.”

Harris said that Biden will only raise taxes on those who make more than $400,000 per year.

The Tax Foundation concluded Biden’s plan would lead to higher taxes “across all income groups.”

She also said that Trump’s investment in infrastructure never happened.

The truth is that President Trump released an infrastructure plan more than two years ago. Congress, specifically the Democrats in the House of Representatives with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have blocked his call to invest in our infrastructure. In February 2018, President Trump unveiled a plan to spur $1.5 trillion in new infrastructure spending.  The President included his infrastructure plan in both his FY 2019 and his FY 2020 budgets.

Harris said that Trump’s tax plan led American companies to go offshore to do their business.

If they got the tax breaks Harris claims the big corporations got, they wouldn’t take their businesses off shore.  They’d stay where the tax breaks favor them. Without even having to go very deep, it is obvious her statement contradicts earlier statements.

Harris said that Joe Biden will not end fracking. To me, that’s a joke. Biden has not only said that he plans to end fracking but he plans to end fossil fuel consumption in America.

She also said that the Affordable Care Act brought health care to over 20 million Americans. But according to the Census Bureau, the number of uninsured Americans has been on the rise since the creation of the Affordable Care Act.

Harris accused Trump of working to take away protection for those with pre-existing conditions when, in fact, Trump has signed an executive order designed to, in addition to other things, protect those with pre-existing conditions.  He has made protecting “all pre-existing conditions” a key point in his second term agenda.

She also said that the West Coast of the United States is burning, the East Coast is being battered by storms, Iowa crops destroyed because of floods, Joe believes in science as “an existential threat to us as human beings.”

Fires in western U.S. are largely due to poor forest management.  Science has shown that the number of hurricanes and the severity of the storms has not increased.

The University of Newcastle’s (UON) fresh research found further evidence to support the notion that severe flooding events occur cyclically, challenging the widely approved assumption that floods occur randomly, or that any change in flooding could be due to the notion of man-made climate change.

Harris said, “The Vice President earlier referred to what he thinks is an accomplishment that the president’s trade war with China. He lost that trade war. You lost it.”

The truth is that one of the things Americans appreciate about President Trump is that he stands firm against those who would stand against American Liberty and American Prosperity.

It just so happens that China is one such adversary. For that reason, President Trump has confronted China’s unfair trade practices.

The Trump administration has “successfully used tariffs to persuade China to sign a Phase One Trade Agreement that secured significant protections for American workers and businesses.”

On top of that, Trump got the Chinese communists to purchase an additional $32 billion in U.S. farm goods over the next two years.

She also said that America lost 300,000 manufacturing jobs because of Trump’s trade war with China.

Well, as of two years ago, according to Forbes, manufacturing jobs in the U.S. has increased ten times what it was during the Obama administration. This is entirely attributed to Trump’s policies.

The numbers have not boomed so loudly since then, but that is largely due to Democrat policies by States regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

Harris claimed that the Obama-Biden Administration created within the White House an office that basically was responsible for monitoring pandemics. They [Trump] got rid of it

Former NSC Senior Director Tim Morrison, Former NSC staffer Richard Goldberg, Former National Security Adviser John Bolton, and even the leftwing rag, USA Today have claimed this is not true.

She also said, “Look at the Iran nuclear deal [regarding Trump ending it] which now has put us in a position where we are less safe because they are building up what might end up being a significant nuclear arsenal.”

The deal was designed to make it easier for Iran to achieve a nuclear arsenal.  By ending the deal and increasing sanctions on Iran which has adversely affected their economy, Trump has helped quell the danger that Iran once posed during the Obama administration.

Harris claimed that Trump referred to severe head injuries suffered by military personnel as simply “headaches”.

Not true. Trump was simply referring to what he had heard in a report. and he responded by saying, “I heard that they had headaches and a couple of other things, but I would say, and I can report, it is not very serious.”

