About Daveda

I write for http://DefiantAmerica.com, http://aleadernotapolitician.com/ https://magamedia.org/ and http://FreeAmericaNetwork.com & Graphic Artist & Video producer. I adore journalism. Politics seems to be my preferred genre although I do not hesitate to write anything that strikes me as interesting. Researching and finding 'Breaking News' makes my blood rush. I've written seventeen books. and over that including books in conglomeration with others. Doing graphic art design has always been fun for me. Sometimes I incorporate this talent into my articles or when a special 'feature picture' is required. You can find me tweeting on: https://twitter.com/DavedaGruber You can always find my articles on the sites I write for.

Whose Lawyer is Sydney Powell?

by Daveda Gruber:

On Sunday President’s Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, made a statement that one of the awesome lawyers who we hear alleging voter fraud during the 2020 election, Sydney Powell, was “not a member of the Trump Legal Team.”

Giuliani and another lawyer for Trump, Jenna Ellis, said in a statement,  “Sidney Powell is practicing law on her own. She is not a member of the Trump Legal Team. She is also not a lawyer for the President in his personal capacity.”

Mainstream media ran with the story even though no more details were known.

But afterwards the initial words were explained in a statement by the Wall Street Journal  saying that Powell said, “I agree with the statement today. I will represent #WeThePeople and seek the Truth. I intend to expose all the fraud and let the chips fall where they may. We will not allow the foundations of this great Republic to be destroyed by abject fraud.”

Powell is also the attorney for General Michael Flynn. The former federal prosecutor, took over as the lead lawyer for Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn last year. Flynn had pleaded guilty over the conversation he had had with former FBI agent Peter Strzok and another FBI agent in the special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of the Russian probe

U.S. federal Judge Emmet G. Sullivan rejected Powell’s claims of prosecutorial misconduct.

Powell made it clear that her conversations with Trump about the Flynn case were privileged.

She has supported a Justice Department motion to dismiss the prosecution. That request remains pending before Judge Sullivan.

There had been a news conference last Thursday that showed Giuliani and Powell along with others alleging that coordinated voter fraud in a number of states has taken place.

On November 14th Trump had tweeted:

Newsmax interviewed Powell on Saturday night and she said, “Georgia’s probably going to be the first state I’m going to blow up and Mr. Kemp and the secretary of state need to go with it.”

She added that the lawsuit she planned to file against the state would be “biblical.”

We must keep in mind that the President has personal lawyers. Other lawyers who are fighting voter fraud are fighting for us, American citizens, who voted in the 2020 election.

They are fighting for our right to have our votes counted and not have them manipulated in any fraudulent manner.

God bless America.

Will Testing Positive Hurt Georgia Senate Race?

by Daveda Gruber:

The Georgia Senate race will determine the majority in the Legislative Branch of government and a the incumbent, Senator Kelly Loeffler has tested positive for coronavirus.

Loeffler will be quarantining before the January 5th runoff in that state.

The control of the Senate rests with two GOP candidates, one being Loeffler and the other being Republican U.S. Sen. David Perdue, also of Georgia.

Loeffler tested negative negative Friday morning with a rapid-results test before two campaign events she held with Vice President Mike Pence but after taking a PCR test Friday, it came back positive later on during the day.

PCR is a diagnostic test, which means that it can be used to determine whether you currently have an active coronavirus infection.

On Saturday,  Loeffler received inconclusive results after taking an additional test.

Besides Pence, Loeffler has also had recent contact with Perdue as well as U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark.

Campaign spokesman Stephen Lawson said, “Senator Loeffler followed CDC guidelines by notifying those with whom she had sustained direct contact while she awaits further test results. She has no symptoms and she will continue to follow CDC guidelines by quarantining until retesting is conclusive and an update will be provided at that time.”

Loeffler’s Democratic opponent is the Rev. Raphael Warnock, and Perdue will face Democrat Jon Ossoff.

The tests have been disputed because of results being different on any given day.

People with no symptoms can still be carriers of the disease but they don’t necessarily take tests.

I have not been tested and you can be sure that unless I develop symptoms that are undeniably this flu, which attacks the lungs, I will not be getting tested.

With all the corruption that goes on in America, at this time, I trust very few people. That’s right, I do not trust the tests to be one hundred percent accurate.

If I may say so, my belief is that anything can be manipulated and I will never dismiss the possibility of human error whether it is accidental or not.

