Let’s Try Again

I’ve come to the point, at least this week, that I cannot find any subject matter important enough on which to opine.

It’s the same ol world, same ol problems and without something to stimulate my brain it would be a disappointment, at least to me, to attempt to feign concern over the latest “breaking news” debacle.

So I won’t.

Instead I will reach back into the past and use a column that was shared over fifteen hundred times on Facebook before I was shadow banned or cancelled or fill in whatever lib word here.

This was published almost five years ago.

Sadly things have only gotten worse as it appears the more we “give em books the more they eat the pages”.

Nevertheless we will give it the old college try, or junior college try, or heck the ol GED try as yesteryear’s readers have disappeared only to be replaced by “a picture is worth” absolutely nothing but let’s spend all day scrolling.

God bless,



As stated many times over the last few years I’ve stopped watching or listening to most “news” networks.  Beside the fact that they rarely report anything new, the propaganda is over the top.  When I do tune in I have become numb to verbiage like “racist” or “bigot” or “nazi”.

My pulse doesn’t jump, my heart doesn’t race.  I simply yawn and turn the channel. There is one phrase though, or its derivative, that drives me nuts and I hear it constantly from “educated” mouthpieces.

“We are a Democracy.”

“We are losing our Democracy”.

“Our Democracy is under attack.”

I’ve even heard this stated by REPUBLICAN politicians.

Now this isn’t a new phenomenon nor is it something I haven’t addressed many times in the past.

I have, but let me say it again for all the “educators, teachers, media chatter boxes, etc”.

The United States of America is NOT a Democracy.

Never has been, never will be.

Even if America repeats our history and succumbs to another War Between the States (nothing civil about war) we still will not be a Democracy.

I’m not sure what we will be after that but I can guarantee it won’t be a Democracy.

Democracy is the fourth option in a sliding slope known as Socratic Theory.

Not Socratic Method.

Socratic Theory.

Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, Tyranny.

Due to time constraints, I’m not going to walk, through them all.  For those who want a more in depth understanding of this please go to our website and find the column titled Article 4, Section 4.

It explains in depth why we are not a Democracy.  It also explains what we are.

A Constitutional Republic.

Of course in today’s society we have the “academicians” and the “experts”.

The “historians” and the heretics who drone on and on parsing words, conflating issues and many times simply lying.

We don’t do that here.

Here, we believe communication is found in clear, concise and truthful statements.

Purity is found in simplicity.

There are, right and wrong answers, in life.

Good and Evil, both do indeed, exist.

The moral American doesn’t live under Fifty Shades of Grey.

To put it simply Democracy is the last stop before Tyranny.

It’s not my theory.

Argue with Socrates and Plato.

Men like James Madison and Alexander Hamilton did not want Democracy so they took some of its positives and created a completely new system we now refer to as a Constitutional Republic.

This system is completely removed from Democracy.

It’s easy to understand.  It’s quite simple.

Democracy allows the “majority” of the group to dictate to the “minority”.

The idea of a Republic was to guarantee certain Freedoms, to the Individual, regardless of who or whom was in the “majority”.

At the time these Freedoms were referred to as Rights, and they were documented in written form on parchment and referred to as the Constitution of the United States.

There’d never been anything quite like it in history, or anything, since.

The Magna Carta was used as a reference point, but just like Democracy, was a completely different system than the Republic now known as the United States of America.

The protection of the Individual known as American, guaranteed very specific Rights, to ensure the opportunity of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness found in the former Declaration, heard around the world.

These concepts and written absolutes resonated across the globe because at their core they tell us what we inherently know.

They reaffirmed the thoughts of Adam Smith.

Life is an Individual experience.

It is, has, and always will be.

Democracy was the rotting molding fruit, found on the ground, and turned into a 1st Amendment fine wine.

Those lucky enough to drink from the cup of Freedom realized that first found fruit came from ever fertile ground gifted by a greater hand than their own.

The hand that granted Free Will also granted the ability to understand the difference between  Freedom and Oppression.

The difference between the Individual and the Group.

The difference between guaranteed Rights and the drunken swaying back and forth of the Majority.

Still, the United States Constitution is only as strong as those Individuals who require it be enforced.

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Our country is asking.

It’s time to give her an answer.

Jason Kraus



God Has Done Enough

Years ago I started this entire campaign to provide America with a better way.

The protection of Freedom through Truth.