If he had been misinformed, that is not the President downplaying the head injuries suffered by military personnel.

Reports had later confirmed that at least 11 U.S. soldiers had been airlifted from Iraq to medical centers in Germany and Kuwait for further evaluation and treatment of possible traumatic brain injuries from the rocket attack.

When he was asked about his “headaches” later his response in light of the new information, he stated he had been advised of the details “numerous days later,” and that regarding the severity of the injuries “you’d have to ask the Department of Defense.”

He then stated that “No, I don’t consider them very serious injuries relative to other injuries that I’ve seen. I’ve seen what Iran has done with their roadside bombs to our troops. I’ve seen people with no legs and with no arms. I’ve seen people that were horribly, horribly injured in that area, that war. In fact, many cases those bombs [were] put there by Soleimani, who’s no longer with us.”

It is difficult to recognize how severe a traumatic brain injury can be because the average person can’t see it.  If President Trump does underestimate the seriousness of a head trauma, he’s not alone, and the list of those who don’t give a traumatic brain injury enough credence includes a long list of medical personnel in the Veteran’s Administration system.

Harris stuck to the story that Trump referred to our personnel in the military as “suckers and losers”.

This is a total lie. Multiple witnesses not only state that Trump never said the “suckers and losers” remark, but that he didn’t even have a chance to visit the cemetery in question on the day he allegedly said such remark due to bad weather.

She went on to say that Russia put bounties on the heads of American Troops.

There is no evidence regarding the claim. It is based on uncorroborated evidence, which has been echoed by many persons in the federal government, including Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

Another lie she didn’t hesitate to say, “In 1864 … Abraham Lincoln was up for re-election, and it was 27 days before the election. And a seat became open on the United States Supreme Court. Abraham Lincoln’s party was in charge not only of the White House but of the Senate. But Honest Abe said that it’s not the right thing to do.”

Well, according to National Review, Lincoln, of course, said no such thing. He sent no nominee to the Senate in October 1864 because the Senate was out of session until December.

He did send a nominee the day after the session began, and Salmon P. Chase was confirmed the same day.

Lincoln wanted to dangle the nomination before Chase and several other potential candidates because he wanted them to campaign for him.

Lincoln’s priority was winning the election, which was necessary to win the war and he filled the vacancy at the first possible instant.

Harris was simply inventing history.

On Packing the Supreme Court, Harris and Biden have essentially dodged the question. Harris , in fact, made it seem like it was not something she would consider during the debate but in the past Harris in the  past has indicated that she is open to the idea.

Harris also indicated that Trump has refused to condemn white supremacists.

This old claim by the liberal left has been debunked, on more than one occasion.

Trump has repeatedly and specifically denounced white supremacists and racist hate groups.

He denounced it in 2016  and in August of 2017, twice.

He went on to denounce it in August of 2019 when Trump specifically said, “In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy. These sinister ideologies must be defeated. Hate has no place in America.”

Harris said, “He called Mexicans rapists and criminals.”

Not true. This same claim was made during the Vice Presidential debate in 2016.  Back then Breitbart reported the falsehood. In his June 16, 2015 speech when he announced his run for the presidency.

What Trump did say was, “When do we beat Mexico at the border? They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity. And now they are beating us economically. They are not our friend, believe me. But they’re killing us economically.  The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems.  Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Trump was referring to “some” of the people mixed into the population of illegal aliens crossing the border.

Harris said, Trump instituted as his first act, a Muslim ban.

This was yet another falsehood. The first list of countries on the first “travel ban” was based on a list of “countries of concern” compiled by the Obama administration.

In later executive orders regarding the travel restrictions, North Korea and Venezuela were added, adding to the reality that the policy was less about Islam, and more about threats to the United States.

Harris said regarding racists and white supremacists at Charlottesville, Trump said they were fine people when asked about it,.

This has been fact-checked and debunked a number of times. When taken into full context, he was saying that among the people in Charlottesville, while some were neo-Nazis and white supremacists, among the crowds were also fine people.

