Our Joshua Path is Clear

The Yahoo headline read Final Night of Historic Democratic Convention.

Histrionic would be more appropriate.

Barry Choom Gang Soetoro emerged from, what his appearance declared, a crack house, and delivered the Democratic Party eulogy as the world rolled its eyes at the Chicago carpetbagger who stepped and continues to step on the heads of black children who die every day on the South Side.

As if that wasn’t enough Indian-Jamaican-African-Willie Brownian Kamala Criminal Harris proclaimed to know a predator by sight and then proceeded to endorse and hug one in Groping Joe.

No one who cares about kids of any color would ever vote for a Liberal as their patterns are quite clear.

Children, born and unborn, are cannon fodder and profit providers for Progressives who sip glasses of wine while negotiating baby body parts.

Progressives are sub-human vermin.

Thanks Obama!

AOClueless received a tiny time slot and spent her time nominating a Communist who still believes women fantasize about being raped simultaneously by three different men. Good ol AOC who spends time listening and nodding along with psychotics who rant that the only way to save the world is to kill and “eat the babies” decided to move her parasitic tik tok crew into mailing letters and postcards to support the USPS.

An agency so broken thousands of pounds of postage is lost every year.

Americans are already finding “mail in” ballots laying in the streets but fraud is just a right wing conspiracy.

The hateful Muslim bigot Linda Sarsour, who supports Farrakhan’s plan to kill all White people and Jews, received a televised platform from the DNC.

I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again if you are Jewish and still voting Democrat you are too stupid to be free.

This also goes for White, Black, Brown, Straight, and Gay.

The Liberals are the Party of Putin flexibility, Hillary Uranium, Biden Ukrainian, open borders Cartel human trafficking and Catholic Priest child molestation.

The Democratic four day bender ended with a hair sniffing, little girl groping corrupt criminal accepting the nomination of the Party of the Klan, also known as Black Lives Matter, and the Party of Antifa who is now calling for the murder of Liberal and Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos.

Either Bezos check bounced, Whole Foods ran out of George Kirby t-shirts or someone’s Amazon Prime did not arrive on time.

Antifa continues to pound Portland and Seattle as the Liberal citizens and media in these cities get exactly what Minneapolis deserved, and if Boise doesn’t awaken and recall their mayor, will arrive there too.

Lay down in the gutter with Sharia and you are bound to come up with a black sheet covering your body and a mask on your face, especially if you are a woman.

Speaking of masks the good little Germans in California continued to shuttle around under a scorching summer and blazing fires covering their faces because an alcoholic drug addict told them to do so.

As the population in the less than Golden State hid from the boogey man known as the RONA the scuttlebutt surrounding the area was that multiple fires were started because masked men from Oregon threw molotov cocktails into dry fields.

I have yet to confirm this but I have no doubt multiple fires going off all over the State in a matter of a few days wasn’t “lightning strikes”.

Never has been.

Gavin Newsom now has his State of Emergency to beg President Trump for taxpayer funds to bail out the corrupt and broken California Pension system who just recently fired a Chinese born male brought in to “manage” the fund.

Yes, I am quite sure Dianne Feinstein was involved in this CalPERS selection, as well as Newsom, who spent one billion dollars on Chinese masks that do nothing to curb any virus.

Viruses have always been a part of our lives and always will be.

The sooner the brave step to the front and refuse to wear the masks the sooner the children will have a healthier environment to survive and thrive.

Unlike Liberalism, that can and must be eradicated, the only protection from trillions of viruses that exists is a strong immune system.

Proper nutrition, exercise, hydration, and the removal of stress.

Removal of stress.

It’s time to do so.

All Liberals must go.

Check in with your ones and your twos, your threes and your fours, your tens and your twenties.

The Dems are the Party of Weinstein, Biden, Obama, and Clinton.

Rabid dogs must be put down and unless President Trump replaces Bill Barr immediately the Justice System will continue to be deaf, dumb, and blind and allow felons and traitors like Hot Sauce Hillary and Corn Pop Biden to run amok.

Yes, President Trump knows this as he attempted to push Barr in the right direction last Sunday morning with Maria Bartiromo.

Masks, a locked down society living under threat of arrest, cops being attacked and killed, crushing debt, and now naked fraud with Motor Voter mail out ballots in California, Oregon, etc.

As Americans search for understanding the answer is beyond obvious.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Our Joshua path is clear.

No prisoners.

Lead, follow, or be returned to the Earth.

The Reckoning is about to begin.

Jason Kraus



Freedom Has Never Been Free

“Technology” it has been implied, always makes the human condition better.

This is of course subjective but overall appears to be true as more checks are found in the positive column than negative. Electricity, the automobile, and the Internet are just a few and of course these United States are responsible for them all.

The Great Experiment, as America has been called, has been butchered, bent, and even broken in its actual concept.

The Great Experiment “doesn’t take a village,” has no connection to the Majority (Democracy) and does not propagandize about the “needs of the many over the few” (Communism).

The Great Experiment was meant to ask one question.

Can the Individual human handle their own affairs?

Can the Individual handle actually being free?

Centuries before the U. S. A. the answer was decidedly no.

Whether severe Oppression or simply evolution, the minds of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle (whom all had slaves) eventually found their way into one Adam Smith who theorized that societies were more successful when the Individual was free to make their own choices and benefit from the fruits of their own labor.

That the Individual human would work harder when he or she controlled their own outcome.