Unfortunately those days have been left behind as the Truth no longer matters to too many.

Because of this my weekly columns continue to point out the absurdity of it all, and as the years have gone by, absurdity has been joined by insanity, and evil.

Sadly these things do not change because the calendar strikes December 25th.

Instead of my normal style I have decided to write a poem capturing a tiny portion of what is happening right now.

Before I begin I would like to state as always I am grateful to the Big Fella Upstairs for everything and because of His generosity will never ask for anything ever again.

We have been given the greatest gifts.

Free Will and Freedom.

God has done enough.

The rest is up to us.

The rest is up to you.

Merry Christmas and I’ll see you in the New Year.

Now the aforementioned poem.

Twas the night before Christmas as all the coiffed kids were Hiden’,

Attempting to flee the hair sniffing Biden.

Kamala cackled with a glass of chablis,

As Democrats continued to let criminals run free.

The border is open cried AOC!

Come on in!

While Newsom cried foul with his sh*t eating grin.

Oprah’s diet commercials continued to set the pace,

As the billionaire moaned about racism while feeding her face.

The RONA continued because the sheep had to be fed,

As athletes and Canadian doctors keep dropping dead.

The media cried it’s getting so cold!

We all rolled our eyes, it’s called winter you dolts.

Inflation is high, prices run amok,

Congress decided the fix was to spend two trillion more bucks.

You Only Live Once screamed the kids long ago

They’re still here and the girls are now Joe, Moe or TikTok Hoe.

What about the boys asks the Mad Hatter?

Sorry to say but the boys don’t matter.

Especially in the military where it’s all gone glam,

They no longer say yes sir or no ma’am.

Where dog faces are worn in full uniform,

And too many doctors no longer do no harm.

On Dancer on Prancer on flu shots galore!

Load em all up and bring on the gore.

Life insurance companies are screaming and funeral homes are full,

Progressives push forward because there’s so many to cull,

From the herd of the stupid, the bigots, the dopes,

Just one more booster cry all the mopes.

So enjoy your day and your Christmas dinner.

Here comes 2023. . .

It’s gonna be a winner.

Jason Kraus





Over the years I’ve received a vast amount of information from wonderful citizens across America. Most of it factual, some speculation, all of it well intended and with one purpose.

To push Freedom forward.

Everything sent to me is always verified to the best of my ability otherwise it is never used regardless of how well intentioned.

Sadly, as the behavior of too many in today’s world becomes crazier, the stories are easier to believe and harder to verify.

Of even greater insanity, are those unwilling to accept facts, based solely on their “political” views.

Math no longer exists, genders are fluidly optional and arson is now considered “climate change”.

Added to these absurdities is of course the “virus” known as the RONA.

Covid 19 has cured the flu and is crushing Freedom with every vax inserted body.

Report after report of tens of thousands of “side effects” known as strokes, heart attacks and death continue to roll in as oppressive governments around the world force poison into healthy bodies.

Now a United States Army Flight Surgeon has reportedly grounded “vaccinated” pilots due to a FATALITY and two other “pulmonary embolism events that happened within 48 hours of their vaccination”. The Lieutenant Colonel stated “I cannot attribute this result to anything other than the Covid 19 vaccine as the source of these events.”

These same shots have been given to commercial pilots as well, and the overwhelming majority of private sector aviators in America are older and nutritionally devoid, in comparison to their military counterparts.

In other words they are in dramatically worse shape than military pilots, yet as you read this now, vaccinated pilots all over the United States and around the world are flying planes.

As this is taking place the Biden Administration is applying as much pressure as they can, to force the rest of our pilots in and out of the military, to be vaxxed and the only way they are getting away with this is too many citizens accepting lies as truth.

Fiction as facts.

As I stated last week before the vax was implemented I knew of no one who’d even had the RONA.

Now I personally know multiple people who have been hospitalized or died just in the last month.

There is nothing left for me to say, nothing left for me to prove.

There seems to only be a few question lefts.

How many planes have to crash before the world awakens?

How many have to die before Americans fight?

How many?

Hundreds of thousands?



In a country filled with people willing to take any drug known to man to “survive” the irony is stunning.

“Mr. Play-It-Safe was afraid to fly
He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye
He waited his whole damn life to take that flight
And as the plane crashed down
He thought, “Well, isn’t this nice?

And isn’t it ironic?

Don’t you think?”

Are you thinking at all?

