Big Wheel Keep On Turning

As many have publicly stated over the last few weeks the days have started to roll into one another.

When things are busy this happens to me as well and this current collection of seconds and minutes was kicked off by an alarm in the middle of the night, which lead to an hour and a half drive to discover an eighty foot Oak had snapped in half, harpooned itself into the ground and smashed a small out building.

The forest was so dense neither the moon nor my headlamp provided much assistance so I waited a few hours to assess and move forward.

It only “got busier” from there as the phone rang later that day. A friend of mine who resides in Los Angeles County was not happy as she explained she was told that she could not enter a particular grocery store without putting on a mask.

The sheep have sailed and are now assailing others.

My friend was none too pleased and although I agreed with her anger the grocery store is a PRIVATE entity and can require specific behavior if they so choose.

That is their legal right just like we have a legal right to NOT put on the mask and also to NOT shop at this store when this stupidity is all over.

Freedom is indeed a beautiful thing!

Toilet paper for all!

I continued forward and while dodging hordes of people on the street, fighting traffic, doing pushups and running my business, another telephone call came in.

It was a friend of mine who usually buzzes me once a week to give me the “what’s what” in our County.

Normally he starts with pleasantries but today not so much.

“Did you hear what happened?”

“Tell me Governor.”

I call him Governor.

“My barber was just robbed twice, once at gunpoint.”

We live in a supposedly safe community but things have been getting worse here for a while.

My buddy keeps up with the comings and goings and lets me know.

When he does I always ask my friend the same question.

“Did you get a gun yet?”


“How about your barber? Does he have a weapon?”

“I don’t think so,” he answered.

“So how many times does your barber have to get a gun shoved in his face before you get one?”

The conversation didn’t improve.

On this issue it never does.

A few days later, while at work, the phone rang . . . again.

Alarms, collapsing trees, masks and pistols in faces?

Did I really want to pick this call up?

I didn’t.

Another buddy wanted me to know about an eighty-six year old friend of ours named Jim.

Wonderfully cantankerous and with a huge heart my friend Jim had passed away while working his land.

Something he’d loved and done for over forty years.

Jim was the kind of guy who’d tell you straight to your face he didn’t like people and then sit and tell stories while burning leaves on his property and drinking beer from a frosted glass.

I will miss my friend.

For those of you who drink Miller please pour one out for a blessed soul, and what I mean is drink one for Jim.

He’d be pissed if someone actually wasted beer.

Even Corona.

They’ve gotten a bad enough rap as it is.

Godspeed and keep the fires burning Mr. Jim.

I’ll see you on the other side.

Finally, as the days turned into nights and then back into days the weather grew warmer, the crowds busier and the streets packed, I realized I hadn’t watched television in a while.

Amazingly the sky was bluer, the sun was brighter, even the bird excrement was in full force.

With this thought in mind I fought my way through after work traffic and stopped at a grocery store well after seven pm to grab a few unneeded supplies.

A four pack of toilet paper, a small bottle of hand sanitizer and one roll of paper towels.

I jumped in one of the available lines, chatted with my fellow Americans and eventually made my way to the checker.

I handed her my cash through the small cavern in between two pieces of plexiglass, smiled and said,

“Why is everyone wearing a mask?”

Jason Kraus


Local radio station in the Sacramento area just announced through a “medical expert” that those of you who have or believe you have the CoronaVirus should NOT come to the hospital(s) for testing.

According to the “expert” you do not need the test and will heal on your own at home.

No kidding?

Kind of like the flu?


Always wrong but never in doubt.

Fear and stupidity will always do more damage than all viruses combined.

Don’t be a part of the problem.


Jason Kraus


Humans will be born today.

Humans will die today.

Politicians are still lying.

Government is still piling on debt.

Criminals are still committing crimes.

Taxes still have to be paid.

Water is still wet.

Hiding in your house facebooking your fears and trying to guilt others isn’t changing anything.

This has been a very informative time though.

We now know who will climb OUT of the foxhole and who never should have been in there in the first place.

Jason Kraus

Teach the Children Well

With the spread of panic because of the Chinese Virus it seems a very long time ago that two mumbling, bumbling “Progressives” were on stage.