I hope Loeffler is feeling well and the next test that she takes comes back negative.

We need control of the Senate. May God bless Loeffler and Perdue and may voters be guided to do what is right and fair and bring them to victory.

And, of course, God bless America.

What Did We Learn from the Election?

by Daveda Gruber:

There are Americans who believe that we had a fair election. We did not!

The mainstream media has convinced the average citizens of these United States that a man with dementia who has been in politics for nearly his whole life, forty-seven years to be exact, will now help the people who he tried to destroy.

Former Vice President, Joe Biden said, “You ain’t black if you vote for Trump” and as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, largely wrote and shepherded through the legislative process the crime bill entitled “Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994” won a fraudulent election.

I struggle to come to terms with the biggest and most important election of our lifetime.

The will of the people was completely disregarded as the votes came in overwhelmingly for President Trump.

So, Democrats knew they had to cheat to win. No problem, right, they’d been practicing and knew how to do it, with a little help from their friends.

Voting machines were imported with software that shifts votes from one candidate to another with a little trick that can be utilized easily by tampering with numbers.

If each of Trump’s votes only gave him seventy-five percent credit and Biden’s votes gave Biden one hundred and twenty-five percent, gee, that would make a big difference to the votes, wouldn’t it?

What if the software could just flip Trump votes to Biden votes, that could make a big difference in the outcome of the election, right?

If falsified ballots were fed into machines at odd hours when the counting had stopped, that could change the outcome of the election, couldn’t it?

It is alleged that people waiting to count ballots went to a truck to get food that they had expected and found boxes, trash bags and bins filled with ballots for Biden instead of food, that could give Biden more votes, or am I fooling myself?

I’m not easily fooled so, I don’t think so.

If dates were changed to show that ballots for Biden came in by November 3rd, that could change to result of the election, or do I just have a vivid and wild imagination?

What if some of the voting machines all over this county had software that was made to manipulate votes was paid for by George Soros and company? That could change the election, right?

What would it mean if Politian’s and people in very high positions and/or their family members were directly involved in the ownership of shares of companies that made the software that can change votes? Would they have committed treason?

Now, what if there is proof of all this actually taking place? Would judges in federal courts consider all this to be federal crimes?

If the Constitution is followed, all of this matters. As a matter of fact, the future of this county is on the line.

When and if good men and women stand by and disregard the Constitution of these United States, then we have no more America.

I have learned that not all men and women play fair and that money is usually involved. I like to follow the money trail.

Personally, I’ll wait and see what actually comes about through the legalities that our country stands on.

God help us if the Constitution is not abided by. Not all men and women will stand down and let it happen because good Americans are patriots who will fight for freedom.

The lion is sleeping and the people who report fake news are still trying to ask him questions. Actually, he deserves some rest and he isn’t obligated to respond to enemies of the people.

He has done so much good for his country and most of the media have given him no credit for the good he has done.

Instead, they have insulted him and a sleeping lion will awaken and if he is not taken seriously by federal judges, patriots will rise up and come to his lair and stand up for him.

God bless America and protect those who would fight for Her.

Did Your Vote Count?

by Daveda Gruber:

Trying to be optimistic is not easy these days because of the information that is being shown and the inability of those of us who see it to be able to do a darn thing about it.

President Trump’s legal team has allegedly quit due to the Never-Trump and Democrat harassment campaign.

The Democratic party is playing dirty for an eventual Joe Biden presidency to be fulfilled and will not spare any effort to do so.

Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP is a law firm leading the Trump campaign’s efforts to challenge the presidential election results in Pennsylvania. They abruptly withdrew from a federal lawsuit that had been filed on behalf of the campaign.

This follows a similar move by an Arizona law firm that was representing the Republican Party as it challenged that state’s results.

Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP is a large business law firm that traces its roots to 1846 in Ohio. From its eight offices across Ohio, Illinois, Florida, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. The firm provides counsel to a worldwide base of clients.

“Plaintiffs and Porter Wright have reached a mutual agreement that plaintiffs will be best served if Porter Wright withdraws,” the law firm said in a court filing late Thursday.

Yes, the Democrats are harassing lawyers and allegedly making threats that make even long standing law firms to pull out.

To someone like me, that doesn’t look very good for the Democrats. If they had nothing to fear in the results that the November third election is still bringing out, why are they doing this?