Harris said, “I was the first statewide officer to institute a requirement that my agents would wear body cameras and keep them on full-time.”

Not true. As California’s Attorney General, Harris did not mandate body cameras statewide. The truth is that in 2015, Harris said that she did not believe in statewide standards for police body cameras.

In addition Harris claimed that Trump will resist a peaceful transition of power.

The actual truth is that it has been the Democrats who have stood against a peaceful end to the election.

It was Hillary Clinton who told Biden not to concede, no matter what.

The Democrats had a lot of trouble accepting the results of the 2016 election, and some may say they have still not accepted those results.

Harris said, “If we use our voice, we will win, and we will not let anyone subvert our democracy with what Donald Trump has been doing, as he did on the main stage last week, he openly attempted to suppress the vote.”

In retrospect, Harris was likely referring to Trump’s comments regarding keeping an eye open at the polls because of his concern regarding voter fraud.

Remember that these are the same Democrats who believe that Voter ID laws are also an attempt to suppress the vote rather than guard against fraud. They are fine with requiring identification to be shown in order to enter Democrat Candidate townhalls, for DNC delegates to vote, or to enter and vote in labor union meetings.

The truth is that Trump was not trying to suppress the vote but he was indicating his wishes that the election to be honest, without fraud. But, if fraud is going on, it ought to be reported.

So now, if you take out all the lies, what did Harris actually say while debating Pence? Nothing!

All a Democratic nominee for Vice President and the possibility of serving as President of the United States, if something were to make Biden incapable of serving, could say at a debate that millions of Americans watched, were lies.

As for Pence, it is not within in his character to lie. What he said during the debate was truth and fact.

Not only should you vote Trump/Pence 2020 but vote RED down the line!



Ice Making Arrests in Sanctuary Cities

by Daveda Gruber

On Tuesday the Department of Homeland Security, in a five day operation in California, said that they had detained 128 illegal immigrants.

Out of those detained officials said 96 percent of those arrested had convictions or had pending charges for crimes including homicide, sexual assault, sexual offenses against children, weapons offenses and domestic violence.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement, also known as ICE, conducted Operation Rise between September 28th and October 2nd in the Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco areas.

Sanctuary cities were targeted because local law enforcement are restricted in their ability to cooperate with federal law enforcement.

They basically ignore ICE demands and do not inform them when an illegal immigrant is about to be released.

An example was given by Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf.

A 40 year old man from El Salvador was convicted of first-degree murder in 2009 and sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. In August a  detainer was issued by ICE but it was ignored by the Los Angeles County jail. The illegal immigrant was released into the community.

Thankfully, that man was arrested in last week’s operation.

Wolf is angry at politicians who have enacted or continue to enforce “sanctuary city” policies. He said this puts politics over public safety.

He said, “Instead of fulfilling our shared mission to protect our communities they would rather play politics with the law by enacting so-called sanctuary city policies to the detriment of our country’s safety.”

Wolf disagreed with the claim that these sort of policies are compassionate.

He went on to say, “There is no compassion for the Americans whose lives have been ended or destroyed by these policies, which shield violent criminal aliens at the expense of American lives.”

Wolf warned sanctuary jurisdictions that the Trump administration would continue to target such areas.

Wolf said, “Our obligation to protect American citizens from illegal aliens who rape, murder and otherwise commit violent crimes against our communities does not stop at the borders of a so-called sanctuary city.”

We’ve all seen or heard of these situations. An illegal immigrant commits more crimes and even worse, takes the life of an American.

The Trump administration has opposed sanctuary policies. They have tried to defund these cities.

Sources have alleged that operations were being planned in Denver and Philadelphia. They may also include other cities and jurisdictions across the country.

Just last month, Ice said that it arrested more than 2,000 illegal immigrants from 20 countries. This was done in a series of operations in July and August. The vast majority of those arrested had criminal charges or convictions.