It wasn’t.

The saddest part of the last Democratic debate wasn’t the CNN moderators, even those who were difficult to understand.

It wasn’t the two petulant children on stage attempting to discuss issues with which they have no actual experience.

It wasn’t even the Donna Brazile effect as it was perfectly clear neither one of them had any answers.

It was the BOREDOM.

I cannot believe I am saying this but for the first time ever Mike Bloomberg was missed.

Tiny Mike’s attempt to appear human was wildly entertaining and he brought the best (worst) out of the ranting beer slurping neurotic bigot known as Cheekbones Warren.

Even Yang’s math pin had more personality than the Bernie/Biden Vomitorium.

As the week continued the markets tumbled, the Fed fired its “bazooka” and interest rates actually went up.

Marco Rubio tried to explain “Marshall Law” wasn’t happening.

Once the correct spelling of the word was pointed out to him he responded by calling it a typo and that of course he knew how to spell “Marital Law.”

Marco’s wife may need some counsel.

President Trump discussed helicopter money and Andrew Yang was given another fifteen minutes of fame as he ran around telling anyone who would listen “I told you so.”

Americans celebrated as the Canadian Border was finally closed.

The free flowing of maple syrup and Molson beer had to be stopped.

At the same time the Cartels continued to run the Mexican Government and push meth and marijuana through the one border that even the ChinaVirus cannot seal.

American college students were told to take an extended spring vacation due to the “outbreak.”

Many complied by heading to the beaches in Florida and getting hammered.

As of this writing not one case of the CoronaVirus has been reported on the beaches but plenty of cases of Corona have been reported missing.

It appears the kids realized there was more than one way to sanitize their bodies with alcohol and it wasn’t through wipes.

They also figured out imbibing booze in this fashion does not require the usage of toilet paper.

Who said the Instagram Generation isn’t getting it!

It wasn’t just the kids blowing off the “experts.”

Bay Area citizens were filmed taking walks and exercising outside.

Multiple politicians and CNN slobberers warned and threatened those who were not willing to stay “quarantined” in their homes.

The panicked  prima donnas tried again and again to guilt and scare the population and the overwhelming response asked a simple question.

Do you know ANYONE who has the “racist” ChinaVirus?

Bueller? Bueller?



It appears the young people have decided to live what their parents and grandparents from the sixties taught them.

For the now.

Don’t worry about the future.

That’s somebody else’s problem.

Drinking, drugging and doing each other is groovy dude besides Social Security is toast and the kids ain’t got no jelly cuz jam don’t shake like dat!

The Sixties Progressive/NeoCons have buried the U. S. in unbearable debt, created never ending war, trashed the kids with a garbage education, and convinced them that smoking pot cures everything from insecurity to carcinoma.

They can choose their genders, don’t need jobs, and can take a pill to cure AIDS, so what’s the point of it all?

As Bobby McFerrin said Don’t Worry, Be Crappy.

Besides, with cancer and HIV under control, why bother to deal with something a tequila shot and some lime can handle.

Jason Kraus

Corn Pop Say What!

Most weeks for me are filled to the brim.

I like it this way.

This seven day window was a bit more than normal and the time to write started to escape.

Sadly, the Liberals will not stop talking, so my job didn’t take as long as I thought it would, as they continued to provide ammunition for the gun.

DNC Chair Tom (La Raza) Perez stated “We cannot change the rules midstream” while changing the rules midstream.

If everything goes well in November, Perez will again be unemployed and begging MSNBS for Al Sharpton’s old job.

They can both give President Trump an NAACP award and then call him a racist.

Michael (Mini Mike) Bloomberg continued to support “Diversity” as he stated minorities needed to be thrown against a wall and frisked.

Go ahead and personally try it Tiny Dancer but before you do make sure you put in your lifts.

Your fall to the pavement will be much greater and well deserved.

Furthermore it appears the pressure is getting to the little lad as it seems he is attempting suicide by courting Hillary What Difference Does it Make Clinton.

It made a difference to Seth Rich.

“Amy Klobuchar’s Rise and Elizabeth Warren Solidarity: New Hampshire Showed Women Can Win”

Punchy Amy came in a distant third (somebody had to) and Cheekbones wasn’t even on the reservation but this is what “winning” looks like to those who struggle with their own gender and whether to sit or stand in the restroom.