Jason Kraus



Useless Eaters

For many years I’ve taken “pen to paper” to provide rational thought that always requires facts in service to Freedom.

I’ve shared many times about the idea of Conspiracy Theories in that there is actually no such thing.

Humans indeed do conspire, it is literally happening in front of us everyday, and theories do exist in that they are not fact.

Some, such as String, are incredibly interesting, at least to me, and provide a window into the vast untapped potential of the human mind while others such as Critical Race begin to validate last year’s run on toilet paper.

Due to my consistent statement of facts many in America and around the world, especially before censorship, shadow banning, etc., shared my thoughts weekly with those they care about and in some cases those they wanted to slap around a bit.

The reason for this pretext is simple.

Today I will “theorize” on what is happening and incorporate quite a bit of “information” that has crossed my path in the course of human events.

My only goal in my writings is to push Freedom forward and as such I felt it necessary to tackle multiple subjects, that have most, so thoroughly confused they are no longer focusing on the reality of ever creeping tyranny.

As I’ve stated many times there are only two forms of Culture in human behavior.

Freedom and Oppression.

The further from one requires you be closer to the other.

Today’s human condition is rollercoastering itself off the tracks and into the patiently waiting arms of oppressive forces.

This isn’t a satanic, socialist, globalist, fill in the blanks with whatever word floats your boat statement.

It is a fact, easy to see, if one is willing to open their eyes, and happening, eyes open or not.

As stated many times in the past, most humans have now abdicated their freedom for perceived security and as Benjamin Franklin stated, will soon lose both.

This is again easy to see as for example most of America is calorically unhealthy, morally lost with no hope in sight as they continue to look to other humans for temporary solutions to their very fixable problems.

A poor diet can be addressed for most in less than sixty days with incredible results.

The removal of “medications” also known as drugs, alcohol, prescriptions, can quickly be stopped IF the person is willing to heal and deal with their underlying issues.

Sadly this isn’t happening and the Great Experiment has now been whittled to “I have a right to eat, drink, and sit on my couch if I want to” while the Hippocratic Oath has switched from First Do No Harm to Take This Pill and I’ll See You Next Month.

These people aren’t dying.

They’re dead and are taking the greatest country in the history of Man with them.

As stated earlier I am going to “theorize” today.

So far nothing I’ve stated is theory.

It is all pathetically true.

The reason I’ve primed the pump this way is to explain that the above behavior has now allowed for seriously bad actors to grasp immense control.


Decades ago I read a book titled the Celestine Prophecy.

Although a bit science fictiony when finished my thought was the author combined quite a few concepts that could be construed in many ways, however the tone, at least to me then, was a positive one in service to humanity.

The idea was that eventually humans would realize that procreating like rabbits was a waste of the planet’s resources and a detriment to their own lives and would willingly stop having so many offspring.

Of course religions, governments, Bernie Sanders acolytes and Jim Jones wannabes all hate this idea, as for their greed to succeed, subjects are required.

A surrogate word for subjects is servants.

Another is slaves.

Today’s world doesn’t need to search for its slaves.

They line up daily to be watered, fed and “protected” otherwise known as vaccinated.

Now the concept of vaccination is tricky for the commoner to understand and although information is available at our fingertips most would rather watch porn or porn lite labeled as tik tok.

Scantily clothed women who gyrate and twerk while men flex and gesticulate wildly doing their best Chippendale’s performance in search of validation are both much more of “interest” than understanding the difference between a vaccination and what is now being injected into our bodies.

There’s quite a bit of actual science behind this but very few will hang with me long enough to really grasp the concept so I will condense.

The vaccines received in our childhood have all had a bit of the “virus” in the injection.

Our bodies take the foreign substance and then render it inoperable in its danger to you.

The new vaccines also known as an mRNA do not do this.

They are man made creations that humans are willingly taking for a “virus” that most will never get and if do very few will die.

No one is guaranteed protection by it, and as has been reported, many who have received their vaccine now have the RONA not to mention the thousands who have died from the injection.

So, if it isn’t stopping something that most will never contract, and again if do, only those with multiple “co-morbidities” might have complications, what exactly is in this concoction?

Finally we have arrived at the “theory” part of this week’s column and this entire diatribe that has been building was piqued by a message sent from a friend.

The message was short and stated “Please forgive me for sharing this, BUT I had to.”