In those operations, which lasted from July 13th through August 20th, it was reported that about 85 percent of the immigrants caught had pending or criminal convictions. They were not just petty crimes. The crimes ranged from manslaughter, assault, domestic violence, extortion, robbery, sexual offenses with a minor and other crimes.

Sanctuary cities, in my opinion, should be defunded sooner than later. Too many Americans suffer from the crimes of those in this country illegally.

President Trump must keep building the wall and deport those who are here illegally.

May I remind you to vote in person and vote RED down the line? I’m pretty sure that my readers will be doing what I’ll be doing on November 3rd, which is re-electing Trump!

How Dangerous Really is COVID?

by Daveda Gruber

It appears that the proverbial cat is out of the bag!

The C.D.C., the W.H.O., and all the so called experts have allegedly lied to all of us, as my source tells me.

You, everyone, all have to read this and like me, question everything. I’d suggest we all wake up and smell the coffee.

Fact check and do your own research but do not choose denial. All is not what it seems to be. An altered reality can be produced by the so called experts and the mainstream media. Do not fall under their spell!

Here’s the List:

“CDC admitted they screwed up COVID-19 infection counts and intentionally misled the public and have apologized, clarifying that the amount of people truly infected is much lower than what was originally reported, which is an error so egregious it made the director of the Harvard Global Health Institute say “how could the CDC make this mistake? This is a mess.”

The American Coronavirus Task Force also admitted to fudging the National COVID19 death count when Dr. Birx said that the deaths are people who died “with” COVID19 not “from” COVID19, thus making the real death count much lower than what is currently being reported.

Dr. Anthony Fauci admitted masks won’t help against the virus and mask manufacturers are now including warnings that their products do not deter COVID19.

Dr. Fauci also said that continuing to close the country could cause irreparable damage.

C.D.C. backtracked their initial claim that led governors to shutdown their states and clarified that COVID19 does not spread easily on surfaces.

The Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, confirmed a recent health study showing that 70% of new infections actually originate at home, which makes stay at home orders one of the most dangerous mandates currently in place.

President Trump stopped funding the W.H.O. and threatened to cut off money permanently until they can prove they are no longer corruptly influenced by communist China after they lied to our country about human to human transmission of COVID19 in January.

The curve is flattened, the C.D.C., W.HO., Dr. Fauci, our governors, and many more were fooled and completely wrong about the potential threat of this virus.

If you are still living in fear, Don’t be. The media, global organizations, the government, and its agencies “mislead” the public.

People called those of us who knew this all along conspiracy theorists, but it turns out we were just following the facts!

Open up your businesses, churches, and homes. Don’t fall for the lies any longer. If you fell for the lies this time, wake up and join the army of truth seekers fighting on the front lines.

Florida has just admitted to miscalculations on some people who received positive COVID-19 results but they never got tested and many others have been incorrectly identified as positive in the state’s system.

W.H.O. have just admitted that transmission of the virus from an asymptomatic carriers. This is the whole reason for the lockdown is rare! As some say, you could not spread it before showing any symptoms!

The CDC just confirmed a .4 to .26% death-rate for Covid 19. The death rate for the flu shot is .6. This is twice as high as Covid.

For that, we have:

●Added nearly 6 trillion to national debt

●Laid-off or furloughed 50 million workers

●Placed 60 million on food stamps

●Gone from 3.5%to 14.7% unemployment

●Crippled the petroleum industry

●Ruined the tourism industry

●Bankrupted the service industry

●Caused an impending meat and protein crisis

●Threatened, fined, and arrested church leaders

●Exacerbated mental health problems

●Shut down schools and colleges

●Given unbridled power to unelected officials

●Increased suicides higher than COVID deaths

●Delayed surgeries and treatments for profound illnesses

●Infringed upon countless important civil liberties

●Placed 300 million Americans on house arrest

Bill Gates has placed himself in such a position of influence by heavily funding all corners to make this lie happen. Fauci and him invested in the vaccine years ago.

