About Daveda

I write for http://DefiantAmerica.com, http://aleadernotapolitician.com/ https://magamedia.org/ and http://FreeAmericaNetwork.com & Graphic Artist & Video producer. I adore journalism. Politics seems to be my preferred genre although I do not hesitate to write anything that strikes me as interesting. Researching and finding 'Breaking News' makes my blood rush. I've written seventeen books. and over that including books in conglomeration with others. Doing graphic art design has always been fun for me. Sometimes I incorporate this talent into my articles or when a special 'feature picture' is required. You can find me tweeting on: https://twitter.com/DavedaGruber You can always find my articles on the sites I write for.

Air Force Two Called Back to Washington D.C. with Mike Pence

by Daveda Gruber:

On Tuesday, Air Force 2 made an abrupt turn and flew back to Washington D.C. with Vice President Mike Pence cancelling his attendance at an event in New Hampshire.

Pence had been scheduled to speak on the opioid crisis and illegal drugs at an event in Salem, New Hampshire. It was planned that he participate in a roundtable discussion with former patients and alumni at the Granite Recovery Center headquarters and deliver remarks and then return to Washington in the evening.

Just before Pence was scheduled to arrive, the event was cancelled and his plane was diverted back to Washington for an undisclosed emergency.

Randy Gentry, a representative of Pence’s office, told the crowd in Salem that the event was being cancelled.

Gentry said, “We do have a situation where the vice president was called back to Washington.”

Press Secretary for the vice president, Alyssa Farah, tweeted this:
Trump tweeted this out:

Trump re-tweeted:

Trump Has Historic Handshake in North Korea

by Daveda Gruber:

President Trump is one for surprises when we least expect them. On Sunday, Trump shook Kim Jung Un’s hand while taking 20 steps into North Korea.

At 3:45 p.m. both men had big grins on their faces as they met in the Demilitarized Zone and crossed the low stone curb separating the North and the South.

On top of the face to face handshake between the two me, they had about a 50-minute meeting behind closed doors. This was a getting back to discussions for the two leaders after their talks broke down during a summit in Hanoi, Vietnam in February. Prior to that, in June, they met in Singapore.

Trump revealed to reporters afterwards that the two leaders had agreed to revive talks on the Hermit Kingdom’s nuclear program.

Trump made it clear that “speed is not the object” in trying to reach a deal but that both sides want “to get it right.”

North Korea is hesitant to give up its nuclear ambitions but the rogue nation needs relief from crushing international sanctions.

The talking between Trump and Kim didn’t lead to any sanctions being lifted but the possibility now exists to scale them back as part of renewed negotiations.

Trump told reporters, “At some point during the negotiation, things can happen.” adding that he suggested Kim could visit Washington, D.C., during their discussions.

Trump says he told Kim that, “at the right time, you’re going to come over” and that that could be “any time he wants to do it.”

The president added that he “would certainly extend the invite” and that, “at some point” it will happen.

Trump is now the first sitting U.S. president to step foot inside North Korea. He described it as “a great day for the world.”

On the South Korean side of the zone, Trump and Kim were joined by the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner in the “Freedom House.”

Trump tweeted this out:
<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”>
<p dir=”ltr” lang=”en”>Leaving South Korea after a wonderful meeting with Chairman Kim Jong Un. Stood on the soil of North Korea, an important statement for all, and a great honor!</p>
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) <a href=”https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1145276110097154048?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>June 30, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src=”https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>

Trump re-tweeted:
<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”>
<p dir=”ltr” lang=”ko”>오울렛 초소에서 브리핑을 받고 북측을 바라보며 대화하는 한.미 정상의 모습. 오울렛 초소는 한국전쟁 참전용사인 조셉 오울렛의 희생정신을 기리며 이름붙여진 곳으로 군사분계선에서 불과 25m밖에 떨어지지 않은 최전방 초소입니다. <a href=”https://t.co/xaGkJVBntf”>pic.twitter.com/xaGkJVBntf</a></p>
— 대한민국 청와대 (@TheBlueHouseKR) <a href=”https://twitter.com/TheBlueHouseKR/status/1145229124954251264?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>June 30, 2019</a></blockquote>
<script async src=”https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>

E. Coli Claims Life of One Child and More Infected in San Diego

by Daveda Gruber:

When people come into the US illegally, they have not complied with the law and the stringent rules that apply to someone seeking a working visa or a “Green Card” in the U.S.

