If you trust the government then you can keep your insurance, your doctor AND you’ll save money.

If you trust the government then I suggest you stay out of Benghazi.

If you trust the government then you better get out of Guam before that place tips over.

If you still trust the government then the Cherokee Nation owes Elizabeth Warren a yuuuuuuge apology.

If you trust the government then you need to give up your guns, stop eating meat, flying, driving, or working in general.

If you still trust the government James Comey is your boy, Barack Obama is your yoga instructor due to flexibility and please send your teenage daughters to the summer camp of Clinton, Newsom, and Weinstein.

Where rape isn’t rape, oral sex isn’t sex, and is can mean so many things.

Your feelings and fear do not change actual facts.

On the other hand your behavior will change YOUR reality.

Individual American ruggedness or governmental oppressive flaccidity.

Look it up Libs.

You have nothing but time.

At least that’s what the government is telling you.

Jason Kraus

A Big Amen to the American Truck Driver

To say it is an interesting time is an understatement.

Incredible technology, mind-blowing opportunities and a limitless future and somehow the greatest country in the history of Man has allowed itself to be “self-quarantined.”

Coupled with the overwhelming hatred and disgust of the “government” in general, the logical mind wonders.

The approval rating for Congress has been reported to be in single digits.

Half of the voting population, including the deceased and criminal foreign nationals, hates President Trump.

The other half supports him ferociously but hates most of the politicians in his Party.

The mistrust of all politicians is at an all-time high, rightly so, and that’s saying something in a country that historically despises the elected class.

The statement “I wouldn’t trust the government to wipe my a%$” is shared by many and has now taken on quite a new connotation as the lack of toilet paper continues to not swirl the bowl.

“I wouldn’t cross the street to p*ss on you if you were on fire” is another favorite that is directed at today’s politicians and coincidentally also embraces their lack of dealing with the homeless as urine flows daily.

Yet, with all the hatred, distrust, and well earned bile heading in the direction of the “politician” too many Americans were willing to follow any and all commands laid down.

Let me ask this plainly.

If someone has lied to you, targeted you, called you names, allowed your fellow citizens to be murdered by criminal foreign nationals, and buried you in oppressive regulations and taxation, why would you listen to anything they had to say?

Lie to me once shame on you.

That’s where the saying ends because I’m not going to give you another chance to lie to me again yet too many are listening to a government that ALLOWS drugs to flow freely through its borders (and all over the nation) and then offers “programs” paid by taxpayers to provide clean needles and MORE drugs to get off the drugs that they allowed through in the first place.

You are going to listen to “doctors” and pump more drugs into your own body on the word of these “physicians” who at face value appear to have zero knowledge of nutrition or any semblance of Do No Harm in reference to their own bodies?

You are going to hide in your homes because this same government told you a “virus” is among us when the majority of the population urinates and defecates daily and NEVER washes their hands before going out and touching objects, merchandise and food that we all touch, buy and eat?

What’s that?

YOU wash your hands all the time?

Sure you do.

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been in a public restroom to hear the flush of a toilet or urinal and the only other sound is the whoosh of a door opening and closing.

The overwhelming majority of the population does NOT wash their hands every time they use the restroom.

The restaurants even put signs up telling their EMPLOYEES to wash, which doesn’t happen much, let alone every time.

Most Americans use the restrooms in their homes multiple times and maybe do the “spritz and shake” with one shot of agua from the spigot.

We may be the most inoculated humans on the planet from this disgusting practice and it occurs hundreds of millions of times EVERY DAY.

Stop with the drama.

We have Vietnam Vets who clawed their way through jungles, losing brothers daily, who are now living with horrific pain, including Agent Orange, provided by the same lying government and these American Heroes don’t say a word.

We have children dying from Leukemia that smile and brace themselves every day for a pain and mortality rate the Coronavirus will NEVER come close to.

You’ve been sitting at home eating too much, watching Netflix and screaming about your government check while the rest of us have been out there working, protecting, and keeping the economy moving so you can binge watch Game of Thrones for the tenth time.

I can hear you Libs and whiny RINOS now.

But, but the Governor, the Mayor, the President said that we should all stay home.

So he’s your President NOW?

Now you’re taking your lead from the “rapey, racist, bigoted Orange Man?”

Aren’t you all supposed to be in Canada?

For the record they said all people who aren’t ESSENTIAL should stay home.

Well done.

You just proved what the taxpayers have known all along.