This concept would be forever known, at least by those who actually read more than the tripe on social media search engines, as the Invisible Hand.

This unseen force has been proven true again and again as these United States have less than five percent of the Earth’s population but are the creators of literally everything that has ever “changed” the world.

Of course with incredible success one must always expect to eventually deal with the worst of the human condition.

Jealousy, greed, and apathy are but three specific detriments seemingly found circling the success of others.

The key to minimizing these negatives is found in the verse of Mr. Smith.

Create systems that free the Individual to dream, strategize, work, and then work harder allowing their capacity to increase by the collection of information found through their attempts.

This information is then used towards their own benefit while propelling forward the growth of said society.

In other words, evolution through the biological exercise of thought, also known as knowledge.

The same exercise that created The Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution.

For this to occur there must always be a check and balance.

Actions, rewards, and consequences.

When actions have rewards that benefit the Individual and the Society, Society moves forward, in a positive fashion.

Of course “rewards” are subjective but in most Western nations, a code or an agreed upon set of rules, that are enforced, clears the field of those who do not want to respect the Rule of Law.

These are again called consequences, used to be referred to as Justice, and is one of the major reasons America is struggling so mightily today.

Whether it is the street urchins burning buildings, the Wall Street/Federal Reserve con artists, the religious human traffickers, or the politicians who protect them all, today’s Invisible Hand is being twisted into such a position, the only chance for it to survive is to join other Hand’s to require, and more than likely enforce, the code, by providing consequences.

By enforcing the Rule of Law.

Because the Great Experiment is now being treated as a Democracy, Socratic Theory’s Fourth phase, also known as mob rule, other than the Republic it was meant to be, groups are now forming.

Newton’s Third Law states every action has an equal and opposite reaction, and as oppressive forces continue to act, forces will form to provide an opposite option.

Depending upon the time frame these actions are sometimes referred to as war, as humans who refuse to accept the slide into Tyranny, the Fifth phase of Socratic Theory, start entering into very specific acts and actions in their attempt to remove themselves, their children, and their country from Socratic Theory altogether.

The voting group, known as Democrat, has completely embraced all forms of Socrates musings and will willingly go along through any and all transitions.

This is not only not new, a brief look with open eyes around the globe paints an extraordinary vision of the majority of humans willing to embrace systemic oppression as billions huddle in fear because they lack the yearning to be free.

Who tolerate, even welcome the scraps of others and allow for the provision of their primary needs as technology overwhelms their senses with processed food, damages their rods and cones with Pavlovian television, and spreads the sickness of Tik Tok voyeurism in all directions.

China, India, Russia, every country in Africa and all nations practicing Sharia are filled with those who expect nothing of their lives as they are not willing to risk them for liberty.

The masses who await their masters decisions afforded to them by Kings, despots, and dictators.

America is special, yet for Her to remain the beacon of Freedom for mankind some hard truths must be faced.

The majority of humans in America today have poor habits including but not limited to nutrition, economics, and emotional courage.

The majority of humans in America are unwilling to stand on their own two feet and deliver their own destinies through hard work and perseverance.

The masses have been instructed first to work smart not hard, then to not work at all to foster servitude and protect oppressive debt ridden systems that have been layered upon us for over a century.

The proper application of the genius Adam Smith is to work smart AND hard allowing growth through one’s personal experience.

This is no longer taught and will be the death of the Great Experiment, unless those that can right this ship, do.

The great minds of the past have been replaced with the abuse of technology by overstimulation of a human’s base desires.

Sex, drugs, and obesity screaming for their next orgy, their next fix, their next Ben and Jerry’s.

The Sixties have arrived in full bloom and it is a perverted Woodstockian mess.

Two political Parties who are easily labeled Traitors and Cowards have leveraged the People through the creation and milking of a “good” crisis, one after the other.

A President was framed, a coup attempted, buildings are burning, law enforcement in many cities is refusing to arrest and prosecute crime, reporters are being snatched out of their homes on “secret grand jury charges” and a five year old boy was murdered in his front yard as he played, reportedly because of the color of his skin, while Liberals celebrate and embrace it all, hiding behind their masks.

It is well passed time for the adults to step in, slash and burn the fields, and let American soil heal, so our children and children’s children actually have a chance.

A chance Cannon Hinnant will never have.

America’s future is up to us. . .until it isn’t.

At that time we will lose our future as well.

Freedom has never been free.

It never will be.

Be ready to move at a moments notice and do what we all know needs to be done or prepare yourself to suffer at the hands of the mob as they roam from city to city.

There is a saying that things must get worse before they get better.

Tell that to Cannon’s family.

How much worse does it need to be?

Jason Kraus



Enemy: Thy Name is Democrat

Slowly law enforcement is starting to understand that the only way to stop someone from attacking you is to fight back.

The false mantra of Black Lives Matter has cost American law enforcement, of all colors, some of their lives.

Others have been sued, fired, and even jailed.

Those in the policing business who continue to vote Democrat and join the traitors who continue to fall to their knees under a false premise of police brutality are getting exactly what they deserve.

Mayors, sheriffs, chiefs, and even front line officers and deputies who support those who break the law daily will receive no  grace when the time comes to eradicate the vermin.

It is well past time for those in elected positions of authority to show courage, moral and otherwise.

Character is not built, in or under, stressful situations.

It is revealed.

Liberal cities have proven over and over that the only thing to occur under their watch is to take advantage of a good crisis or “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.”