Joe Biden decided to parrot Hillary and tell us he didn’t feel no ways tired.

I wonder when they’ll snatch him up and throw him head first into a van.

Probably right after they find the hot sauce in his pockets.

Corn Pop say what!

Windbag Warren struck again with her attempt to use the term “redlining”.

One would think she would be careful with her “colors” but no, Pale Face Lizzie will forever be known as the ultimate Washington Redskin.

Bill Barr continued to disappoint those who believed he was an upgrade at the Attorney General position as he disregarded his boss and let the criminal McCabe off the hook.

The only people being indicted, tried, and imprisoned are President Trump supporters.

Let’s call Barr what he is.

Jeff Sessions 2.0.

Oh Jason wait for the Durham Report.

Yes we waited for the Mueller Report, the IG Report, Q, and a wide variety of promises floating through D.C.

Barr isn’t stuck in the muck.

He’s firmly entrenched as part of the Swamp.

Whether Republicans or The President admit this or not is irrelevant.

Facts are facts.

Here’s another fact.

We are with you Mr. President!

Bring US in and let The People clean up this mess!

Let us return to our current programming.

The Democrats are continuing to allow a Russian supporting Communist sympathizer to lead their Presidential race.

Even the #METOO community has nothing to say about Fantasy Rape Sanders as Katie Kouric spent more time showing us her posterior than follow up questions on Bernie who dodged her ask by saying, “Well it was a long time ago”.

If Bernie is going to be the Democratic nominee then it’s only “fair” that Cosby and Weinstein are released so Meryl Streep can take a knee, Kunta Kinte Kaepernick style, at the feet of her God.

Finally, AOClueless admitted Socialist Sanders doesn’t have a “magic wand” to create Medicare For All.


Come on Liberals!

At least be consistent!

All we’ve heard is this is what the People want and YOU are going to get it for them by taxing the White Privileged One Percent.

What’s that?

You cannot figure out a way to get your hands on TWENTY-TRILLION dollars?

Finally a reality check to you clowns.

While you are temporarily connected to the real world let’s give you one more fact.

You don’t control the climate either.

No you don’t you lying dog faced pony soldiers.

Jason Kraus

John Roberts: The Boy Who Wants to be King

2020 has now arrived and for the Liberals (Communists) it appears their diatribe will continue.

Same insanity different year.

Ever a supporter of oppression, Yahoo was off and running with a story published by the New York Times, attempting to explain the thoughts and virtues of one Chief Justice John Roberts regarding the “Impeachment”.

Roberts was given to us by the “Decider in Chief” also known as George “Nucaler” Bush.

The same George W. Bush who allowed the criminality of Bill Clinton (see Fannie and Freddie) to not only go unpunished but continue until the American Banking system had to be “bailed out” by the Federal Reserve’s funny money and of course Warren Obama Supporter Buffett (see Wells Fargo, Bank of America).

The New York Crimes reported that Roberts wrote, “We should reflect on our duty to judge without fear or favor, deciding each matter with humility, integrity and dispatch, as the new year begins, and we turn to the tasks before us, we should each resolve to do our best to maintain the public’s trust that we are faithfully discharging our solemn obligation to equal justice under the law.”

This would be hilarious if it wasn’t so egocentric, riddled with sophomoric platitudes, and hypocritical to say the least.

Where was all this “reflection” during the Obama years?

Where was this concern with “discharging” their “solemn obligation to equal justice under the law” or  “maintaining the public’s trust” in-regards-to FISA in general, the corruption found in the Clinton Foundation, and the stalking of a United States Presidential Candidate?

Roberts the Ridiculous condescendingly continued on in reference to We the People by stating in a “concerned” posit “We have come to take democracy for granted, and civic education has fallen by the wayside.”

Diseased homeless camps, urine, feces, and crack in the streets, and daily human trafficking through our “border” and he’s concerned about the “wayside”.