You are NOT essential.

From this point on stay put.

You’ll do less damage from your parents/grandparents/brothers/sisters/drug dealers couch or you sixties retreads listening to your Jerry Garcia records.

Drunk driving arrests will probably plummet.

Just say thank you to the military, cops, firemen and women, nurses, flight attendants, pilots, cooks, waitresses, small business owners, manufacturers, the local package delivery drivers, President Donald Trump, and a big AMEN to the AMERICAN TRUCK DRIVER!









By the way.

Stop hoarding all the supplies.

Those of us you are counting on to keep the lights on, need to be able to eat and do that other thing you apparently do fifty times a day.

Oh and one more thing.

The easiest and furthest reaching”stimulus” would be to remove all forms of Federal Income Tax from the Individual for a six-month period.

You want to see an explosion of the Invisible Hand, take the vice-like grip off the American Worker and Small Business Owner’s neck.

Trillions more in debt makes everything worse and sending $1000 checks to people who don’t work already has a name and it isn’t stimulus.

It’s called Food Stamps and the only thing it’s “stimulating” is Cuomo Virus.

Jason Kraus

Teach the Children Well

With the spread of panic because of the Chinese Virus it seems a very long time ago that two mumbling, bumbling “Progressives” were on stage.

It wasn’t.

The saddest part of the last Democratic debate wasn’t the CNN moderators, even those who were difficult to understand.

It wasn’t the two petulant children on stage attempting to discuss issues with which they have no actual experience.

It wasn’t even the Donna Brazile effect as it was perfectly clear neither one of them had any answers.

It was the BOREDOM.

I cannot believe I am saying this but for the first time ever Mike Bloomberg was missed.

Tiny Mike’s attempt to appear human was wildly entertaining and he brought the best (worst) out of the ranting beer slurping neurotic bigot known as Cheekbones Warren.

Even Yang’s math pin had more personality than the Bernie/Biden Vomitorium.

As the week continued the markets tumbled, the Fed fired its “bazooka” and interest rates actually went up.

Marco Rubio tried to explain “Marshall Law” wasn’t happening.

Once the correct spelling of the word was pointed out to him he responded by calling it a typo and that of course he knew how to spell “Marital Law.”

Marco’s wife may need some counsel.

President Trump discussed helicopter money and Andrew Yang was given another fifteen minutes of fame as he ran around telling anyone who would listen “I told you so.”

Americans celebrated as the Canadian Border was finally closed.

The free flowing of maple syrup and Molson beer had to be stopped.

At the same time the Cartels continued to run the Mexican Government and push meth and marijuana through the one border that even the ChinaVirus cannot seal.

American college students were told to take an extended spring vacation due to the “outbreak.”

Many complied by heading to the beaches in Florida and getting hammered.

As of this writing not one case of the CoronaVirus has been reported on the beaches but plenty of cases of Corona have been reported missing.

It appears the kids realized there was more than one way to sanitize their bodies with alcohol and it wasn’t through wipes.

They also figured out imbibing booze in this fashion does not require the usage of toilet paper.

Who said the Instagram Generation isn’t getting it!

It wasn’t just the kids blowing off the “experts.”

Bay Area citizens were filmed taking walks and exercising outside.

Multiple politicians and CNN slobberers warned and threatened those who were not willing to stay “quarantined” in their homes.

The panicked  prima donnas tried again and again to guilt and scare the population and the overwhelming response asked a simple question.

Do you know ANYONE who has the “racist” ChinaVirus?

Bueller? Bueller?



It appears the young people have decided to live what their parents and grandparents from the sixties taught them.

For the now.

Don’t worry about the future.

That’s somebody else’s problem.

Drinking, drugging and doing each other is groovy dude besides Social Security is toast and the kids ain’t got no jelly cuz jam don’t shake like dat!

The Sixties Progressive/NeoCons have buried the U. S. in unbearable debt, created never ending war, trashed the kids with a garbage education, and convinced them that smoking pot cures everything from insecurity to carcinoma.

They can choose their genders, don’t need jobs, and can take a pill to cure AIDS, so what’s the point of it all?

As Bobby McFerrin said Don’t Worry, Be Crappy.

Besides, with cancer and HIV under control, why bother to deal with something a tequila shot and some lime can handle.

Jason Kraus

A Virus Among Us

The true virus flowing through the United States right now isn’t named Corona.

It isn’t Tecate, Coors, or Bud Light Lime.