Now, I receive a LOT of mail from a LOT of people and I unfortunately don’t have the time to read it all BUT I considered the source and then the statement of an apology out of the gate and scrolled down.

I will leave a link at the bottom from the article that was sent for all to peruse at your own convenience but the premise was one of world depopulation.

Something I’ve read about, discussed, pontificated and have given significant thought to as I have no doubt the greater the growth of the masses the closer wars are to happening.

It is consistent and historic.

This theory is a little bit different and many will have to remove their own biases, fears, and in some cases desires to focus on the one thing I am trying to point out.

I cannot validate this anywhere but the theory is that this particular mRNA is carrying in some way Graphene Oxide and that this substance, by design, will eventually kill all who have it their bodies.

Now I didn’t need anything to tell me I was never getting this “vaccine” as the government in general is corrupt and frankly stupid but to read something of this nature with all the other information floating around seemed to be a good topic for me to share and “theorize”.

The quotes from the “Dr.” in the article are stunning and my first thought was this has to be satire.

I did my best to vet this article and could not find anything that would argue against his statements but I also couldn’t verify the quoted “Dr.” as real either.

This is why I refer to this as a theory.

With that said those of you who’ve been with me for a while know I don’t discuss things I cannot prove but as each day goes by the behavior of those at the top and the willingness to conform from those at the bottom has lead to me this topic and this position.

All things are now possible and in many cases probable.

There can be no doubt SOMETHING is taking place as this supposedly deadly “virus” doesn’t kill the homeless, or stop the United States from being overrun at the border while our military is this close to being given an “order” that they must be sparked.

The population is growing, politicians are on airplanes mask less and the only thing increasing is murder in Liberal run cities.

The aforementioned “Doctor” has been attributed with the statement, “95% of the world’s population are “Useless Eaters” who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible. “Look at downtown Chicago, Baltimore, or Los Angeles,” he has stated, “and you will clearly see why the Useless Eaters must be put down like rabid dogs.”

Now, as stated earlier I cannot verify that this Dr. is actually a Doctor or even exists BUT this is the quandary of our world today.

All things, crazy as they seem, are now possible because the humans in charge continue to lie on a minute to minute basis.

America is now feeling the pressure to put the “mask” back on while threatening those who will not take the jab.

At the same time Joe Biden is babbling about a “shooting war” breaking out.

Be very careful Joe.

It’s closer than you think.

Jason Kraus



How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to Live?

Stop the Madness or Prepare For a Dark Winter

During a very busy week I took a brief moment to turn on the television and visit one of the business channels to check the price of gold and silver. As I waited for the ticker to rotate a talking head proclaimed that the reason the Republicans lost the Presidential Election was due to them not reaching out to the black community.

I have to admit it’s getting harder and harder to keep track of the “labels” but wasn’t it reported over and over that the “blacks” gave President Trump a greater amount of votes than any other candidate in Florida?

No Jason, those aren’t blacks, those are Cubans.

What about Detroit and Philly?

Those are blacks because they did what Joe Biden told them to do. Remember, unlike the Hispanics, they all think the same.

Okay, but it was also reported that the Hispanics in Florida voted for Trump as well?

No, no, no, Jason.

Those were also Cubans with a splash of Puerto Ricans and Costa Ricans.

So you can be black and Hispanic at the same time?

Don’t try to apply label logic Jason. Hypocrisy never makes sense.

Then why do you do it?

Because it works. Look Jason, I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Biden was 100% correct. The blacks all think the same.

That isn’t true.

Please. Main stream media all reported that they voted for Biden didn’t they? Obama, Lebron and Jay Z all called Trump a racist and the blacks sent him packing. It’s the blacks that control this country.

How’s that?

White Guilt.

White people can’t seem to bend over fast enough for the “po black folk”. The Hood thinks y’all are a bunch of Kracker Klowns. Go to YouTube. They tell you all the time but do you listen? Nah. You just keep coming up with new “programs” that feed their kids, you wear the Black Lives Matter shirts, rebuild their towns, and send them checks. Trump funded the Black Colleges for future years! Do you think they are teaching love the honky? Where do you think that 1619 garbage is taught! It’s the definition of insanity but you stupid honkies keep doing it and then get excited when they give you twelve percent of the their vote. Twelve percent! You’d have to walk past dozens of black voters before statistically passing one who voted for Trump but according to you and media y’all are now diverse! Whatchoo talking bout Willis!