There are diseases that have been eradicated or have never been envisioned in the U.S. but at least one child has died and at least three others are very ill after being exposed to E. coli in San Diego at the County Fair.

In a Friday news release, the San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency confirmed the four cases of children being infected with E. coli, allegedly, through contact with animals at the county fair.

The infected children are between the ages of 2 and 13 and they had visited the fair between June 8 and 15 and had symptoms from June 10 to June 16.

The exact source of the bacteria is still under investigation, but all four children are reported as having had contact with animals at the fair.

The health agency commented, “Three of the four cases were not hospitalized. However, one of the four cases, a 2-year-old boy, was hospitalized and unfortunately died on June 24 from a complication of this disease.”

The county fair has closed all the areas with access to animals, including the petting zoo. The fair has no intention of closing completely.

Most strains of E. coli are harmless but some are pathogenic and can cause illness, which typically includes stomach cramps and diarrhea. Bacteria can be transmitted through contaminated water or food and sometimes through contact with other people and animals.

E. coli infection can be life-threatening. Pregnant women, newborns, older or elderly adults and those with weakened immune systems are at the highest risk for getting infected.

Thorough hand-washing, washing fruits and vegetables, cooking meat thoroughly and avoiding cross-contamination in food preparation areas as ways to prevent E. coli illness.

The report can be seen here:

It is now under investigation on how the E. coli bacteria was transmitted and where it originated from.

Immigration law has been ignored in this country and with this brings disease that can be carried and transmitted to others.

To legally come into the U.S., you must have a medical examination. The medical examination will include a medical history review, physical examination, chest X-ray and blood tests for syphilis. The medical examination is not a complete physical examination. Its purpose is to screen for certain medical conditions relevant to U.S. immigration law.

It is my opinion that if we stop people from crossing our borders illegally, will may stop eradicated  diseases from making their way back into our society. Also, diseases that are not common to those of us who live here, would not sneak their way into our homeland.

Dems Want Health Care for Illegal Migrants – Which Candidate is Not Eligible?

by Daveda Gruber:

Another evening of Democratic debates was watched on millions of TV screens across America. Part two of the first time the candidates stood at podiums on a stage and debated was aired for all to watch. But no one has mentioned that one of the candidates is not eligible to run for the presidency.

Democratic presidential hopefuls went far left when they agreed that they would support healthcare for illegal immigrants. They also support no deportations of illegal migrants whose only offense is being undocumented and they want to decriminalize crossing the southern border illegally.

NBC anchor Savannah Guthrie asked the candidates, who were lined up on the stage, if their universal health care plans would include “undocumented immigrants.”

The candidates on the stage, who represent about one half of the candidates running for the party 2020 nomination, all raised their hands in unity.

The candidates seen last night include former Vice President Joe Biden; Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.;  Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-NY.; Eric Swalwell, D-U.S. Representative for California’s 15th congressional district since 2013; Pete Buttigieg D- mayor of South Bend, Indiana, since 2012; Michael Bennet, D-CO.; John Hickenlooper D- 42nd Governor of Colorado from 2011 to 2019; Andrew Yang, D-businessman; and Marianne Williamson, D-author.

President Trump was apparently watching TV in Japan. He tweeted this:

The president was not the only one who had those thoughts. The New York Post put out the paper and on the front page was an image of the candidates raising their hands and a question was asked: “Who wants to lose the election?”

No one was safe from the mud-slinging. Even Obama was criticized by Harris for allowing the deportation of illegal immigrants she described as “non-criminals.”

Harris said, “On this issue I disagreed with my president because the policy was to allow deportation of people who by [Immigration and Customs Enforcement]’s own definition were non-criminals.”

She went on to say that she told sheriffs they did not have to comply with ICE detainers when she served as California attorney general.

The former Obama Vice President, Biden was asked if he would deport “an individual living in the United States without documents” if that was their only offense.

Biden answered only “if they committed a major crime” should they be deported. It is not clear what constitutes a “major crime.”

Biden was asked the question again and he said, “That person should not be the focus of deportation.”

“We should fundamentally change the way we deal with things,” Biden said.

The Center for Immigration Studies, Mark Krikorian, responded to the statements by accusing Democrats of wanting to essentially abolish U.S. federal immigration law.

Krikorian tweeted this:

There was another question asked by one of the moderators and the answer was given by candidates with a show of hands.

Candidates were asked if they supported making crossing the border illegally a civil, rather than a criminal, offense.

Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., did not raise his hand and former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper hesitated.