On Friday, a top lawyer at Jones Day, which is an international law firm based in the United States and as of 2018, it was the fifth largest law firm in the U.S. and the 13th highest grossing law firm in the world, represented Mr. Trump’s campaigns for more than four years, told colleagues during a video conference call that Jones Day would not get involved in additional litigation in this election.

Lawyers are dropping out like flies because while the ACLU filed a legal challenge, resistance democrats and Never-Trumper Republicans are targeting the lawyers personally to intimidate them into quitting and it seems to have worked.

The ACLU works in the courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to all people in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.

So even the ACLU are too scared to continue what they are supposed to be doing?

President Trump, however, is refusing to back down. He must know that this election was stolen.

Trump tweeted this:

Watch this video to see where the corruption lies:

Louis Buller Gohmert Jr. is an American attorney and former judge currently serving as the U.S. Representative from Texas’s 1st congressional district since 2005. Gohmert is a member of the Republican Party and is part of the Tea Party movement.

Gohmert went to Germany and reported on a Scytl server that is tied to Dominion Voting Systems.

You can see what he found out in the next video here:

We the People can piece together information and I believe we know the truth. The mainstream Media, however, will not back our President.

I still trust OANN and Newsmax but find it difficult to even listen to the others.

OANN reported:

“OANN, Nov. 12: Election systems across the country are found to have deleted millions of votes cast for President Trump. According to an unaudited analysis of data obtained from Edison Research, states using Dominion Voting Systems may have switched as many as 435,000 votes from President Trump to Joe Biden. And the author also finds another 2.7 million Trump votes appear to have been deleted by Dominion, including almost 1 million Trump votes in Pennsylvania alone.”

It has become a waiting game and I’m not sure if GOOD wins over EVIL in the end.

I can still hope and pray that America has not lost because the whole country loses if Biden is declared the winner of an illegal process in the election system.

Shocking Hunter Biden Sex Tapes

by Daveda Gruber:

Warning: You must be 18 years or older to view the videos in this article. If you are easily offended by nudity and drug use, don’t watch!

When a foreign country has dirt on you or a family member, especially a close family member, they can and will control you.

If the country with the information and proof of the dirt is Communist China, it becomes worse.

The videos below are just the tip of the iceberg! China has much more and they are ready to control a Joe Biden Presidency through something very simple that has been used for decades. That something is BLACKMAIL.

Joe Biden should not be running for the highest office in the land. The American people should be aware of what horror can arise from him getting elected.

The Democrat Party must have knowledge of this information. Are too many of them and a few RINOs (Republican in name only) that controlled by China already that they don’t care about the U.S. because they are somehow controlled or in debt to the Chinese?

It’s not only Socialism, it’s total control of America by Communist China.

The videos below have extremely graphic images. They are not for the faint of heart. Click on each link and acknowledge that you are over 18 years old.










Don’t let Biden get elected!


God Bless America

TRUMP 2020

Guess Who is a Yes for ACB?

by Daveda Gruber

It appears that on Monday Amy Coney Barrett will have an unlikely ally who will be voting to confirm her position on the Supreme Court of the United States.

On Saturday, Senator Lisa Murkowski, the Republican from Alaska was on the floor in the Senate giving a speech when she revealed that she will support Barrett’s confirmation on Monday.

On one hand, Murkowski said that she’s still opposed to the Senate taking up a Supreme Court nominee so close to the November 3rd election.

She knows that she has already lost the procedural fight and she must evaluate Barrett’s qualifications to the bench.

Murkowski said, “I will be a yes. I have no doubt about her intellect. I have no doubt about Judge Barrett’s judicial temperament. I have no doubt about her capability to do the job  ̶  and to do it well.”

The only GOP senator to oppose Justice Brett Kavanaugh in 2018 was Murkowski.

She said that she’d still vote “no” on the procedural motion on Sunday to advance Barrett’s nomination.

In essence, Murkowski said that she still opposes the process, but won’t “hold it against” Barrett and therefore will vote “yes” on the merits of her nomination.

Murkowski said, “I have concluded that she is the sort of person we want on the Supreme Court.”

She basically praised Barrett’s temperament, legal writing and patience.

Republicans hold 53 seats, which is the majority in the Senate but two of them, Murkowski and Susan Collins, who is from Maine, have openly opposed moving on Barrett’s nomination before the election.

It looks like President Trump will have third nominee on the high court.