What about criminal reform, opportunity zones, and lowest unemployment ever in the black community?

Don’t care and doesn’t matter.

Why not?

Just doesn’t. Orangeman pandered to Kim and Kanye for almost four years, and they spit in his face. That’s the thing about you white folk. You keep trying to make sense of everything. Sometimes things just be what they be.

Okay, I guess I’ll stop asking about that but what about the Hispanics in Arizona and Los Angeles who voted for the President?

Those aren’t Hispanics. These are stupid, traitor to their race Latinos.

What do you call the ones that voted for Biden?

Those are called La Raza. Come on Jason! Where have you been? This has been going on since your “Conservative” hero Ronald Reagan legalized half of Tijuana back in 1986. They now own Southern California and control the entire State and arguably the Country with their politics and policies. They even have a Supreme Court Justice. She’s wildly unhealthy and may not last another decade but does it really matter? You idiots gave them Roberts AND crybaby Kavanaugh, let alone Gorsuch who thinks half of Oklahoma should go back to the “Tribes” and what’s with Chasing Amy? Is she ever going to “get caught up” and vote on something?

Alrighty then. Let’s recap so I have this correct.

Go ahead Falcon.

Ah, you’ve read my book.

I have. You have some wonderful policies, stories and ideas but let’s get real. The country survives on debt, has done so for a while, and is increasingly becoming neurotic and psychotic at the same time, which is quite a feat, but go ahead and recap, I don’t want to interrupt your flow.

Okay, African-Americans are black if they voted for Biden BUT they are Tom’s if they voted for Trump?


Hispanics and La Raza voted for Biden but Latinos, Cubans, and “Ricans” who voted for the President are traitors to their race.

True dat.

What about the Asians?

They went with the Dems because deep down they are comfortable with Communism as it as been fed to them for centuries.

If this is true why did some of them leave their original countries in the first place?

For the American Dream.

The American Dream? What exactly is the 2020 American Dream?

Free masks, free medical, free college, legal weed and even meth in Oregon, and the best of all credit, credit, credit, and then one big bankruptcy every seven years. Why work? Just get on a program, especially on the Liberal West Coast, and spend your days smoking, snorting, eating, borrowing and binge watching porn on Netflix and Disney.

Porn on Netflix and Disney?

Soft stuff right now but when you can now legally ride the Horse from Eugene to Portland it won’t be too much longer before Mickey is riding Goofy.

Cartoon porn?

Already exists. There’s sick folk in Hollywood but the Weinstein, Hanks, Streep crowd are some really twisted sisters.

Fair enough. Let me ask you one more thing. How do you see this movie ending?

Badly, in a puff of heroin laced smoke, more than likely sometime next year when the Federal Government sends out their twenty-seventh “stimulus” package of 2021, cryptocurrencies will explode even further than they are now, while the Markets get stroked.


You whiteys call it a collapse followed by the “greatest Depression ever.” So dramatic. On the South Side of Chicago it’s called every day life. You Krackers just don’t get it.

So why keep going down this road?

It ain’t our road Jack. It’s yours. We figure as long as you keep clearing and paving we’ll keep moseying along. Besides you don’t care about the hood and that’s why they voted for Hiden Biden. He’s dumb as a box of rocks but it sure pissed you whiteys off! Now they are sitting around their tables laughing at you Saltines as your President tries to claim fraud.

Fraud doesn’t exist?

Sure it does, but it’s been going on for decades, and you know it, and we know you ain’t gonna do one damn thing about it. You may think you da man but we just dumped YOUR man and put OUR Kracker in place.  Our lives ain’t changing one bit.

I’ll say this Jason, you got two choices.

Stop the madness or prepare for a dark winter.

Just like your new President said.

Jason Kraus



Five Minutes

Dear Jason,

Can you explain what is going on right now?


In less than five minutes?

I’ll try.

Human behavior is predicated upon our needs being met (Maslow).

When our primary needs, Water, Food, Shelter, and Security are met (even poorly) without the Individual having to do anything, all of our energy (calories in, calories out) is focused on meeting our need to Belong.

This is a recipe for disaster, especially in today’s “Tech” society, as to be productive our energy must be spent EARNING our primary needs, otherwise we don’t value them and eventually take them for granted.

With the understanding of the power of fossil fuels, the invention of electricity, and the internet, most humans, at least in the United States, no longer have to physically exhaust their bodies to provide.

We now go to the gym for that. . .or at least we used to.