The man who manipulated the wording of the Unaffordable Care Act to satisfy his own central nervous system (greed or fear) and lied to the citizenry while forcing Americans to pay for healthcare for tens of millions of criminal foreign nationals under the penalty of IMPRISONMENT and/or financial ruin is lecturing us on civics while using Democracy as his pillar.

For the love of all that is holy these United States are NOT a Democracy!

George W. Bush . . . the gift that keeps on giving.

Still, let us use this as a teaching moment for all to see.

This is what happens when we allow weak, stupid humans to make decisions for the rest of us.

In a Democracy John Roberts would be non-existent as courts, laws, and “justice” have no role.

Democracy under Socratic Theory is simple.

Majority over Minority otherwise known as Mob Rule.

The most important concept drilled into the Constitution is the concept of the Individual.

Of Free Will.

That the Individual, unchained of oppressive forces, could and would prosper by applying the yearning to be free, to their own goals and dreams (Adam Smith).

John Roberts believes he and he alone is the soul of America and this unelected ignoramus reigns supreme over four Communists, three Americans, and a crying calendar making connoisseur who apologized for things he apparently never did.

All heil the Monarch John Roberts who believes his power so great he can intimidate the President of the United States with veiled threats aimed at a trial where he carries little sway, and that Nancy Pelosi, will not begin.

The Times, attempting to put lipstick on this Judicial orifice wrote, “Roberts began his report, as is his custom, with a bit of history, recalling a riot at which John Jay, an author of the Federalist Papers and later the first chief justice, was struck in the head by a rock “thrown by a rioter motivated by a rumor.”

The lies and corruption upheld by this “Chief Justice” aren’t “rumors” or “motivated” innuendo.

They are the breakdown of our society, our nation, and our way of life.

I will add a thought as a bit of solace for the “concerned” John Boy who wants to be King.

We aren’t rioters and I say this with the peace of a prepared citizenry.

If your cranium is touched by anything it won’t be a rock, but have no fear Chief Justice, as we aren’t interested in you or your Progressive brethren’s empty head(s).

Your necks will be just fine.

Jason Kraus

In a New York Minute

It’s very clear the animal known as Progressive/Liberal/RINO is inexhaustible when it comes to verbal ranting. Over and over again they continue to give credence to the paraphrased proverb that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

Not that any further proof was needed, but after a week of “professorial” regurgitation, no one with a modicum of intelligence is listening anymore.

Ah, the thought process of the Liberal that supports Late-Term Abortion, Sharia, and the trafficking of little boys throughout the Catholic Church, known as Nancy Pelosi, must be a staggering collection of blind squirrels all asking themselves when one will finally find a nut.

Of course her mirror would provide the answer but one must be willing to look to find the truth.

Something that will never happen with those who practice Oppression.

Piggish Pelosi and her gaggle will continue to crush any and all in their path until they are stopped.

Although President Trump fires off a good Tweet the Liberals have learned that his bark is worse than his bite.

They’ve broken laws, threatened to rape his child, bragged about a coup that they are currently exacting, slandered, smeared, and stalked him.

They’ve blamed him for everything under the sun, including being a Russian spy.

They’ve told us that our civilization will end in 2020 and the world will die in twelve years.

The Party of the Apocalypse who promised flexibility to Putin, sold Uranium to Russia (yes it did happen), referred to Hamas as a Humanitarian organization and helicopter dropped pallets of U. S. and other currencies to Iran in the middle of the night, is now about to Impeach Donald Trump for “crimes” against the United States.

President Trump’s only “crime” is that he is too nice and as amazing as it is to say, he might be too nice to do the job, as the only people to go prison under his Justice Department have been his own supporters.

His unwillingness to prosecute Hillary, and refusal to not only fire James Comey but keep the man, were both crucial errors.

The hiring of Reince Preibus as Chief of Staff was absurd.

Jeff Sessions as Attorney General and the retaining of the Assistants from the Obama Administration was even worse.

It is exactly these decisions and many others including but not limited to the hiring of John Kelly, John Bolton, and Rex Tillerson that have excited, emboldened, and frankly strengthened his enemies, and more importantly the enemies of America.

Over the years I have defended Mr. Trump at every turn, even when I disagreed with some of his policies.

Interest rate suppression, reauthorizing illegal FISA courts, and constant social media bickering is antithetical to Freedom.