Democrats were opposed to Barrett’s confirmation so close to the election. They boycotted the Judiciary Committee vote on Thursday.

On Saturday, which is a rare day for anything in D.C., Senator Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., staged a four delay tactic on Friday on the Senate floor. He even forced a brief closed door session. He tried to pause the confirmation proceedings by bringing up coronavirus relief legislation.

That effort was shut down by the GOP.

Saturday, Senator Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga., said that two of her staffers had tested positive for coronavirus. Loeffler revealed that she had tested negative. That would mean that she will be present to vote for Barrett.

Loeffler’s office said in a statement, “Senator Loeffler is more energized than ever to vote to confirm Amy Coney Barrett as the next Supreme Court Justice on Monday before returning home and traveling the state to meet with hardworking Georgians.”

Most people across America would love to have another Supreme Court Justice that has conservative values.

I cannot wait to hear that the confirmation is done, finished and Barrett sitting on the high court.

God Bless America

TRUMP 2020

President Trump Releases Raw 60 Minutes Video

by Daveda Gruber

Never underestimate what President Trump will do. If he says he’ll do something, he does it.

Trump wants everyone to understand that the mainstream media is fake news. Most of us already know that the news lies to us but there are people who don’t understand the depth of it.

The President recently did an interview with Lesley Rene Stahl of the television show “60 Minutes” to be released on Sunday night.

Stahl is an American television journalist. She has spent most of her career with CBS News, where she began as a producer in 1971. Since 1991, she has reported for CBS’s 60 Minutes.

After the interview, Trump displayed his displeasure with how it turned out and that Stahl came across more like an opinion journalist than a real reporter.

Trumped tweeted this:

The video is not available everywhere but here it is. Watch and see what you think 60 Minutes will edit out for their Sunday night show.


Schiff Claims Russian Smear

by Daveda Gruber

On Friday House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff D-Calif., called out Russian interference on the latest scandal but this time it isn’t about President Trump.

Schiff described emails which were found on a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden as part of a Russian disinformation campaign intended to smear Joe Biden.

Speaking on CNN, Schiff said, “We know that this whole smear on Joe Biden comes from the Kremlin. That’s been clear for well over a year now that they’ve been pushing this false narrative about this vice president and his son.”

The New York Post originally broke the story that a laptop was recovered that belonged to the Democratic nominee for president’s son, Hunter,

The emails that were referenced reveal that Hunter Biden allegedly introduced his father to a top executive at Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings in 2015.

Yet another email appears to allegedly outline a payout for Biden as part of a deal with a Chinese energy firm.

A source, who was copied on the email about the Chinese energy firm, confirmed its legitimacy.

On July 25th President Trump was on call with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky and Trump asked the president to look into Biden’s dealings in the country.

That led to an impeachment inquiry that ultimately failed in the Senate.

But the box of worms had been open and Trump has referred to the emails mentioned by the Post.

Not surprisingly, Schiff  had other ideas about the emails.

Schiff  said, “The origins of this whole smear are from the Kremlin and the president is only too happy to have Kremlin help in trying to amplify it.”

It has also been reported that the FBI is investigating whether the emails are tied to a foreign influence operation.

It is not clear what the exact scope of what was being investigated.

Schiff, who was one of the main figures in the investigation into allegations about Russian interference in the 2016 election and then again in 2019 in the impeachment hearings.

Schiff also claimed to have evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

No evidence has ever been released but Schiff keeps stepping up to speak about anything to do with Russia.

In May, even the Wall Street Journal accused Schiff of spreading “falsehoods shamelessly about Russia and Donald Trump for three years even as his own committee gathered contrary evidence.”

Schiff also said on Friday that Russia has an “obvious interest” in denigrating Biden and wants Trump to win.

While Schiff called Trump the gift that doesn’t stop giving” in relation to Moscow he also said, “I think we know who the driving force behind this smear has been all along, it’s been the president and the Kremlin.”

Is Schiff an expert on Russian ties to anything? No, but he seems to get his face and voice on CNN whenever Russia comes up.

How many times must the general population have listen to the fake news discussing Russia with a man who was duped by comedians pretending to be Russians who had dirt on Trump?

I can answer my own question. All I have to do is count the days until November third.

TRUMP 2020

Ice Operation Takes 176 into Custody

by Daveda Gruber

On Friday more operations by Immigration and Customs Enforcement were announced and good results keep coming.