The virus moving through America is Oppression and it has disguised itself as free medical, free housing, and reparations.

It has embraced Sharia, called terrorists “humanitarians,” sold Uranium to Russia, and promised “flexibility” to Putin.

It helicopter dropped billions in U. S. currency to Iran, otherwise known as the largest State sponsor of terrorism on the planet.

It’s still protecting the Clintons and the O’Biden/Bamas, pushing the very illegal FISA forward, allowing the flow of Human Trafficking and drugs through our open Southern Border.

Oppression is oppression is oppression but it goes by different names, relabeling itself as Freedom loving, requiring citizens force it into the light.

It’s been called Organized Labor, Socialism, Social Democracy, Liberalism, Progressivism, and lately Democratic Socialism.


Specific humans believing they have the right to dictate to others whether it be by hook, crook, or kill.

Many believe Hitler was solely responsible for the atrocities in World War II, but without the support of the majority (Democracy) of an entire nation he, more than likely, would have ended up killed in a random bar fight or in prison.

Oppression only exists because humans decide to choose this path.

It’s well past time to stop waiting for the Liberals to embrace America.

It’s well past time to stop the discussion of “coming together”.

Only the weak make deals with Oppression.

We are not the weak.

Joe Biden stood on a stage, embraced Beto O’Rourke and said he would put him in charge of getting the guns.

Days later he swore at an American citizen who was defending the 2nd Amendment, telling the citizen he was full of sh*t.

In essence calling the citizen a liar.

The only liar in that conversation was Biden.

The humans who call themselves Liberal or Progressive are lacking many things, including any sense of being, of a place where they belong.

They have no concept of Socrates or Plato, Adam Smith or Alexander Tytler.

They have no concept of Abraham Maslow.

What’s more they don’t care.

They are like a roaring fire bent on destruction and will stop at nothing, including their own demise, to try and fill the void in their lives.

Evolution requires the growth of an organism to survive.

In order for evolution to occur Liberals must be dealt with until the idea of dominating others to fulfill their own needs is either removed or the organism known as Liberal is destroyed.

Just like the Nazis.

Just like the Commies.

Just like the British.

There is a virus among us.

Its name is Democrat.

Jason Kraus

Liberal Idiots and Moderate Morons

Recently this question was proffered.

Can you explain in short order (insert Bloomberg joke here) the difference between a Moderate Democrat and a Liberal Democrat?


One is an idiot, the other is a moron.

Oh now Jason what is with the name calling?

I am not calling anyone names.

These are terms with specific definitions found in any dictionary.

Idiot is defined as “an utterly foolish or senseless person.”

Anyone voting for Mandela Biden is by definition an utterly foolish or senseless person.

The man, or whatever his gender is today, doesn’t know which State he is in, mistakes days of the week, and cannot finish simple self-evident, uh people and uh things, yeah things . . . you know the things.

Snapple, cracker, Corn Pop!

Whatchoo talkin’ bout Willis!

I digress.

A moron is described as “a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment.”

Sounds exactly like a Bernie Sanders supporter.

Aren’t words fun!

Of course no one likes to be called an idiot but when Liberals choose someone to be in charge of the nuclear codes who tells a paraplegic to stand up and states that JOBS is a three letter word, well, it is what it is.

Of course no one likes to be referred to a moron but when you support someone who tries to tell you that Fidel Castro did some good things and you’ll be better off when he taxes you at exorbitant rates, well, moron might be an understatement.

What about Tulsi Gabbard?

For some reason some “Republicans and Independents” are infatuated by her.

She supports Bernie The Communist Sanders so not sure what the draw is but hang on a second . . . HERE’S YOUR SIGN!

If A is a Communist, and B supports A, then B is a moron.

Of course we lost the Liberals, err, morons with the usage of logic and letters but at least the morons know which State they are in . . . most of the time.

It’s called the State of Denial.

On a completely different note I am starting to really wonder about Utah.

Mitt Romney for the Senate and Bernie Sanders for President?

Bernie is on record stating that women fantasize about being raped simultaneously by three different men WHILE having sex and the Mormons said give us more of that?

Sounds a bit bizarre to have the Muslims and apparently some of the Latter-day Saints supporting the same candidate but that Pierre Delecto is a weird guy.

Speaking of weird guys Mini Mike, Tiny Steyer, Buttigiggy and Elena all decided that no one likes them, no one really really likes them and shut down their “campaigns”.