With that said I still support Donald Trump for very specific reasons.

(1) I do believe he wants what is best for America.

(2) There are no other options.

Dear President Trump,

The rabid Liberals are indeed coming for you.

They’ve instituted a rallying cry and have absolutely no fear that you will do anything to stop them.

So far they are correct.

As I’ve stated many times, You are the carrot.

We the People are the stick.

It appears Progressives are unwilling to eat their vegetables and are going to Impeach you.

I know many think nothing will happen in the Senate but the “Swamp” is strong and by the time the complicit media is done Wagging the Dog there is a very real possibility that you will indeed be removed.

I say this without hesitation or reservation, if this does take place, plenty of us will be on our way to deal with every single politician that voted for this outcome.

We will do what needs to be done but your time and opportunity as President will be over.

Fortunately for us all, this juncture, has not yet arrived.

You currently have all the power to stop these traitors in their tracks but the head of your Justice Department sits quietly making worthless speeches, waiting for putrid IG reports, or indicting low level criminals for campaign finance crimes.

When you were a candidate you told “The Big Lady” to her face if you were President she “would be in jail.”

When you were a candidate you said you would do what it took to build a great big wall and stop the drugs, cartels, human trafficking and invasion of our country.

We believed you and gave you the Bully Pulpit.

None of these things have happened.

We the American People are still with you but it is time you start listening to us and stop listening to your echo chamber.

We aren’t winning.

We lost the House.

Democratic GOVERNORS are being elected.

Illegal Sanctuary States exist.

The country is being overrun by criminal foreign nationals who are doing tremendous damage, including the Wahhabis who struck again in Florida.

I personally heard three different languages spoken in a store this week in Northern California.

None of them were English.

We didn’t elect you to inflate the stock markets or “create” jobs.

Both of these things are cyclical and will move up and down, just as they historically, always have.

We elected you because WE ARE IN TROUBLE and WE KNOW that YOU KNOW.

We believe in your intelligence.

We believe in your heart.

Now, give us that New York Don and start dropping these traitors.

Jason Kraus

YES – Paul Krugman is a Bonafide Moron

While gold slowly moved higher, and the cryptocurrency world careened all over the place, the media decided to focus on the potty mouth of a woman playing a game of which nobody cares, a talk show host nobody watches, and a story in the USA Today about, “Some US women taking their reproductive matters into their own hands. They’re ordering abortion pills by mail.”

So, so close, yet so far away.

Maybe try a condom, or a patch, or something called outercourse, (back in the day I think that was called second base, maybe third) or a wide variety of options available in Yahoo Search under BIRTH CONTROL, or I don’t know maybe try, off the top of my head, taking reproductive matters into your own hands and ordering pills to KEEP YOU FROM GETTING PREGNANT.

I digress.

The media didn’t bother with the reported 15000 Mexican troops supposedly hanging out on our Southern Border with orders to NOT stop illegals from crossing into the United States.

This sentence poses questions and contradictions.

If they aren’t stopping the illegals then why are they there, followed by the surreal statement that Mexico actually has an Army?

When did this happen and what exactly have they been doing since 1848?

What’s that?

They work for the Cartels?

That’s right.

Army must mean Cartel in La Raza.

They are now at our Southern Border to ensure the drugs GET through.

Ain’t NAFTA grand?

What’s that again?

We don’t have NAFTA anymore?

Sure we do.

Trust me when I say nothing has changed. The drug smugglers and human traffickers are continuing to flood our country with both, courtesy of the Liberal Pelosi/Cortez Democrats and the RINO Chamber of Commerce Republicans.

President Trump is doing his best but each morning he must feel like Bill Murray looking for Andie MacDowell.

Speaking of Bill, William Bagpipes Barr has replaced the jaundiced Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions.

Looks like we are getting one blowhard after a mother.

Where are you Waldo?

How long can it possibly take to indict someone who committed multiple felonies, admitted to the acts, apologized for the acts, and then took the 5th in front of Congress?

Her name Willie, is Lerner, Lois Lerner.

Maybe you’ve heard of her.

Barry Soetoro has.

That’s Obama, Billy boy in case you haven’t been able to keep up with his many aliases including Team Leader of the Choom Gang.