The operation is targeting sanctuary cities and ICE agents took one hundred seventy-six people into custody.

Operation Rise took people located in Philadelphia, Denver, New York, Washington, Baltimore and Seattle into custody.

At a news conference in Philadelphia, acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Chad Wolf said, “Operation Rise is proof-positive that we will never back down from enforcing the rule of law, with or without the cooperation of local political leaders.”

A staggering number of around one hundred and forty of those detained have criminal records or pending charges.

Wolf told of an example of a 33 year old Brazilian citizen in Philadelphia whose has a rap sheet that includes aggravated assault, possession of an instrument of crime, terroristic threats, simple assault and reckless endangerment.

Philadelphia police ignored a detainee request in September that  eventually led to his release back into the community.

Wolf said, “This person is now in ICE custody, where he will remain pending removal proceedings.”

There was a similar operation that ICE conducted in California last week. That operation led to more than 125 illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds being detained.

With elections just around the corner, Wolf was adamant that elections had not prompted ICE’s operations.

Wolf made a strong comment where he said, “Operation Rise, again, has nothing to do with politics, elections, Democrats, Republicans or anything of the like. We are targeting jurisdictions that have sanctuary policies.”

Please understand that ICE has a very difficult job when it comes to sanctuary cities. These cities do not want illegal immigrants detained even if they have committed horrendous crimes.

Come to think about it, some cities don’t even want illegal’s with or without criminal records to be removed.

Why is that? Do they have more compassion for non-citizens than Americans? I can answer that. If you have plans to vote for President Trump, you don’t matter to the leaders in control of sanctuary cities.

Priorities must change and that change comes with your vote for Trump and those who in leadership who are on the same page as our President.

Stay free, stay safe, vote TRUMP 2020!

Police Unions Silent No More

by Daveda Gruber

Members of law enforcement are not happy with the “Defund the Police” movement and they are showing it with backing President Trump nationwide.

A report in the Washington Times shows that to endorse the president, police unions and associations are opposing the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations or AFL-CIO.

Reports that law enforcement are fed up with the progressive measures that are being inflicted on them, such being spit on and having feces thrown at them.

Paul DiGiacomo, president of the New York City Detectives’ Endowment Association said, “We’ve always been active, but the future of policing depends on this election. The safety of our members depends on this election. This is make-or-break for law enforcement.”

The support for Trump is being mobilized by them. This will help Trump in some of the battleground states.

The police, according to a Harvard University researcher, was reported to have said that police accounted for more than 13,000 votes in Michigan and also over 27,000 in Pennsylvania in the 2016 election.

Typically, union chapters keep their political views quiet but this election in November is different.

Police organizations in western New York and North Carolina will likely play a role.

North Carolina Police Benevolent Association has endorsed state and regional candidates for 40 years but this year gave the first federal endorsement in nearly two decades of refraining from taking sides on the federal level.

The association’s executive director, John Midgette said, “Because of this particular election process with ‘defund the police,’ we decided to get involved in this presidential election.”

The Democratic challenger, former Vice President Joe Biden, although he presents himself as a moderate candidate and has, in the recent past, declared that he would not defund the police, the connection Biden and law enforcement had is weakening.

Trump, on the other hand, has embedded himself as a law and order President while calling Biden’s stance on riots as weak and calling him a “puppet” of the radical left.

The Biden campaign has seen some support from organizations like the nonprofit National Association of Black Law Enforcement Executives and the National Coalition of Justice Practitioners, the influential National Association of Police Organizations has endorsed the incumbent.

Also, the nation’s largest police union, the Fraternal Order of Police and the Delaware Fraternal Order of Police have endorsed Trump.

In Pennsylvania Westmoreland County’s Sheriff James Albert, who is seventy years old, wrote in a scornful op-ed which showed that he was outraged by Democrats’ refusal to condemn “arson, mob rule and attacks against law enforcement.”

Albert, who changed his party affiliation to Republican said, “These outrageous, lawless acts have been met with silence, acquiescence and, in some instances, outright support from the local, state and national leadership of the Democratic Party.”

Are the people in America actually waking up? I’d say the ones with an open mind, those who do their own research and true patriots who have understood what America represents and who will abide by the Constitution understand hat this election is all about.

You either vote for Trump or lose the American way of life. Yes, it is that simple.

Vote TRUMP 2020