Biden, on the other hand, asked to clarify but then said that the “first thing I would do is unite families. He added that he would “surge billions of dollars worth of help to the region, immediately.”

This group of Democrats have hopes of being the leader of the free world, as POTUS.

What I saw was a group of people trying to beat each other up and threw into the mix that they thought President Trump was a terrible leader and that they could beat him in a run for the presidency.

Also, as many of you know, I research my work. After going through the list of potential presidential candidates, I had to open my eyes wide and see that one of the candidates allegedly, does not legally qualify to be president.

Yes, really. Michael Farrand Bennet is an American businessman, lawyer, and politician serving as the senior United States Senator from Colorado since 2009. A member of the Democratic Party, he was appointed to the seat when Senator Ken Salazar became Secretary of the Interior.

He was born on  November 28, 1964 (age 54 years) in, get this, NEW DELHI, INDIA.

The president is constitutionally required to be natural born, but foreign-born Senators need only nine years of U.S. citizenship to qualify for office.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States shall be eligible to the Office of President.

The Twelfth Amendment states that “no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice President of the United States.

I’ve discovered that we have an ineligible Democratic contender. Why has no one else discovered this? Fact checking is important.

Stay tuned. Who knows what I’ll uncover next.


Woman Takes Abortion Pill – Then Wants to Save Her Babies

by Daveda Gruber:

A woman had made a choice to take medication that began the process of a chemical abortion and then she had a sudden change of heart.

The woman, from North Carolina, was six weeks pregnant. She had walked into “A Preferred Women’s Health Center” which is a Charlotte abortion facility, to end the pregnancy.

The un-named woman, to protect her identity, was told “Oh twins,” by a technician who was performing the ultrasound on her.

The pregnant woman didn’t bother to look at the ultrasound, she had wanted twins but she had already swallowed the first “abortion pill” of RU-486. She was also given the second pill to take within 48 hours.

Mifepristone blocks the natural hormone progesterone and causes the lining of the uterus to release the unborn baby, and misoprostol starts contractions to deliver the dead baby.

But as she was walking out of the abortion clinic, she remembered something that a sidewalk counselor told her: “It might not be too late for you AbortionPillReversable.com they can still help you save your baby.”

She got on the phone with HELP Pregnancy Center in a desperate move to see if she could go back on her decision to swallow the first pill.

Courtney Parks is the abortion pill reversal coordinator for HELP Pregnancy Center. She stated, “We got her started on the abortion pill reversal treatment extremely fast.
Treatment was administered by Heartbeat International’s Abortion Pill Rescue Network which had saved hundreds of babies.

Parks and the pregnant woman looked at an ultrasound and the woman said to Parks, “If I had known what I know now and I had seen how the Lord has provided for these babies, I would have never even walked into that clinic.”

Before she gave birth to her twins, the woman was lucky enough to have a baby shower by the pregnancy center. She would have a good start of baby supplies when her two healthy babies were born.

Many women are unaware that help exists for them. Women are told that there is no turning back after the first abortion pill is taken. That is because “Planned Parenthood” doesn’t give women this information. They are not in the business of saving the lives of babies but in ending their right to be born or not rendering medical help even if they survive the abortion.

When I became a pro-life supporter, I had researched the subject extensively. I had reached my own conclusion based on fact.

Babies ripped apart in the womb feel pain. Some babies survive abortions and after being born alive, they are left to die, more often than not, in a cold container and even when they cry out, they are ignored and die alone without comfort.

More women must do research if they find themselves in a situation that seems to require a solution that is not appealing.

There are many ways to avoid getting pregnant in the first place. Ask your doctor. If you find yourself with an unwanted pregnancy, there are many couples who will adopt a baby. There is help out there that does not require anyone to murder a baby.

Women have a right to control their own bodies. Preventing pregnancy, if a baby is not what is wanted, is the most likely choice.

Murdering a baby is not an option. It is what it is called, MURDER.

Would You Want the “Right to Try” if You Were Dying?

by Daveda Gruber:

On Wednesday, President Trump made an appearance at the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference where he invited a millennial woman up to the stage and to the podium to speak.

Natalie Harp gives credit to the “Right to Try” law that was backed by Trump. Harp has been fighting for her life battling bone cancer. She had been in a wheelchair and suffered severe pain after a nurse’s medical mistake in 2015.

Harp walked to the stage and was looking well as she said, “We all know the story of the Good Samaritan. Well, I was that victim on the side of the road, a victim of medical error. My Good Samaritan, President Donald J. Trump, he saw me there and he didn’t walk by, he stopped.”