People have to start treating it as the lie/misinformation that it is.

Our whole way of life is at stake. They have plans to make it much worse now introducing it as “the grand reset”, “the beginning of the fourth revolution.”

You now have a surveillance state of control, where everyone lives in what is essentially a strict open air prison where you are tracked, nothing is private, and everything is decided for you, and you have no rights whatsoever, and there can be no resistance.

You didn’t want a New World Order? Well, you’ve been enlisted in it without your approval.

What can we do to stop what is happening? We must stick to the plan. We are in the darkest of times and we must enter into the light without fear.

Why? Fear takes over the mind and turns us all into the zombies that we have heard about in movies.

Trump understands what has happened. He has stated that he inherited his scientists.

Trust no one. If Trump and our beautiful First Lady Melania, don’t wear a mask, it is their right.

I don’t wear a mask unless it would deny healthcare for my Toy Poodle or deny my family food.  I feel sick when I wear one.

As much as I do not want to encourage people to get sick, but if you do not have a pre-existing condition, as in obesity, heart problems, have COPD (on oxygen or have trouble breathing), you have very little chance of contracting the coronavirus.

If you do contract the virus, the chances that you will die are very slim.

Think and I mean really think about who had the most to gain for promoting this virus.

Democrats had the most to gain. They didn’t want former Vice President Joe Biden to speak publicly because the man doesn’t have his facilities.

Who had the most to lose?

Trump couldn’t do rallies. His supporters grow from Trump rallies. The U.S.  economy was really good but this virus made it dissipate.

Now the President and First Lady have tested positive for the virus.

Who has control over the testing? Who administers the tests? The rest of the Trump family, and they were all at the debate between Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, have tested negative.

Seeing Trump and the First Lady being put into quarantine saddens not only me but all Trump supporters.

But the President has plans to still work because his symptoms are nothing but light and flu-like.

We see how deep the corruption goes in D.C. but we also see that the deep state has seeped into the White House and could be there in the form of staff.

A large amount of money can make a neutral person do something that would be underhanded. That in itself worries me.

Follow the money trail. It never fails.


President Trump and First Lady Test Positive for COVID

by Daveda Gruber:

Early on Friday President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for COVID-19.

This puts the Trump campaign into turmoil.

Hours after his long-time aide Hope Hicks fell ill with the virus, Trump and his wife were tested.

The White House canceled previously scheduled campaign events in Florida on Friday that include a Make America Great Again rally that was planned to take place outside Orlando.

Former White House doctor Ronny Jackson was reported to have told Fox News on Friday morning that Trump was asymptomatic.

He predicted that the president would “weather this storm.”

Jackson said, “I will bet you that he does not develop symptoms, that he moves on and this does not become a big deal.”

Trump will quarantine in the White House with the First Lady.

The president is now scheduled to hold a phone call on COVID-19 support for vulnerable seniors this afternoon.

Trump tweeted this early today:

Melania tweeted this:

So far, Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence have tested negative.

Pence tweeted this:

White House spokesman Judd Deere said, in a statement, that the president “takes the health and safety of himself and everyone who works in support of him and the American people very seriously.”

Deere said, “White House Operations collaborates with the Physician to the President and the White House Military Office to ensure all plans and procedures incorporate current CDC guidelines and best practices for limiting COVID-19 exposure to the greatest extent possible both on complex and when the President is traveling.”

I’d like to take this time to wish the President and the First Lady a speedy recovery.

Did the positive results throw a wrench into the Trump campaign plan? Yes, it did but I believe that they will scramble and recover their footing.


Pelosi Says Biden Shouldn’t Bother to Debate Trump

by Daveda Gruber

On Friday Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi once again made it clear that she didn’t think that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden should debate President Trump.

She exclaimed that Trump and his “henchmen” have no “fidelity” to facts or the truth.