Well played Liberals.

You gave us a Shiite (cough, allegedly) with multiple identities, who carpetbagged his way from Indonesia to Hawaii to California to Illinois to Washington while snorting Coke and having his college transcripts sealed.

So strong were his financial bonafides that his Chief Economic Adviser was the man who crippled General Electric, otherwise at one time known as the largest company in the world

Good ol Jeff Immelt as in I’m Melting all the hard work of Jack Welch.

As if that wasn’t bad enough he allowed the firm of Greenspan and Bernanke to continue forward under the name of Janet Yellen and crush interest rates for almost a decade creating the largest bubble in history that will eventually pop all over America and the world.

Frankly if it hadn’t been for Donald J. Trump the U.S.A would right now be at ZERO in-regards-to interest rates and Heil Hillary would be looking to hug Jimmy Hamas Carter, Robert KKK Byrd, and screaming for a “cloth” and another reset button while Putin continued to traipse into “NATO/European Union” territory.

The coup de grace (That’s French Liberals. Where did you go to school? Harvard?) for Barack (or whatever his name is) was the fact that he took counsel from a man who said the United States could simply mint trillion dollar coins and pay our debt back to ourselves.

Yes Paul Krugman, you are a bonafide moron.

Of course both of these hucksters are recipients of the greatest fraud of awards this side of the Oscars known as the Nobel Prize.

Obama For Peace.

Who down with OFP!

I know, I know. Try not to laugh too hard and yes this column is “based on a true story”.

The Nobel “people” later said it was given in hopes of providing him inspiration.

In other words they tied Affirmative Action and a Participation Trophy together while the very “white” Nobel Klan embraced bigotry, err, diversity.

Yeah, diversity, that’s it, diversity.

Paulie Shore Krugman received his PT because of his “explaining the patterns of international trade and the geographic distribution of economic activity, by examining the effects of economics of scale and of consumer preferences for diverse goods and services.”

Let me explain this simply.

Krug Less than a Man theorized about…CAPITALISM!

Give that man a prize, a Nobel Prize if you will.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again these “Nobel” nitwits need to change their names to No Clue and be done with it.

Again, well played Liberals.

Well played.

If that wasn’t enough the Progressives in California have decided in July to raise taxes on gasoline (again) and background check anyone buying ammunition.

It’s very clear they haven’t thought this through.

The raising of the price of gasoline in the SUMMER will guarantee MANY problems.

Making ammunition harder to procure will guarantee at least ONE thing.

Surer shooters with truer accuracy.

I’ve always proffered that rope was the best way to go but the Progressives in the Golden State appear to be trying to again make famous an appropriate Revolutionary War quote.

Do not fire until you see the whites of their eyes.

Of course in the Liberals case the only thing one would see at that close a range is their behinds as they tuck tail and run like the mutts that they are, bleating like sheep, in search of many villages, who are missing their idiot.

Jason Kraus

In Their Honor and the Fullness of Time

Periodically the subject(s) for my weekly columns take a little bit to find. Other times they scream to be written, and every once in a while, they search me out.

I was sought this week.

It won’t be reported in the papers or found on any blotter. Most would consider it random although I’m sure it has happened plenty of times prior, just not to me.

Without getting into the entire story (maybe I’ll add it to Late Bird Rising) a situation occurred, in the middle of a busy road, that required me to engage in a matter that wasn’t good for my central nervous system. Once the situation was contained my focused demeanor immediately turned to rage.

Rage that the situation ever occurred.

It shouldn’t have.

Rage at the individual(s) who put my safety in jeopardy.

I have no doubt this group of idiots has done this to other drivers.

Let us hope, for the safety of others, my response to him(them) did more than just release their bowels.

For those of you who have read Late Bird you know that migraines are a part of my life. I’ve done the best I can to control them but bright or strobe lights, nuts, or highly stressful situations usually lead to one happening somewhere in my near future.

I abstain from nuts and do my best to avoid intense lights, but occasionally complete strangers, will attempt to cause drama in my life.

It isn’t just me.

Complete strangers attempt to cause stress in everyone’s life across these United States.

They’re called Liberals.