Due to the electorate, crisis and crises continue and are now spidering into small cities and towns because too many in these locations are not responding properly.

One Sheriff in Nevada decided enough was enough.

A local library board voted to support BLM.

Their statement is listed below.

“We support #BlackLivesMatter,” the statement, drafted by the county’s board of library trustees, continued. “We resolutely assert and believe that all forms of racism, hatred, inequality and injustice don’t belong in our society.”

The Sheriff of Douglas County, one Dan Coverly, responded immediately.

“Due to your support of Black Lives Matter and the obvious lack of support or trust with the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office, please do not feel the need to call 911 for help. I wish you good luck with disturbances and lewd behavior, since those are just some of the recent calls my office has assisted you with in the past.

Numerous Black Lives Matter protests have resulted in violence, property damage and the closing of local businesses, sometimes permanently,” the sheriff added. “To support this movement is to support violence and to openly ask for it to happen in Douglas County.”

To support this movement is to support violence and to openly ask for it to happen.

Truer words were never spoken.

The library “trustees” attempted to send up a flare, a beacon, to anti-American forces that Douglas County was open for business.

The Sheriff told them they would have to deal with their behavior. . .on their own.

County officials reportedly made the “trustees” take this statement down and continued to try and save face and said they love their law enforcement.

BLM has called and continues to call for the defunding of Police.

No logical mind would ever refer to removal or “death” of law enforcement as love.

Sadly Liberals and logic are like oil and water.

Let me be clear.

Those who take a knee are kneeling on these United States.

Those who support BLM are supporting bigotry and lies.

Black humans kill law enforcement in greater numbers than the other way around.

Still, if one wants to defund the police there is a simple way for this to happen.

Stop committing crimes.

It is a statistical fact that the removal of Black males, in a certain age range, from society, would drop criminal activity literally overnight.

Add to this list the removal of all Criminal Foreign Nationals in America and the need for Police would so dramatically decline we would have more than enough room for all the predators, politicians, and priests.

Humans here illegally from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Russia, China, India, etc., and Sharia compliant countries cause an incredible amount of death and destruction in our country.

Of course this makes too much sense and can be overwhelming to the masses who willing wear a mask while inhaling their own CO2 that Progressives are convinced will “kill the planet.”

If it’s killing the planet one can only imagine what it is doing to the internal organs of a human.

It can also seem a daunting task to try and categorize all the threats to freedom in America.

Let us make it easy.

From this day forward our greatest enemy is not Russia, China, or even Islam.

Our greatest enemy to Freedom and to our Republic is the group that promoted and protected slavery.

Our greatest enemy to Freedom and to our Republic is the group that promotes and protects human trafficking and child molestation.

Our greatest enemy to Freedom and to our Republic is the group that continues to abuse the American Individual by promoting gangs, bigotry, and hate.

Thy name is Democrat.

Hang em all for the world to learn.

Hang em high for the world to see.

For the Great Experiment to continue Democracy must never reign and those who support the concept of the “communal masses” over the Individual  must experience the righteous fury of the Americans they have oppressed.

Like their historical brethren Liberals must go the way of the Tory, the Nazi, and the Commie and those who’ve knelt in passive submission must receive more than public shaming and a head shaving.

Into the annals of history synonymous with the French whores they have become.

Heads bowed, bent over at the waist, proving again and again the ethical flexibility of those who choose to live in their own rectums and without a spine.

Jason Kraus



Two Americas: In which do you want to live?

Another week, another seven days of Bigots, Lies, and Morons.

I’d like to move on from this but the media and its minions continue to bury the airwaves with this tripe in their attempt to remind us life is really just high school.

You see high school was easy to understand.

Regardless of where you attended there were bullies, those who would fight the bullies, and then there was the rest of the school, who took the bullying while hoping one of those who would fight, would step in.

Right now the bullies are running rampant all over Liberal cities because there is no one to stop them.

Those of us who stopped the beatings in high school don’t live in Seattle, Portland, or Minneapolis.

We live in the “rural” parts of the country (by design) where signage like “No Trespassing. Owner has a 45 and a backhoe and knows how to use both” exist and currently we are not rushing into the “diverse” cesspools to protect anyone.


Because YOU who live in these cities keep voting for this behavior.

For example, the two idiot lawyers in Missouri, who proclaimed to support BLM, but then started to wave guns around when the Bigots, Liars, and Morons arrived on their street.

You can’t have it both ways.

You can’t proclaim to support lawlessness and then complain when it lands in your face.

Classic Liberalism.

Not in my backyard or in my gated community.

Isn’t that right Gavin Newsom.

Anti-American Universities were not to be left behind.

Rutgers University reportedly stated that they will “deemphasize the usage of traditional grammar in an attempt to stand with Black Lives Matter.”

Basically they are telling Black students that they are too stupid to pass their current classes without the help of Liberals.

One cannot deemphasize grammar.

Either it is used correctly or it be aint.

You feel me dog.

Oh yes little Farrakhan disciples, we feel you.

It reminds me of Nancy Pelosi telling people to relax by taking up a hobby or getting a massage rather than a job or in other relaxed English “It be da bitch sayin her peeps needs to chill, smoke sum root, get me a rub down wit a happy ending ya boyyyyyyyy!

Rutgers University is proud to present!

Flava Flav 101: How 2 thriv on da Dem Planetation.