Pelosi had an interview on “Morning on CBS” and was asked whether she still believed the former vice president should skip the three scheduled debates.

Pelosi answered, “Oh, I do. Not that I don’t think he’ll be excellent. I just think that the president has no fidelity to fact or truth and, actually in his comments the last few days, no fidelity to the Constitution of the United States.”

She went on to say, “He and his henchmen are a danger, with their comments, are a danger to our democracy. So I don’t want to give him – I mean, why bother? He doesn’t tell the truth.”

This was not the first time that Pelosi has said that Biden should not debate Trump. In late August the Speaker said that Biden should cancel his debates with Trump.

At that time she said that she didn’t want the forums to become an “exercise in skullduggery.”

Pelosi said at that time, “I wouldn’t legitimize a conversation with him, nor a debate in terms of the presidency of the United States. Now I know that the Biden campaign thinks in a different way about this.”

The Biden campaign did not agree with Pelosi.

Biden’s response to this was, “As long as the commission continues down the straight and narrow as they have, I’m going to debate him. I’m going to be a fact-check on the floor while I’m debating him.”

The former Vice President can’t even remember his name, where he is and he has trouble just reading a speech off of a teleprompter.

He thinks he’s going to fact-check Trump?

I don’t, as a rule, ever agree with Pelosi. In her opinion on that Biden shouldn’t debate Trump, I must admit that it would be to Biden’s advantage to not debate Trump.

Actually, I’m looking forward to Biden bumbling and stumbling on his words during a debate but I have this fear that I won’t get to eat my popcorn.

My reason for this is that I am concerned if the debate will go on as planned.

Will Biden come down with COVID? Will an emergency be created by the Democrats to prevent the debate? Could there be massive loss of power from a potential enemy? Will the Russians or Chinese invade the U.S.?

I know, I’m panicking because I want the debate to be televised as planned and I don’t trust Democrats nor do I trust their allies in the mainstream media.

Biden’s handlers and the media must know that Biden cannot keep up with our President.

That brings to mind that if the debate goes as planned Biden will have notes to read and already knows the questions. That didn’t help Hillary Clinton when she went up against Trump. There’s that one moment that I’ll never forget when Trump told her that she would have been in jail.

I also find it problematic that there will be no drug tests before the Trump-Biden debate. Biden would not get good results.

My distrust of the Democrats makes me also wonder if there will be a microphone in Biden’s ear giving him the answers.

Okay, that may not help Biden too much because his concentration won’t let him absorb Chris Wallace asking questions, Trump possibly answering or cutting off Biden and a microphone telling him what to say.

Those are too many confusing factors for a man who forgets who he is or where he is.

I want my next Tuesday night on September 29 at 9:00 PM Eastern time to be my time to be entertained in front of my television and have my popcorn.

Schiff Urges Republicans to Step Down

by Daveda Gruber

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., went on “The Rachel Maddow Show” on Wednesday evening and had a shocking remarks to share.

Schiff was responding to a comment that President Trump made earlier during the White House news conference. Trump was asked if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power after the election.

Trump responded, “You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster.”

Schiff said to Maddow, “There is no question he means exactly what he said. And people fail to take it seriously at our national peril. This is a moment that I would say to any Republican of good conscience working in the administration  ̶̶  it is time for you to resign. It is time for you to resign.”

He went on to say, “If you have been debating about whether you can continue to serve the country by serving this president, you can’t. It is time to resign.”

Schiff then reached out to former members of the Trump administration. He urged them to speak out, declaring that those who remain silent is in part responsible for the “chaos” that would come if the president doesn’t accept election results.

Schiff said, “I would say to those who have been on the sidelines maintaining a dignified silence who have served in the administration in the past, you cannot maintain your silence any longer. You have to maintain dignified speech now. You have to speak out. Do not wait until after the election. Do not wait until we have the chaos the president wants after the election when he seeks to, as he said, get rid of the ballots, because if you do wait, knowing what is to come, you will share some of the burden and responsibility for that chaos that comes.”