The only ones to notice were Californians who felt it was safe to return to watching television.

Chuck Schumer decided the way to support the act of abortion was to threaten the newest members of the Supreme Court.

No one should be surprised.

If Liberals are willing to kill, dismember and sell baby parts then knocking off a couple of Justices shouldn’t be that big of a deal.

Maybe they can hire Jussie Smollet to “act” the part with a few props.

A sandwich, some rope, and a couple of African-Nigerians.

Continent on country crime.

Who down with CCC!

Clap back Chuckles stood in front of the cameras and talked about releasing the whirlwind and then hid in the corner with his Brooklyn binky and said he didn’t mean it.

Charlie and the Cuckoo Factory.

Working as hard as he can to catch up to the Ocasio-Cortez five cans short of a six-pack club.

Finally the propagandized media decided that the stock markets were climbing because Quid Pro Quo Joe was able to get his supporters to the polls on Thursday, err, Tuesday and take the lead over Bolshevik Bernie.

The Party of Diversity spent Super Tuesday fighting over two old white men.

An idiot and a moron.

The perfect measurement of Barack’s legacy.

Two bigots constantly bending over showing their arse, err, “flexibility”.

It’s clear that the job is too much for them, as it was for Obama, and causing anxiety.

One phone call to Hillary’s husband and all their cares will drift away.

At least for as long as it takes to “smoke” a cigar.

Jason Kraus

Democratic Debate of Dimwits, Dupes and Dullards

Yes, there is a lot going on in the world (Chinese Coronavirus, La Raza on the Supreme Court, Chris Tingle Mathews referring to Bernie Sanders as Hitlerian ) but I have to say it is hilarious watching bigots ask other bigots questions.

Yes, I am referring to the Democratic “Debate” that took place this week and for the love of all that’s holy someone please tell these “intellectuals” to put their hands down.

You don’t have the answers Democrats . . . to anything.

Debate is a tough thing to call a collection of imbeciles attempting to hide from their pasts, except of course the Fidel Castro loving Leader of the Democratic Party, who continues to double down on his support of oppression and stupidity.

After twenty minutes of listening to the Elizabeth Warren I’m Going To Keep Attacking Mini Mike because I Don’t Like His Cheekbones Show, Socialist South African Sanders was asked to explain his 50 to 60 TRILLION dollar Mandela Medicare for all program.

He stumbled and bumbled through the MATH because MATH doesn’t deal in fiction, unless I guess you are part of the Klobuchar, Buttigiggy, Steyer, Warren, etc., klan.

Yes, KLAN because that’s exactly what the Democrat candidates are.

A group of White apologists constantly telling “black and brown folk” that their lives suck and have sucked for hundreds of years because of seventy-three year old Donald Trump.

There’s that MATH again.

It’s amazing to listen to and I’ll say this.

Those who are being labeled in the “black or brown folk” category by the Progressives should never vote for any of these bigots due to the entire Liberal premise that Americans who don’t have white skin, aren’t smart enough, to take care of themselves.

As if Obama’s Food Stamp ridiculousness wasn’t absurd, Bernie Sanders plans to make “African-Americans” government funded weed dealers in order for the “black population” to escape White Oppression.

The man actually said this at the last debacle . . . err . . . debate.

Of course these scheming steaming piles of bile will eventually succumb to their own hate as the entire country is constantly told that without their help blacks “will be back in chains”.

Without their help women will be barefoot, pregnant, and treated like second class citizens.

Without their help homosexuals will be beaten and murdered.

Sounds like Iran where the great Democratic Hope Barack Obama helicopter dropped BILLIONS of dollars in the middle of the night.

Sounds like Cuba where the great Democratic Hope Barack Obama had lunch and a baseball game with a murdering thug that the current great Democratic Hope said, “Did some good things”.

In the last debate “Mike” Bloomberg stated that aside from himself the rest of the field was a bunch of Communists.

He finally got something right.

He then stated that if he doesn’t get the nomination he will support whoever does.

I know you Liberals are slow so let me tee it up for you.

Bloomberg just admitted that he’d support Communism.

In the world where I was raised we had a saying.

Better dead than red.

If you lost souls push We The People into this particular choice there is no doubt of the outcome.

There will be lots of red and it won’t be us buying the farm.

We’ll just deal with it Bloomberg style.

Dig a hole and plant you.

No water required.