(1) How much smoke does you choke?

(2) Juray: Why Gold be dope.

(3) Aks me no questions I’s tells you no lies.

(4) Why be da mutherfu$%ing planet be flat.

Let’s label it Electives found in Common Core.

I’m not sure how much more America can bend in this genre.

Affirmative Action, forced housing loans, generations of food stamp usage, the embracing of Sharia, the elections and support for the Clintons, Obama and now Biden.

Are “Blacks” simply too different to function in a society that requires math, the correct usage of English, and the Rule of Law?

That’s what the “media” continues to tell the world.

Is this true?

Let’s take a look at the data that is being reported.

In cities like Baltimore, Detroit, and Chicago the chance of being murdered by a Black male far exceeds the chance of being murdered by any other color or gender.

In fact if the world of “Science” were to ever be put to work the data would clearly state the removal of Black males, specifically the age range from 14-30, from these areas, would drop the murder rate so dramatically it would be unconscionable for it to be ignored.

It would also preserve the lives of, wait for it, Black males under the age of 14 and over 30 but apparently they don’t matter.

Heaven forbid the children are protected.

Between the thugs and the Catholic Priest child molesters it is a wonder any child makes it out of the “city”.

Yes, we have statistics on that too.

Of course with Common Core Math and the now relaxing of grammar the chance for Science/Statistical Probabilities having any chance in these areas is < than 0.

The group, known on Yahoo’s Comment sections, until Yahoo stopped allowing people to comment, as 13/90, has been given every opportunity to find success but according to today’s media is the only group that has been burdened by generational economic strife, debt, endless wars, drugs, fatherless households and “welfare queens” for mothers.

Again is this true?

Absolutely not.

The United States of America makes up less than five percent of the world’s human population.

In that five percent the “Black” human makes up only thirteen percent.

Roughly forty-million in a world that we believe has around seven BILLION total people, yet there are more Black millionaires and billionaires in America than anywhere else.

Black humans all over the world struggle to exist, to even eat at times.

Ethiopia, Nigeria, Liberia, and Haiti just to name a few are filled with nothing but Black humans and these places are abhorrent.

Blacks in America lead the statistical Black world numbers in degrees, businesses, and wealth.

They also lead the Black world in obesity, type-two diabetes, and debt.

These are facts and the one guarantee with these facts is these numbers will eventually change.

By continuing to lower standards for one particular group we know the slide towards those standards will continue.

Very few humans will consistently reach outside their comfort zones.

This is why America has been so special and successful.

Enough Individuals wanted a better life and were willing to put theirs at risk to achieve the goal of Freedom.

We now have athletes who sign contracts for tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars putting their knees on the neck of these United States.

The country who made them rich, great, and most importantly FREE.

The Great Experiment, as America was named, is something to behold yet if She is not protected the concept of Freedom For All will be replaced.

They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Make no mistake in understanding my next words.

The rage that is now boiling in the stomachs of AMERICANS will far surpass hell for those who have driven us to this doorstep.

We dropped atomic bombs on Japan, and were ready to send as many more as needed, and they were across an ocean.

You Liberals are right here within our grasp and soon to be in our sights.

Right now only one side is fighting.

When we engage, we aren’t coming to argue, attest, or arrest nor will there be a Christian burial for you as you apparently hate Christ in all facets. . .except for the putrid Sharia/Socialism loving Pope.

You will learn quickly what standing in the pocket hitting targets really means.

When we come for you traitors and enemies of America we will put you down, permanently, and you will stay as you lay.

As I’ve said before crows gotta eat too.

Eat they will.

Jason Kraus



The Definition of Whiteness

Liberals had a week that only Liberals could have.

Gavin Newsom decided to try and shut down the California economy again.

One can only imagine how well the “masks” are going to go over when the rolling blackouts begin.

More faces covered, less cops, and no electricity.

Those still voting Democrat need only find a mirror to find whom is to blame for all the chaos.

Minneapolis continued to work towards its goal of Sharia.

They will soon be known as the city who chews khat and hates dogs.

Bill DeBlasio propelled his attack forward on the cops who are actually keeping him alive.

Note to NYPD:


The man is an overt bigot who allows criminals and criminal foreign nationals to break American laws every second of every day.

Your defense of him may eventually be construed as agreement rather than duty.

Kanye The Second Coming West called it quits after his “campaign” went south and Charlie Tha Joke decided to defend those who hate the Sons and Daughters of Abraham.

This of course isn’t new, yet bizarrely American Jews continue to vote Democrat, and for their own demise.

Maybe Never Again in Hebrew means something different than NEVER AGAIN.

The NBA and Tiananmen Square James pledged allegiance to China while the NFL decided they somehow have the ability to create a Black National Anthem.

How wonderfully bigoted of them.

According to reports they are going to play it at the beginning of Week One games.

Apparently the rest of the weeks “Don’t Matter.”

Kind of like George Kirby.

Say his name Aunt Nancy!

Progressives, the gift that never stops kicking itself in the groin in search of a gender, any gender.

As if all of that stupidity and noise wasn’t enough Liberals decided to “define” “whiteness.”

The group that created the terms known as African-American, Hispanic, Latino, Asian, etc., has decided they now have the authority to define the “people” whom they hate.

As they say in the South, bless their hearts.

According to the Libs, Whiteness is defined as being a rugged individual and self-reliant.

Independence and autonomy are highly valued as is the usage of objective rational linear thinking.