The president signed the law that supports allowing terminally ill patients to access drug treatments that have not yet been fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Referring to Trump, while Harp was standing in front of to the Faith and Freedom Coalition, which is a group of conservative evangelical Christians, said, “He believes in survival of the fighters, not the fittest.”

The Faith and Freedom Coalition is made up of a core bloc of support for him during the 2016 election. Trump intends on holding the support into the 2020 elections.

Two rounds of chemotherapy had not worked for harp. She was also rejected from clinical trials. There was no medical means to give Harp hope.

When Trump signed “Right to Try” last year, she was permitted to explore experimental treatment opportunities, and find new doctors and different medications to improve her life.

Trump delivered wonderful heartfelt words to the audience and said, “The radical left offers a vision of socialism, censorship, higher taxes and late-term abortions. We’re fighting for the American dream and with you we will prosper.”

Trump said that when he ran in 2016, “Americans of faith were under assault. But the shameful attempt to suppress religious believers ended the day I took the oath of office.”

Trump tweeted this:

See the video here:

Personally, I believe that we all have the right to try to live. If someone is guaranteed death from illness and there is no cure, that person should be allowed to use any drug that they want to try to prolong their life or to cure themselves. What is there to lose at that point?

Thank you President Trump. You are the gift that keeps on giving in so many wonderful ways.

Want to Meet Our New Press Secretary?

by Daveda Gruber:

On Tuesday, First Lady Melania Trump announced that Stephanie Grisham, who is a top aide to our FLOTUS, will replace Sarah Huckabee Sanders as White House press secretary.

Grisham will become the White House communications director. She will likely be tough at the podium. She has proven that she is a stark supporter of the first lady from the beginning.

Melania Trump tweeted:

Sanders had announced her intentions to step down as White House press secretary earlier this month.

On Tuesday, Huckabee Sanders took to Twitter and tweeted that Grisham “will be an incredible asset to the president and the country.”

Huckabee Sanders tweeted:

White House press briefings have taken on a new structure under the Trump administration. Traditional televised press briefings in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room have almost stopped.

During this year, the president said he told Huckabee Sanders “not to bother” giving those regular briefings anymore. He said that the press covers her “rudely and inaccurately.”

Press briefings are mostly happening in impromptu gatherings outside the West Wing.

Personally, I liked Huckabee Sanders as our press secretary. She did a fabulous job under very difficult circumstances. Most of the mainstream media did not quote her accurately. They picked out words and sentences that suited the message that they wanted to report.

Grisham will be the third press secretary under the Trump administration. Sean Spicer, resigned from the position that put Sanders Huckabee at the helm in 2017.

Good luck to Grisham. I think she’ll be good at this. Left wing reporters are not nice people. Do I dare say that they are “the enemy of the people?”

Trump Hits Iran with Hard Sanctions through Executive Order

by Daveda Gruber:

On Monday President Trump made life difficult for Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and company. Trump signed an executive order that hit Iran with harsh sanctions.

Trump spoke from the Oval Office with Vice President Mike Pence and  Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin standing in back of him on either side and said, “Today’s action follows a series of aggressive behaviors by the Iranian regime in recent weeks including shooting down a U.S. drone.”

The president called out Khamenei by saying that he was “responsible for the hostile conduct of the regime.”

Trump went on to say that the sanctions “will deny the supreme leader and the supreme leader’s office and those closely affiliated with him and the office access to key financial resources and support.”

It has been confirmed by FOX News that the U.S. military carried out a cyberattack against Iran last Thursday. This came after Iran shot down a U.S. drone which was flying near the Strait of Hormuz.

It has been alleged that U.S. Cyber Command launched the cyberattack targeting the Iranian intelligence and radar installations that were used to down the U.S. Navy drone last week.

Trump put out a statement that was supplied with the text of the executive order that Trump signed on Monday saying,  “We call on the regime to abandon its nuclear ambitions, change its destructive behavior, respect the rights of its people, and return in good faith to the negotiating table.”

Pence tweeted this out today:

Confrontation between Iran and the U.S. heated up last Thursday when Iran shot down an American drone and said that it had flown over its air space. The U.S. is adamant that the drone was over international airspace.

Tensions are riding high and hot but Trump is keeping his cool.

You can see/hear Trump speaking here:

ICE Operation to Deport Illegal Migrants to be Delayed

by Daveda Gruber:

On Saturday President Trump gave a clear warning to illegal immigrants. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will be doing their job and apprehending migrants who are here illegally and they will be sending them home.