Jason Kraus

Just Call Her Elena

Reading history and gathering the thoughts and concepts of the learned isn’t a difficult thing, especially in the world of the Internet.

Socratic Theory is stated as follows.

Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy and finally Tyranny.

Each one, starting with Aristocracy, leads to the next, eventually ending in Tyranny.

This model expressed in Plato’s Republic was well understood by the Founders of our great Nation and they went to tremendous lengths to create a system that, if protected, could stand the test of time.

From their work a country was built through Freedom and in the blink of an historical eye became the beacon for what other nations could become IF their citizens were willing to make the correct choices.

Freedom First.

Freedom Only.

Unfortunately the rest of the World has not followed in the footsteps of America although they’ve all been willing to benefit from the inventions Freedom allows to occur.

Electricity, the cotton gin, motor vehicles, and the Internet, just to name a few, have changed the lives of billions and they all started in the U. S. of A.

Instead of being proud of these accomplishments Freedom has been under attack by many in today’s America.

Too many belong to nothing (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs) and have reached and continue to reach for anything that will fill the void in their lives.

Drugs, promiscuity, and oppression of others have been pushed to the front by politicians in the Sixties Generation and the following generations have been conditioned to accept these behaviors as appropriate.

They are not.

Marijuana usage by healthy humans makes all things worse.

Promiscuity chips away at the soul as loyalty, trust, and love are never found in this type of behavior, never mind the dissemination of infectious disease(s).

Oppression of others (bullying) has lead to the Democratic front runner sending out “goons” known as the Bernie Bros. to threaten people in their homes.

This of course is not new as Obama had Black Lives Matter, Progressives have Antifa, and the Mexicans have La Raza, never mind Islamic Sharia and MS-13.

Democratic politicians across America are emptying their jails and prisons, creating Sanctuary States and Cities, and calling for the removal of all walls or barriers on our Southern Border.

Who is voting for this?

Who is voting for a society that has no rules, no laws, no values?


It’s gotten so bad Amy Klobuchar is trying to change her name to Elena.

Apparently it will help her with her R’s.

It’s gotten so bad, Bernie Sanders, the leader of the Democratic Party, who honeymooned in Russia, thinks Che Guevara was a pretty good guy.

Che Guevara murdered blacks and homosexuals simply for being BLACK and HOMOSEXUAL but somehow Sanders is leading the Party of Diversity?

In the Progressive world of #METOO the man who thinks women fantasize that they are being raped simultaneously by three different men WHILE having sex with their husbands or boyfriends is getting the suburban soccer mom vote?

In the land of the Liberal a man who has never had a job in his life is going to be in charge of the most productive and powerful economy and military on the planet?

How long have you people been smoking pot?

Get off the Grateful Dead Tour and as Richard Pryor once said, “Have a Coke and a smile and shut the f#$k up!”

Sadly the number two Democratic candidate thinks blacks and browns should be thrown against walls and that farmers and ranchers are basically a bunch of morons who only do things like FEED US.

Of course this is to be expected as Michael Bloomberg believes his spot in Heaven has already been earned.

In other words he thinks he is God.

I know the Jerry Garcia crowd struggles with sobriety but Mini Mike is certainly not the Big Fella Upstairs.

Finally I decided to turn on the Democratic Debate on Wednesday night.

Stunningly idiotic.

The best part was the candidate that WASN’T there.

Andrew Yang, no longer on the stage with his “Math” pin, gave them all a sense of relief as it is pretty clear with their tax plans that none of them, including Yang, can do Math.

One called Denmark a great example for the United States.

Two others decided that telling black and brown women how much their lives suck was the way to go.

Buttigiggy decided to do a little comedy by stating the Democratic Party is a Party of Values.

Good one Moe, I mean Peter.

Good one.

Joe Biden said things that even Joe Biden didn’t understand but the best comment was from “Mike” Bloomberg.

He looked down the line and said “I believe I’m the only one here who has started a business” and the collection of miscreants and morons all stared silently at him as the crowd laughed.

If only he’d stop bragging about throwing people against walls and calling women fat broads and horse-faced lesbians he might have a chance to take Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s seat and give his fellow bigoted billionaire Bezos an opportunity to bring in Amazon.

Other than that “Mike” should use all the money he didn’t waste inflating his poll numbers to “save the planet” from destruction.

If he’s going to blow his cash with a lot of hot air it should definitely go towards global warming, err global cooling, err climate change.

Yeah that’s it.

Climate change.