Work before play and finally hard work is the key to success.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

We can’t be having any of this!


Get the eff outta here!

Work before play?


Objective rational linear thinking?

Who wants that?

Hard work is the key to success?

Who needs keys?

Just leave the windows down or the door cracked.

The craziest thing about this list isn’t that the idiots who made it are acting like these things are bad.

The craziest thing is the implication that Black and Brown humans don’t have any of these traits or skills.

It’s classic Eugenics and this “definition” is hanging somewhere in the National Museum of African-American History and Culture.

Probably right down the street from a Planned Parenthood.

Good ol Margaret Sanger.

Still opening the door for Libs to cut babies into parts and sell them for a profit.

Does this really happen Jason?

Every single day.

Just like Human Trafficking is still happening through our wide open border.

Thanks Dems!

You are the best!

Seattle autonomous murders and rapes, the celebration of Farrakhan, and none of America’s children are going to school.

Chicago, Baltimore and Detroit just laughed and said sounds like another Friday night!

Thankfully the real problem has been pointed out.

“Objective rational linear thinking and hard work.”


That Whiteness thing has got to go.

Definitely can’t have anyone around who “plans for the future, delays gratification, and believes tomorrow will be better.”

Let’s all just head to Wakanda, take a “Black Power Nap” and call it a day.

Jason Kraus



Keyboard Warriors: Not Fit for the Fight

Dear Jason,

“Love you Brother! Been reading your stuff for a while now. I know you get this question all the time but when will the American people have enough of what is happening? Please never stop writing. We need to hear the truth and you never let us down. Shoulder to shoulder!”

Thank you Dear Reader for your kind words. I never tire of hearing from the committed Citizenry who require Freedom through the Truth.

When will we see Americans finally reach their tipping point?

This depends EXACTLY on what you are asking me.

When will enough Americans vote out the Libs and RINOS and replace them with people who actually believe in America?

We will find out very soon.

Will this change anything?

Probably not.

Despite the depressing Media, Life is simply too good, too comfortable for the majority of the People.

Freedom pays it forward and the freer a society the greater the economics, opportunities and inventions.

These United States have less than five percent of the world’s population but have the greatest of everything at our fingertips. . .literally.

With all this success, apathy and laziness have both become a very mainstream proposition.

We see it everywhere with alcoholism, drug usage, victimization ideology and obesity.

Almost every physiological human problem could be positively addressed by changing ones diet, but instead a large portion of our society chooses to have their bodies cut open for one thing or another, and/or take a “pill” for what ails them.

Once that pill loses its effect the answer is to simply take more.

If the average Lib/RINO doesn’t care about their own bodies what makes anyone think they will step up in the face of danger or even be able to.

I once was asked what I would do if someone tried to attack me.

I answered that it depended upon the situation.

The question was posed as I was working out with a friend.

We were doing some light sparring at the time and I told him I was going to pick up the pace to give him an idea. I went from fifty percent to full speed head movement, feinting, complete jabs, false takedown attempts and circling the entire time. I stayed on the outside and every time he tried to close the distance I just gave space and circled faster.

This went on for about sixty-seconds.


My friend who is six-two and around 195, and compared to most Americans in great shape, began to breathe hard.

His movements began to slow, his mouth opened, and his hands were well below his chin. At the ninety-second mark I started to dart in and tap him LIGHTLY wherever there was an opening.

Around two minutes he raised his hands, gasped for air and said he needed a break.

The fight was over and I’d never hit, kicked or locked up with him once.

To my buddy’s credit he was IN THE ARENA.

He didn’t whine about being too old, out of shape or scared of the RONA, and every time we meet he gets better and his willingness to get into the fray with someone he knows is better than him is not only admirable but the only way one can really improve.

I learned this lesson in college with a high school wrestler and eventually learned this lesson again and again with a college wrestler/jiu jitsu champion.

The best way to gather knowledge as to how to avoid being taken down and choked out is to work with someone who can do it to you any time they want.

As my brother from another mother used to say iron sharpens iron.

We need more iron and less irony.

More fight and less flight.

More freedom and less fear.

The reality of our current situation is eventually those who require freedom will have to defend her.

The debt is getting worse.

Crime is getting worse.

The lack of knowledge is appalling.

Keyboard warriors believe they are ready for a war.

Trust me when I say this Liberals. . .You Are Not.

A bully will only stop when they’ve tasted their own blood AND know if there is a next time, it will be their last time.

When Jason?

When will America’s bullies be dealt with?

When will La Raza, Hamas, BLM, Farrakhan, the Clintons be dealt with!

That depends on you.

Facebook, Twitter, Social Media.

These things are not the arena.

This will stop when YOU the American Citizen says enough.

Say when Jason.

Say when!

I already have.

Every week for a while now, as have my American Brothers and Sisters known as gardeners, sharpshooters, coffee lovers and The Man.

From Northern California to Wyoming to Arizona to Oklahoma to Michigan to Florida.

Adorable Deplorables, Anns, Debbies, Sherrys, Sandys, Cathys, Kays, Teas and Trews.

Mikes, Joes, Jeffreys, Dons, Davids and Jims.

We are good to go.

Just waiting on you.

So bring it on Liberals and lay your bets on the Devil with your Summer of Love that caused at least two murders, to your Autonomous Zones with countless rapes; your New York Cities filled with criminal foreign nationals that have shut down churches while allowing BLM and Antifa to roam and terrorize.