Schiff was adamant when he went on to say, “This is a time for all good people conscience to speak, and to act, to preserve our democracy, because there is no longer any question about this president’s intentions. His autocratic intentions are as clear as the writing on the wall.”

Trump has made no secret of how he feels about mail-in ballots in the past and last night.

My first reaction to this was why is anyone asking a sitting President running for a second term about transferring of power? Trump hasn’t lost the upcoming election. In fact, Trump will probably win in a landslide as long as the Democrats don’t cheat.

The reporters at these press conferences seem to ask questions that they have a good idea what the answer will be. After Trump answers, the Politian’s go with it to try to make Trump look bad.

Since the mainstream media, also known as fake news, are on the side of the Democrats, they encourage it to happen. Maddow was more than happy to ask a leading question for Schiff to run with the answer.

I’m quite sure that I heard Trump, in his answer about the transferring of power  say quietly, “…there won’t be a transfer frankly…”

No, Mr. President, you have not lost. Your huge supporter base will be voting in person when at all possible.

Here is Schiff on Maddow’s show:

Here’s Trump saying “…there won’t be a transfer frankly…”:


Trump Plans Executive Orders Protecting Preexisting Conditions

by Daveda Gruber

On Tuesday Vice President Mike Pence had an interview with CBS Evening News and said that President Trump is preparing to issue a series of executive actions on health care.

One of the executive actions may include a measure to safeguard insurance protections for people with preexisting conditions.

During the upcoming weeks the President and his administration will be in a fight to repeal the Affordable Care Act in the Supreme Court.

Pence defended the White House-backed legal challenge to the health law also known as ObamaCare.

The high court is scheduled to begin hearing oral arguments Nov. 10, one week after the presidential election.

Republicans are set to fill the vacant seat on the Supreme Court that is now vacant after the recent death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., seems to believe that the Senate Republicans have enough votes to confirm a new justice.

Pence said, “We’ve long believed that the individual mandate at the center of ObamaCare was unconstitutional. But make no mistakes about it, the president’s also been very clear that we’re going to make sure that any American with a preexisting condition continues to have coverage.”

He went on to say, “The president’s going to take action in the weeks ahead to ensure that, and we’re going to continue to take our case to Capitol Hill to pass a new health care reform bill that will lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government.”

Trump is expected to make an announcement, which was initially scheduled for late August but the Pandemic delayed the date, during an event Thursday afternoon in North Carolina.

Trump previously pledged to release a health care plan by the end of August but missed the self-imposed deadline.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said during a Tuesday press briefing that Trump is working on a soon-to-be-unveiled health plan. She declined to provide more details on the subject..

She said, “The president in the next week or so will be laying out his vision for health care.”

The outcome of the lawsuit to overturn ObamaCare will affect millions of Americans.

According to a Congressional Budget Office report from 2017 about the effects of repealing ObamaCare, the repeal of the decade-old law could leave up to 32 million people without health insurance by 2026.

There was a vote in the Senate on July 27, 2017 on repealing the Obama healthcare bill but now deceased Senator John McCain from Arizona voted against it. He was the deciding vote and flew to Washington to cast it even though he was battling brain cancer that soon after took his life.

That was a huge blow to all who wanted it dissolved.

The late Senator’s wife, Cindy McCain recently made it clear that she was backing Democratic nominee for President, Joe Biden.

Here’s a look on that historic vote that made McCain a very disliked man:

Here are the Topics for First Trump-Biden Debate

by Daveda Gruber

The topics that will be debated during the first debate between President Trump and former Vice President Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden have been released.

Chris Wallace, who is the anchor of Fox News Sunday, will moderate the debate. On Tuesday the nonpartisan Commission on Presidential Debates announced the issues.

One of the issues will be the Supreme Court nomination that came to the table after the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and now, her replacement.

