by Daveda Gruber
The presumptive presidential candidate, Joe Biden has had health issues that may explain not only his cognitive issues, but also his anger.
Biden suffered from several episodes of increasingly severe neck pain, and was having regular headaches.
There was bad enough pain that it required him to carry around a big bottle of Tylenol for headaches and pain in his neck.
Biden suffered two brain aneurysms, one on the right side and one on the left. Each required surgery with high risk of long-term impact on brain functionality.
In February of 1988 Biden was taken by long-distance ambulance to Walter Reed Army Medical Center and given lifesaving surgery to correct an intracranial berry aneurysm that had begun leaking.
Another operation to repair a second aneurysm, which had caused no symptoms but was at risk of bursting, was performed in May of 1988.
The hospitalization and recovery kept Biden from his duties in the Senate for seven months.
While recuperating, he suffered a pulmonary embolism which is major complication.
Pulmonary embolism can be minor and go unnoticed, or it can be significant and cause difficulty breathing, sharp chest pain and even death. Less commonly, the clots can also travel through the heart and back to the rest of the body, including the brain. This is called paradoxical embolism.
When he underwent a microsurgical craniotomy at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Washington, D.C. The chances of surviving the surgery were 50 percent, but the likelihood of waking up with serious deficits were probable.
Biden, at the time wrote, “Maybe I should have been frightened at this point, but I felt calm. In fact, I felt becalmed, like I was floating gently in the wide-open sea. It surprised me, but I had no real fear of dying. I’d long since accepted the fact that life’s guarantees don’t include a fair shake.”
Biden was completely isolated during his recovery. That decision was made by his wife Jill and his staff.
This meant no work or phone calls. Even when President Ronald Reagan called Biden twice, Jill was adamant about her rule and would not let Biden take the calls.
Each required surgery with high risk of long-term impact on brain functionality.
In retrospect, Biden’s family came to believe the early end to his presidential campaign in 1988 had been a blessing in disguise.
Had he still been campaigning in 1988, he might well not have stopped to seek medical attention and he may not have survived.
In 2013, Biden said of his surgeries, “they take a saw and they cut your head off” and “they literally had to take the top of my head off.” He also said he was told he would have less than a 50% chance of full recovery.
Ruptured brain aneurysms are fatal in about 50% of cases. Of those who survive, about 66% suffer some permanent neurological deficit. Approximately 15% of people with a ruptured aneurysm die before reaching the hospital. Most of the deaths are due to rapid and massive brain injury from the initial bleeding.
Stroke is a common cause of vascular dementia. During a stroke, your brain goes without blood and oxygen for a period of time.
An aneurysm or blood clot may prevent blood from flowing properly. This may cause part of your brain to go without oxygen and blood.
After a Brain Aneurysm/AVM/Hemorrhagic Stroke, survivors and family members say one of the most difficult emotions to handle is anger and frustration. Most survivors would describe themselves as having a personality change or a lack of impulse control due to anger.
Along with each required surgery, there comes a high risk of long-term impact on brain functionality.
This information could answer many questions about Biden.
Anger? Yes, his speaking about taking people outside to decide an argument may be because of anger.
His constant gaffs may be his brain not functioning the way it should.
Also, Biden has an irregular heartbeat, known as nonvalvular atrial fibrillation. Biden has not required any medication or other treatment for this heart condition but he does take a blood thinner. His condition, also called AFib, can increase the risk of blood clots.
Biden’s hospitalization was complicated by a blood clot that lodged in his lung. The man has many health issues.
Dementia is a collective term used to describe various symptoms of cognitive decline, such as forgetfulness. It is a symptom of several underlying diseases and brain disorders. Dementia is not a single disease in itself, but a general term to describe symptoms of impairment in memory, communication, and thinking.
With the health issues he has had and conditions he suffers from them, Biden should not be running for President of the United States.
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