As the late Great Charlie Daniels once sang “My name’s johnny and it might be a sin, but I’ll take your bet, and you’re gonna regret, cause I’m the best there’s ever been.”

America is the best, the greatest protector and beneficiary of Freedom ever.

Where generations of men and women STAND ON THEIR FEET reaching in one direction for the stars and in the other to help those who refuse to LIVE ON THEIR KNEES.

Jason Kraus



The Whole World’s Gone Country

For an American such as myself there seems to be a never ending stream of items to discuss. 

The RONA allegedly resurfaced but only in areas where “protests” weren’t taking place.

Maybe those people are sick enough.

According to reports most cell phones now have a COVID 19 tracker.

The key word here is TRACKER.

It’s getting interesting to say the least.

The mask wearing started again but only for those who are either too stupid or too scared to accept the fact that they are cutting the amount of oxygen that their bodies need to survive.

I was in a store where an overweight man, pushing a cart full of death, was wheezing under his veil. 

I almost stopped and told him to remove his affectation but what’s the point.

Libs need consequences for their actions besides I don’t do free therapy anymore.

For those of you who’ve been with me for a while you know I was very clear and even did videos on “mask wearing.”

Anyone wearing a cover-up is inhibiting the amount of oxygen one needs and at the same time making your heart work harder to get said oxygen. When this occurs you of course take deeper breaths which INCREASES the chance that you will inhale material, fibers and yes viruses.

Wearing a mask is not only psychosomatic, it is harmful to your health.

It took the medical community a while to get beyond their fear of being ostracized but there are now PLENTY of Doctors who will tell you EXACTLY what I stated months ago.

Stop wearing the masks where you can.

I know many have employers or customers who are requiring this.

We all have choices to make.

Do the best you can in the situation you are in and get that mask off as fast as possible.

With all that this week ended up being a throw back to an old Alan Jackson song “The whole world’s gone country” as a college running back in Oklahoma called out his coach for watching One America News.

The coach proceeded to apologize for everything except wearing a mullet. 

Come on Billy Ray Cyrus. 

Now there’s a man who has a lot to apologize for.

Lady Antebellum made the melodramatic choice to change their name to Lady A after the dolts, who’ve made millions under this moniker, were told that Antebellum was attached to slavery.

That’s a bit of a stretch, but if they are truly serious they need to give up all of their money, bow down to Farrakhan, proclaim that White People are the Devil and go give free concerts in Minneapolis without security.

In for a penny in for a pound Lady Autonomous.

Let’s see how long you last in the “Zone”.

As if that wasn’t “country” enough, the just returned Dixie Chicks, decided that Dixie was “racist” and had to go.

They are now the Chicks.

How Liberally misogynistic of them.

I’m sure the “rapper” Huey is quite pleased . . . oh wait . . . he was Popped, Locked and Dropped but that’s okay because whoever shot him wasn’t carrying a Confederate Flag, Law Enforcement or White.

Don’t you just love it when Country and C RAP crossover.

The new Country where instead of losing your wife, house, car and dog you lose yo bitch, yo crib, yo ride and Michael Vick.

Nascar decided to show its “Wokeness” in its support of a Bubba who was triggered by a rope tied to a garage door.

One could only imagine if Whiny Wallace ever walked into a Strings.

Never mind the rope had been there for at least a year and hundreds if not thousands of people had passed by without an issue.


Ol Black Lives Matter Bubba “raced” to CNN where he found a safe space in the squeeze of Don Lemon. 

The same arms that embraced his brother Jussie not too long ago.

If that wasn’t enough the Liberal Karen’s and Casper’s, the unfriendliest ghosts you know, ran to their computers and ferociously called for the beating, rape and murder of the phantom lone knot weaver who apparently stalked Chubba Bubba and left a calling card twelve months in advance of a man who only makes left turns, and according to his record, does so quite poorly.

Not sure how one would do this but the clairvoyance of this fictional character, to know exactly which garage would be cry baby Bubba’s, is damn impressive and if we can find this twine winder I’d like to ask when we will finally get some prosecutions of the many criminals in today’s Washington D. C. 

Oh Jason, we all know the answer to that. 


While Juicy’s Nigerian cohorts in Chicago were reportedly going to turn on him Ol Hubba Bubba the Hamas Supporter started to feel the heat as the White Liberal Guilt that had rushed to his defense (Richard The Dick Petty) was now licking its wounds around the Klan table muttering about being “Jussied” again.

Liberals are either the stupidest form of sub-human on the planet or they have the worst luck.

They so badly want to genuflect for the “oppressed black man” to cleanse their guilt ridden souls of the pampering, the privilege, the trophies and free toilets for all business men in Philly who have neither a business or clients, but cannot seem to find an actual BLACK MAN to extol who hasn’t lied, cheated, robbed or killed someone.

Yes looking at you OJ or as another hero/creation of Affirmative Action once asked, “Can’t we all just get along?”

We sure can Rodney, as soon as you stop racing down the freeway at three digits high on crack. 

Fortunately for all of us Mr. King was joined by Can’t Breathe George, ensuring at a minimum, the greater safety for pregnant women and their babies.

Something Progressives kill every day. 

Come on already dumb White Libs.

If you truly “love the Black Man” with your best Jerry Maguire voice, and hated Donald Trump, you could have delivered my first choice as a Presidential candidate.