Hey Mikey Likes It!

He’s the only one.

Jason Kraus

Corn Pop Say What!

Most weeks for me are filled to the brim.

I like it this way.

This seven day window was a bit more than normal and the time to write started to escape.

Sadly, the Liberals will not stop talking, so my job didn’t take as long as I thought it would, as they continued to provide ammunition for the gun.

DNC Chair Tom (La Raza) Perez stated “We cannot change the rules midstream” while changing the rules midstream.

If everything goes well in November, Perez will again be unemployed and begging MSNBS for Al Sharpton’s old job.

They can both give President Trump an NAACP award and then call him a racist.

Michael (Mini Mike) Bloomberg continued to support “Diversity” as he stated minorities needed to be thrown against a wall and frisked.

Go ahead and personally try it Tiny Dancer but before you do make sure you put in your lifts.

Your fall to the pavement will be much greater and well deserved.

Furthermore it appears the pressure is getting to the little lad as it seems he is attempting suicide by courting Hillary What Difference Does it Make Clinton.

It made a difference to Seth Rich.

“Amy Klobuchar’s Rise and Elizabeth Warren Solidarity: New Hampshire Showed Women Can Win”

Punchy Amy came in a distant third (somebody had to) and Cheekbones wasn’t even on the reservation but this is what “winning” looks like to those who struggle with their own gender and whether to sit or stand in the restroom.

Joe Biden decided to parrot Hillary and tell us he didn’t feel no ways tired.

I wonder when they’ll snatch him up and throw him head first into a van.

Probably right after they find the hot sauce in his pockets.

Corn Pop say what!

Windbag Warren struck again with her attempt to use the term “redlining”.

One would think she would be careful with her “colors” but no, Pale Face Lizzie will forever be known as the ultimate Washington Redskin.

Bill Barr continued to disappoint those who believed he was an upgrade at the Attorney General position as he disregarded his boss and let the criminal McCabe off the hook.

The only people being indicted, tried, and imprisoned are President Trump supporters.

Let’s call Barr what he is.

Jeff Sessions 2.0.

Oh Jason wait for the Durham Report.

Yes we waited for the Mueller Report, the IG Report, Q, and a wide variety of promises floating through D.C.

Barr isn’t stuck in the muck.

He’s firmly entrenched as part of the Swamp.

Whether Republicans or The President admit this or not is irrelevant.

Facts are facts.

Here’s another fact.

We are with you Mr. President!

Bring US in and let The People clean up this mess!

Let us return to our current programming.

The Democrats are continuing to allow a Russian supporting Communist sympathizer to lead their Presidential race.

Even the #METOO community has nothing to say about Fantasy Rape Sanders as Katie Kouric spent more time showing us her posterior than follow up questions on Bernie who dodged her ask by saying, “Well it was a long time ago”.

If Bernie is going to be the Democratic nominee then it’s only “fair” that Cosby and Weinstein are released so Meryl Streep can take a knee, Kunta Kinte Kaepernick style, at the feet of her God.

Finally, AOClueless admitted Socialist Sanders doesn’t have a “magic wand” to create Medicare For All.


Come on Liberals!

At least be consistent!

All we’ve heard is this is what the People want and YOU are going to get it for them by taxing the White Privileged One Percent.

What’s that?

You cannot figure out a way to get your hands on TWENTY-TRILLION dollars?

Finally a reality check to you clowns.

While you are temporarily connected to the real world let’s give you one more fact.

You don’t control the climate either.

No you don’t you lying dog faced pony soldiers.

Jason Kraus

You Get a Delegate and You Get a Delegate!

The Kick Off to this week was found on Super Bowl Sunday as one of the San Francisco 49ers decided to proclaim, before the game started, that he wouldn’t be going to the White House.

You are correct Richard Sherman.

The Chiefs will go instead.

No Elizabeth Warren, you are not invited.

President Trump sent congratulations to Kansas, and many who cannot read a map, or read in general, jumped all over Social Media to proclaim his choice of State to be incorrect.

For the record Kansas City is the third largest city in KANSAS but don’t let the facts get in the way of Progressive piggishness.

The halftime show was billed as Latino and Hispanic women of strength.

I’d ask which one, Latino or Hispanic, but by the time the gyrating and humping was over one of the women of strength had become a Columbian and then an Arab because of the way she used her tongue.

I’m sure Ahab was thrilled.

I guess the other one didn’t have any new moves so she remained Jenny from the Flock.