The Pandemic caused by the coronavirus will be up for debate. Along with that, the national economy being flattened by the virus will be up for discussion.

Protests and violence that have happened and are still taking place in some cities across the country will be a topic too.

Wallace also included a crucial issue, which came into light over expanded voting by mail amid the pandemic, the Biden and Trump records and the integrity of the election.

The nonpartisan commission has organized and conducted the presidential and vice presidential general election debates for more than three decades. They have warned that the topics listed are subject to possible changes because of news developments.

The commission has make clear that topics were announced in advance in order to encourage deep discussion of the leading issues facing the country.

So far, in a nutshell, these are the topics:

The Trump and Biden Records

The Supreme Court


The Economy

Race and Violence in our Cities

The Integrity of the Election

The first debate will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 29, at Health Education Campus (HEC) Samson Pavilion at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.

The format for the first showdown calls for six 15-minute long segments. Each segment will be dedicated to a particular topic.

There will be two more debates between Trump and Biden, one on October 15th in Nashville, Tennessee and another in October on the 22nd in Miami, Florida.

The other debate will be between Senator Kamala Harris of California and Vice President Mike Pence will take place on October 7th in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The four debates will start at 9 pm ET and will run for 90 minutes without any commercials to interrupt the events.

The fact that the topics were given in advance has been made clear. It does make me wonder how much knowledge of the exact questions are known, specifically to the Biden team.

It has not been mentioned if notes will be permitted.

Get the popcorn ready, this is going to be very interesting and I believe fun too!

Can RBG Have Her Way from the Grave?

by Daveda Gruber

The blame for the controversy over filling the empty seat on the Supreme Court with the death, on Friday, of icon Ruth Bader Ginsburg, should be handed to a former Senate Leader Harry Reid.

He changed the rules. In November 2013, the then-Democratic Senate majority eliminated the filibuster for executive branch nominees and judicial nominees except for Supreme Court nominees by invoking the so-called nuclear option.

The nuclear option is a parliamentary procedure that allows the United States Senate to override a standing rule of the Senate, such as the 60-vote rule to close debate, by a simple majority of 51 votes, rather than the two-thirds supermajority normally required to amend the rules.

The term “nuclear option” is an analogy to nuclear weapons being the most extreme option in warfare. In November 2013, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid used the nuclear option to eliminate the 60-vote rule on executive branch nominations and federal judicial appointments, but not for the Supreme Court.

The Republican majority responded by changing the rules to allow for filibusters of Supreme Court nominations to be broken with only 51 votes rather than 60.

Confirmation by the Senate allows the President to formally appoint a candidate to the court.

They say, be careful what you wish for. Republicans re-captured the judicial appointment process by winning the Senate in 2014 and the White House two years later. In April 2017, they used the same nuclear option to prohibit filibusters of the one position left alone by Democrats which was the Supreme Court. As a result, Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh were confirmed and will be serving for decades to come and President Trump may get another justice through this term.

Chuck Schumer said in 2017 that he regretted Reid’s action. I don’t generally ever agree with Schumer but he was right. The rule helps the party with the majority.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could bring the nomination to the Senate floor and approve it with a simple majority vote.

The President signaled on Saturday that he would formally name someone to fill the vacancy in the near future.

All the Senate needs is 50 votes and Vice President Mike Pence can be the deciding vote.

Timing is tricky. The Senate can start the process to nominate a Justice and then after November 3rd, the Senate can vote during a lame duck session. But if I recall correctly, Bader-Ginsburg’s confirmation took forty-four days.

Bader-Ginsburg dictated a note before she died. She said in it that she did not want another Justice confirmed until there was a new president.

I’m sorry, but that isn’t her call to make from her deathbed or from the grave.

The woman, may she rest in peace, should have stepped down from the Supreme Court when she became sick with pancreatic cancer.

She stayed on the court to spite Trump because she didn’t like him.