All you had to do was change your affiliation to Republican and then vote properly. 

Had you done so and then repeated that process in the General a man named Dr. Benjamin Carson would now be President.

Alas, you couldn’t do that! 

Dr. Carson, a Neurosurgeon, isn’t your kind of Black now is he.

He’s humble, successful, articulate and wise. 

You White Libs can’t have a Black man with those qualities. 

In fact you have a name for these Individuals. 

You call them DAN’s and TOM’s.

I know AMERICANS around the country reading this now are asking what is a DAN but you White Liberals know because it was you who came up with the term.

Biden called Obama “clean” and you White Libs thought that was funny.

Obama gave a eulogy for a Klan member and all you white Libs snickered about keeping the “boy in his place.” 

Now the “DAN’s” as you call them are turning on you as you race to kiss their feet, call traitors heroes, and shine their shoes.

Get off your knees Chik-fil-a and to all you wanna be Alpha Males out there, looking at you Bret Pill Popping, Alcoholic, philandering FAVRRRREEEE and no Mary still doesn’t want you. 

If any human drops to a Nike Layoffs knee Kaepernick style, and tries to shine your shoes, be an actual MAN and stand them up.

Look them in the eye, tell them they are free, live in the greatest country in the history of Man and to never bow or scrape. 


Otherwise all who willingly take advantage of those on their knees will be forced to join them as the traitors they are to Freedom, to America, to simple human decency.

Keep wearing those Antifa hoods and Black Lives Matter masks Liberals.

They’ll make great targets after you’ve defunded all the cops.

Jason Kraus



Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Those who’ve read Late Bird will be familiar with the many times my family moved as a child.

Each move created an opportunity for a “best friend”.

One individual that you knew was on your side.

My first best friend was named Paul.

Paul and I attended Douglas MacArthur Elementary in Lakewood CA.  A couple years later our move to Garden Grove provided a new opportunity with a boy named George.

George lived next door and we became best buddies almost immediately.

From Garden Grove we landed in Trinity County and eventually the best friend title was given to a kid named Boyd.

I’m sure some of you Beatles fans were thinking I was going to say John or Ringo.

From Southern to Northern California we all had two things in common.

We were American boys and as Tom Petty so eloquently stated we loved “American Girl(s)”.

Fast forward a few decades and things have changed quite a bit.

My friend Paul is now referred to as Asian.

My friend George is now called an Hispanic.

My friend Boyd is now a Latino or Puerto Rican depending upon the level of bigotry.

My new title?

Racist and white privileged.

Of course none of these things, starting with Paul and ending with me are true but too many in today’s America have subscribed to the concept of never letting the truth get in the way of a “good story”.

For example Gavin Newsom, current Governor of California, stood in front of cameras and stated that, “We (white people) are the problem.”

Today’s White men and women are responsible for everything that has “happened” to the Black population in America dating back to slavery.

On every level this is false but Gavin stood up and stated that he was a part of “We” so let us define what he has pled to.

In slavery, which still takes place on the continent of Africa, men, women and children are beaten, raped and murdered.

Gavin doesn’t speak for me or anyone I know as none of us have ever committed these acts but due to his statement, he and men and women who look and think like him, are apparently guilty of CRIMES and as such must be dealt with.

Newsom also referenced a George as well and spent time opining about the “Black population” as did many Liberals across America.

None of what they said was true but they roamed from camera to camera, State to State, celebrating the life of a pathetic piece of fecal matter who was high as a kite, attempting to pass counterfeit money and oh by the way served time in prison for assault and reportedly raped a woman.

Gavin and his Progressive cohorts ranted and raved that this man’s life was taken too soon.

Pointing a gun at a pregnant woman’s stomach, threatening to murder her and her child and again RAPE?

The only good thing that happened in this predator’s life is that it ended.

Sadly not soon enough.

I’m starting to miss Trayvon Martin and his baby photos.

At least he was filled with Skittles.


I’ve had many conversations with different people about the Floyd incident. Every single one started out saying, “Man that cop shouldn’t have been on his neck that long” or “What was the cop thinking killing that guy?”

My answer has always been the same.

We’ve been shown some footage or a photo.

No one has any idea what really happened.

You weren’t there and neither was I.

That’s what the trial is for.

Presumption of innocence until proven guilty but of course we don’t have that anymore either.

We have Clinton, Comey, Clapper Justice where felonies are committed and everyone gets their own book deal.

We have Kaepernick, Lebron, Farrakhan Justice where the only good White or Jew is a dead White or Jew while they live off the slave labor of Chinese children and embrace Muhammed and Mao.

We have Bill Barr Justice where Antifa stalked and assassinated high ranking American Law Enforcement specifically because they had black skin and yet continues to move with impunity from coast to coast.

Somehow those Black Lives Didn’t Matter.

The felon and abuser George Floyd, reportedly stoned on fentanyl and amphetamines, begged for his mother when death finally came calling.

If certain aspects of society are going to be blamed for events centuries ago then it only appears appropriate to honor his last request.

His mother should be ashamed and required to pay reparations to any and all this piece of garbage abused.

Speaker of the House Pelosi took a knee for Floyd and mumbled I can’t breathe.

A noose should fix that problem.

Jason Kraus



Dead or Alive

Dear President Trump,

You’ve now designated ANTIFA as a terrorist organization.

Well done sir but some clarification is needed.

Are they now wanted dead or alive?