Needless to say, Democratic politicians were opposed to this.

Trump was not hiding his intentions. “They will be removed as fast as they come,” Trump said.

Trump took to Twitter today and tweeted this today:

While outside the White House on his way to travel to Camp David Trump said that “everybody who came into the country illegally will be brought out of the country very legally.”

It has been reported by The Washington Post that ICE is expected to target 2,000 families in up to 10 cities, including Chicago, New York, Houston and Los Angeles.

Earlier this week, Trump stated that ICE will “begin the process of removing millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States.”

ICE did put out a statement on Friday. They said that “due to law-enforcement sensitivities and the safety and security of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel, the agency will not offer specific details related to enforcement operations.”

ICE spokeswoman Carol Danko declined to discuss the operation but she did say that “as a law enforcement agency, ICE’s mission is to uphold the rule of law; operations targeting violators of immigration laws are not only standard practice, but within the statutory authority prescribed by Congress.”

ICE prioritizes arresting and removing illegal immigrants “who pose a threat to national security, public safety and border security.”

The statement from ICE also says, “In fact, 90 percent of aliens arrested by ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations component in FY2018 had either a criminal conviction(s), pending criminal charge(s), were an ICE fugitive, or illegally re-entered the country after previously being removed.”

The Miami Herald reported:

“Miami will be one of the first cities where U.S. immigration authorities will target people for deportation as early as this Sunday, according to sources who were briefed on the enforcement action.

Immigration agents will target Miami, Atlanta, Chicago, Baltimore, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New Orleans, New York City, and San Francisco this weekend, sources from congressional offices and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement told the Miami Herald.”

ICE, apparently, has been getting ready for this operation for some time now. Allegedly, ICE will start the operation on Sunday and then continue.

Of course, Democratic local officials are calling to abolish ICE. Many are opposing the operation and not planning to assist ICE agents.

In one case, the Mayor of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot, made it very clear that CPD has terminated ICE’s access to CPD’s databases related to federal immigration enforcement activities.

Mayor Muriel Bowser of Washington, D.C. made sure to announce that the city “remains a proud sanctuary city, and we are committed to protecting the rights of all our immigrant families in the face of these disturbing threats.”

In California, Governor Gavin Newsom called the up-coming raids “cruel” while Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said that his city and local law enforcement will not participate in the operation.

An LAPD statement said, “The Department is not participating or assisting in any of these enforcement actions.”

Federal law enforcement will be on their own in Democrat cities and areas. Trump has called them mostly “high crime” cities.

Later things changed. Trump announced that the mass roundup would be delayed for two weeks. The delay would hopefully give Congress time for a bipartisan solution to the border crisis to be reached.

Trump Tweeted:

On a personal note, I don’t use Roundup Weed Killer because, in my opinion, it contains dangerous chemicals.

Now, if there’s going to be a roundup of illegal migrants, it’s going to be targeting people who could be dangerous to the community.

The show is getting more interesting and the popcorn smells good.

Supreme Court Rules to Let Peace Cross Stand

by Daveda Gruber:

On Thursday the Supreme Court ruled that a World War One memorial in the shape of a cross can stand.

It was determined by a 7 to 2 vote that the Bladensburg Peace Cross, as it is known, is not religious in nature and does not violate the Constitution.

Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor dissented.

Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the court’s opinion, “For nearly a century, the Bladensburg Cross has expressed the community’s grief at the loss of the young men who perished, its thanks for their sacrifice, and its dedication to the ideals for which they fought.”

He went on to say in the opinion while quoting Justice Breyer’s concurrence in the 2005 decision in Van Orden v. Perry, “It has become a prominent community landmark, and its removal or radical alteration at this date would be seen by many not as a neutral act but as the manifestation of ‘a hostility toward religion that has no place in our Establishment Clause traditions’.”

The supporters of the cross, which include the Trump administration, said it was created solely to honor those heroes and is secular in nature.

In opposition to the cross standing are three area residents and the District of Columbia-based American Humanist Association. These include atheists and agnostics.

Those opposing believe that the cross should have been moved to private property or modified into a nonreligious monument such as a slab or obelisk.

Since the cross and land it sits on is controlled and cared for by a Maryland parks commission, the side in opposition says that it is an impermissible overlap of church and state.

The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled that the cross was unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has reversed that ruling.

The Supreme Court has struggled to lay out clear rules governing when religious symbols are permissible on public land.