This was a highly stressful situation and my response, although appropriate, was so intense I knew my head would be pounding in about an hour. I went on with my day completely prepared to deal with numb lips and fingertips, nausea, loss of vision and eventually an incredible pain that resonates for two days through my neck and head.

As I’ve stated before I’ve had these since I was a kid.

Just a part of my life.

This time a funny thing happened.

Even though I vacillated a little too long on the event, trying to “clear the mechanism,” the headache never arrived.

It appeared my response to those who created the situation, allowed me to remove the stress from my body, and return it to those who created it in the first place.

It’s time we do the same thing to the traitors in this country.

Let those who create the suffering, suffer the pain.

Every day “new” findings and documents are brought forward on the disastrous and treasonous Obama Administration.

Of course this isn’t new to those of us who pay attention, but as these things come to light, pressure/stress is being applied to our American systems, many that have already capitulated.

Roads that crumble, dams that break, schools that indoctrinate and graduate children who cannot read.

Trillions in debt with even more to come.

Politicians who lie, cheat, and steal and are so brazen, criminals with connections and secrets like Jussie Smollett, simply walk out the door, while Progressive judges sneak criminal foreign nationals out the back of our courthouses.

On this Memorial Day Weekend, with respect, appreciation, and admiration we praise the ultimate sacrifice of the American who because of their service, and last full measure of devotion, granted us the privilege of living in a free country.

On this day I say in their honor and the fullness of time,

Prepare to RAGE.

Jason Kraus

In God I Trust

The question has been bandied about many times over.

If you could talk to anyone, living or dead, who would you choose?

A large group will select those who were famous for being intelligent, such as Albert Einstein.

Others will prefer humans who were famous for different “attributes,” like Norma Jean Baker.

The answer to this question varies, as with so many different people, their choices will always cover the spectrum and then some.

What about you Jason?

Who would you choose and what would you ask?

For me this is simple.

I’m going with the Big Fella Upstairs and I’m not asking a damn thing.

The only words coming out of my mouth are THANK YOU.

Thank you for giving me Free Will so I not only have the opportunity to work hard, save my money, and be beneficial to others, but also have the capability to realize what I am doing.

Thank you for putting me in the greatest country in the history of Man.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

No questions about the universe, heaven, the creation of Earth, Jimmy Hoffa, who shot Kennedy, or Area 51.

Nothing, nada, zilch except merci beaucoup!

The reason I am writing about this today is simple.

If I have no questions for GOD what makes Liberals think I would ever have a question for them about anything?

What could we possibly ask these lost souls?

How to stop abortion from happening?

According to the braintrust of The Traveling Pants of Milano, women need only to halt having sex, in order to stop getting pregnant, and that all Liberal women, should cease and desist.

Another Progressive decided to support this protest by posing naked.

Hmmm, not sure if they thought that one out, then again, what am I saying?

They are Liberals.

Of course they didn’t.

This is the same group that screams for women’s rights and then supports Islam (Sharia) where women are property and abortion is a crime.

I’m pretty sure there are others ways for responsible adults to keep from getting knocked up but by all means all Progressive women should stop having sex immediately.

In fact let’s make this an Equality issue and attach it to the new “law” the House just passed by adding all Progressive men in there as well.

I have no doubt, if Liberals stick to this course of action, the intelligence quotient of the next generation, will rise dramatically.

Now if we can just close the border and send back all the Somalis, “Palestinians,” the Chinese spying for Dianne Feinstein, and the Pakistanis working for the Clintons/DNC, we might get to a point where we can afford to remove all forms of income tax, save the American Dollar by fixing interest rates and reducing debt, and create new systems where everyone who wants it, can genuinely afford, quality medical care.

Not this Obamacare, California Care, Medicare For All garbage that is crushing Americans and saving illegal foreign nationals.

With all that said I still wouldn’t change a thing when speaking with God.

Thank you again Big Fella.

It’s been a great ride and I appreciate the opportunity, oh and thanks for the Progressives.

We do need comedic relief down here.

What’s that?

You didn’t send them?

Very interesting.

That definitely makes it easier, for us to return them, from which they came.

In the meantime, I guess I’ll see you, when you want to see me.


Jason Kraus