Currently they are threatening to burn down neighborhoods in America.

Under your executive order are we now free to hunt those that have targeted us?

I am asking for myself and my friends.

Put us in coach.

We’re ready to play.


Jason Kraus


You Ain’t Black

This must be just like living in paradise!

What a week, what a week!

Fortunately The Big Fella Upstairs needed only seven days.

One could only imagine if the Liberals had eight. 

Their brethren would be referencing the Seventies and screaming Eight Is Not Enough, we need more stimulus checks and free weed!

Don’t you just miss Dick Van Patten?

Speaking of a Dick the self-proclaimed “King” Lebron James ran his mouth on social media about being “literally hunted.”

This is pathetic coming from a guy worth hundreds of millions of dollars who travels on private planes with a “posse.”

Even more pathetic is a “black man” who uses the moniker of a monarch who was white and had slaves.

Come on man!

You sound like you’d support someone who calls people lying dog faced pony soldiers.

If you don’t Hiden Biden says,”You ain’t black!”

Look at you KING!

Naming yourself after “Whitey” and taking orders from a bigot who called your hero Barack “clean.”

Speaking of bigots a woman in New York City freaked out when she was asked to put her dog on its leash. She ranted and raved, almost frothing at the mouth screaming “racial” epithets and threats. The individual who asked her to leash her dog calmly recorded it all. The woman was attacked on social media and reportedly lost her job while other bigots joined in trying to make it a black versus white thing.

It wasn’t.

In fact the Liberal bigots attacking the white woman were attacking one of their own as her behavior was classic Progressive Privilege.

Disobeying the rules, screaming like a drunken Madonna after a Donald Trump election and then playing the race card.

Papa Don’t Preach.

While Minneapolis and Los Angeles decided to steal televisions, burn down businesses (some reportedly “Black” owned) and buildings, they apparently found a cure for Covid-19 as NO social distancing was witnessed yet not one new case of the RONA was reported.

Also in the category of things that make you go hmmm was the large number of “white” faces being recorded trashing the cities.

White faces burning Black businesses across America in Liberal lands.

Sounds like a Klan, err, Democratic campaign rally.

The last one was so bad they had to put up chained link fences to keep their “voters” out.

Look at that!

Walls do work!

Los Angeles, New York City, Minneapolis all lived up to their Liberal expectations.

My only question is What’s up Detroit!

In between the rioting and the looting, Liberal mouthpieces across America aimed for the title of biggest idiot.

Cuomo had the early lead . . . .

What’s that?

Which Cuomo?

Doesn’t matter.

As I was saying the Cuomos had the lead but Hank Guam May Tip Over Johnson strode to the front.

What did he say?

Doesn’t matter.

He opened his mouth, after that it’s all a disaster.

Ol Hank is the poster child for why Democrats should all wear the RONA mask . . . forever.

Still, the hater of Free Speech amazingly wasn’t the worst of the week.

While Libs were begging for more debt, screaming about racism and destroying their own neighborhoods, one politician stepped up and said, “Hold my beer.”

San Francisco Mayor London Breed continued to lead the way of the decrepit, disillusioned and downright dumb by supplying the homeless population with drugs, alcohol and “smokes” and then proclaimed the city to be locked down “indefinitely.”

San Fran.

The ultimate hot box.

What did the Liberal citizens do?

Rolled Kunta Kinte Kaepernick out again and blamed President Trump.

I could go on and on with the ridiculousness coming from the Communists, err, Left, but why bother.

I don’t care about them anymore.

Haven’t for a while yet for the slowest of the slow let us reassert the Liberal’s Logic.

“Black Men are being hunted and murdered in the streets every day!”

The facts are these.

If we are going to “color” people then yes more black men do die every day per capita than any other color.

Every day across America black men assault and kill other black men.

Every single day.

Every day across America black men assault and kill more “blue men and women” (law enforcement) than the other way around.

Every single day.

Sharia Compliant Colin’s answer?


This is pretty cute coming from a guy who gets paid by a company that lives on Chinese child abuse/labor.

Pick up a weapon then Hamas supporter and make a play but you’ll have to get off your knees first.

You may want to work on your aim as well as we all know your receivers hated you.

Democratic Leadership’s answer?

“Vote Biden or you’re a Tom.”

Yet, Progressive cities are collapsing, crumbling and quarantined and their voting population says, “We Want Aviator Glasses Joe!”

Governor Cuomo sent Covid-19 infected humans into elderly facilities killing thousands and their voting population says, “We ridin’ wit Biden.”

Now we are hearing the bigoted “Black Lives Matter” again.


Not enough close bud!

No ones life matters because of the proximity to the Sun of their ancestors.

Your life only matters if you are beneficial to others.

Stealing cigs, 40s of Olde English and apparently Legos isn’t benefitting anyone including you morons doing the pilfering.

Yet here we are once more.

Same old recycled script, same pathetic polling, same tired story.

The only thing left is for CNN to start looking for missing planes again . . . and again . . . and again . . . or wait.

Maybe Hillary or Brian Williams could give us a repeat performance of their fictional tales of having to take cover while “under fire.”

Ah Liberals.

Too school for cool.

Wait Jason, isn’t that the other way around?


It’s Common Core English.

True dat.

No, that Ebonics.

They be a difference?

Not anymore.

Welcome to the Twenty-First Century.

Where children congregate on curbs, smoking herb, rather than conjugating verbs.

Jason Kraus