You cannot make this stuff up!

The collective absurdity of the Democrat-Liberal-Progressive is monstrous and apparently without end. I read a comment on a post recently that stated “If you are still voting Democrat you are either stupid beyond hope or horribly evil.”

Yes and yes.

Between coin flips and a broken app the only thing left for the Democrats in Iowa was for everyone to take a victory lap, proclaim they all shocked the world, and head to New Hampshire.

Punchy participation trophies for all.

It appears Common Core math has struck again.

As this was happening Mini Mike instructed his paid propagandists at Bloomberg News to write more garbage about President Trump and then proceeded to purchase many millions more of television and radio ads.

Bloomberg and Tom Steyer.

Billionaires spending hundreds of millions trying to be as tall as The Donald.

Someone get those two a booster seat and a sippy cup.

Throw Putin in there and it appears Little Man Complex is a real thing.

I’m sure Obama would do nicely in this group due to his “flexibility”.

The State Of The Union became front and center but before it was given, everyone from the Press outlets, except CNN, was invited in for an off the record briefing.

The White House didn’t want to say it but that move had to be made to guarantee Hillary didn’t see it first.

During the SOTU the collective IQ of 24 known as Democratic Congresswomen broke out in cultural misappropriation wearing all white while trying to understand President Trump’s usage of facts, history, and polysyllabic verbiage.

The only thing missing was their hoods.

Even with the Pelosi Paper Tantrum and the I’m Taking My Toys And Going Home Bartender, the classic Progressive moment came when the Governor of Michigan stood up and stated that the roads in her State were so bad they needed a child to fill the potholes.

She said this with PRIDE.

This behavior supported and brought to you Chipotle, Nike, and Kunta Kinte Kaepernick where you are one burrito or a pair of shoes away from projectile vomiting, child labor, and/or the Coronavirus.

Finally, the Senate finished with their melodrama and got down to business.

Everyone including VoMit Delecto Romney voted as expected and the latest shot in the dark by the Liberals was cast aside like Ilhan Omar’s husband when her brother became available.

Oh Jason you cannot say that!

I just did.

Jason Kraus

Chess Not Checkers

Recently someone said to me that they were born in the wrong century.

I just smiled and told them there has never been a better time to be alive.

The combination of technology and the growth of the animal known as Human has allowed for incredible discoveries and inventions.

At the blink of an eye we can communicate with others around the country, nay, the world.

Information can be deciphered, corrected if need be, and it usually needs to be, and shared at a moments notice.

Electricity, the Internet, the eventual reality of Space Travel.

Truly amazing things yet we sit here today in the greatest country in the history of Man being dictated to by a bunch of soulless clowns who struggle to maintain sobriety on a daily basis.

We are being told that laws are selective, borders don’t matter, genders are fluid depending upon how much tofu one had in a twenty-four hour period, inanimate objects commit assaults, and that sanctuary must be provided to Mexicans, Russians, Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis, etc., but Americans have to suck it up and live on the streets.

The parasites telling us these things are known as Representatives and Senators and they think we are Pawns in their struggle to become Kings and Queens.

We are not.

We are not the Pawns, the Rooks, the Knights, or the Bishops.

We certainly aren’t Kings and Queens.

We are the BOARD.

We are the ones that afford the movement of the pieces, in which direction they are allowed, and ultimately who gets to play.

We decide when the game starts and when it is completed, and as I say this, I want to be clear.

If now, or in the future, the Senate is able to collect 67 votes and removes our piece, one President Donald J. Trump, we will come and clear the board.

We won’t be coming to march, talk, or clean up the trash.

We will be coming to TAKE THE TRASH OUT!

In one word.


So call or don’t call your little witnesses, you little Pawns, in our game.

None of these people matter, to those of us, who do.

There is a saying I very much enjoy.

Aim small miss small.

I will say this much to you putrid chicken pecking pissants in Congress.

You won’t have to worry about our aim as you’ll be experiencing the whites of our eyes.

Up close and personal, and the rage that will rain down on you, will be more than you can bear.

So continue to lie, cheat, steal, and ignore us.

That pounding you hear coming from the floorboards isn’t Poe, your imagination, or your conscience, as we know you don’t possess one.

That pounding you hear is America coming to cleanse her Jeffersonian soul.

The Patriots have given enough.

67 votes and it’ll be the Tyrants turn.

There is a trial happening right now.


Jason Kraus