Furthermore the creation and approval of debt has allowed people, and America, to live so far beyond their means the worst of human behavior has been rewarded.

Greed, gluttony, and so many perversions of humanity that one only needs to point to Hollywood and the Media for its acceptance of all forms of abuse, as the poster children for societal breakdown.

When too many start Living for the Now or YOLO (You Only Live Once) the strength of delayed gratification, also known as Maturity, is lost.

This degrades and eventually deletes any desire for humans to Work Hard, Save Their Money, and Be Beneficial To Others.

When the lawless outnumber the lawful societies collapse.

We are seeing this now.

Lies are accepted as Truth, even when they are blatantly and knowingly false.

Misery does indeed love company.

There are only two cultures in human behavior.

Freedom and Oppression.

Freedom is an understanding of Free Will and the knowledge that life is an Individual experience.

Oppression is ignoring Free Will as Truth and willingly succumbing to the masses, to group think.

Free minds take information in, assess, and then either accept or discard based on reality.

Oppressed minds accept the last statement made to them, as long as it agrees with their self-created fantasy and many times fanatical lives.

For example we are being told that Joe Biden received more votes than both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama when he couldn’t beat either of them in the past.

Free minds know this isn’t true.

Oppressed minds don’t care because it meets their immediate needs to belong.

This is why we see so many people wearing masks even when we know they are worthless and even harmful.

If the RONA is so deadly why are all the rioters still alive?

Why are the homeless camps growing?

We even see individuals in cars BY THEMSELVES wearing masks.

These souls are so lonely they want strangers to know they are “part of the gang” as they genuflect their unhappiness into and onto the world.

Succinctly put too many today have no purpose in life and turn to food, alcohol, drugs, sex, and even the molestation of others, as abusing themselves isn’t painful enough, as they are truly deceased inside, simply passing time until their death.

Welcome to 2020 where American creativity and ingenuity has far surpassed the capacity of the average human in all facets of life.

America has actually been too good and is now being devoured by those who know they do not belong.

Instead of pursuing excellence they cling to the false promise of shared wealth and equal outcomes.

This mantra has infected our systems, all of them, and is now eating away at our prosperity and freedom.

Once a parasite sets into a limb or section of our bodies it must be removed.

Gangrene will continue to eat healthy flesh until it no longer exists.

That’s what is happening now.

The only question left is how close are you willing to let the gangrene get to your heart?

Right now everyone is looking for someone to blame.

That’s not how life works.

Reach down deep inside and then find a mirror.

There’s our problem and our solution.

Fight or Flight.

Right back to the survival of the animal known as Human.

My fives minutes has expired but before I go I will say for the record this country is not a Democracy and God has done enough.

The rest is up to the Individual.

The rest is up to you.

Those of you who love this country will feel me shoulder to shoulder with you at the front, wherever and whenever that may occur.

For those of you who don’t, I will see the whites of your eyes, and sadly for you, you will see mine.

Jason Kraus



Are You Ready to Pick Up a Weapon

Every twenty-four hours it seems something “new” to the world occurs.

At least the drama queens on the “networks” act like it as they insert panic and fear into every “breaking news” event.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg has died!

Of course she did.

The woman was almost ninety years old.

It was going to happen eventually.

As the saying goes none of us are getting out of here alive.

Trump has the RONA!


The genius billionaire businessman turned President of the United States is a WORKHORSE who spends his time constantly with hundreds if not thousands of people.

I’m amazed that he hasn’t gotten sick, let alone the ChinaVirus.

He has me contemplating the idea of actually eating fast food as a consistent staple.

Throw a burger and some fries at it Mr. President and let’s get back to building our economy, locking down our border, and bringing “peace to the Middle East” also known continentally as Asia.

I’d say let’s also throw the Clintons and Comey in prison but we all know that isn’t going to happen.

I guarantee if it wasn’t for all the “media” hype President Trump would be out doing his job while explaining he has a little flu bug (there are billions if not trillions of viruses) and no one would be the wiser, but alas we are surrounded by “experts” who incredibly are worse at their predictions than cow blaming climate change liberals who find the Truth Inconvenient.

The same people running around with masks are the same pissants pushing the Green New Deal that has California in rolling blackouts.

Take your time and heal up Mr. President.

You’ve earned it, besides we need you strong for the next four years.

I digress.

In local Northern California news, I recently at the gym watched a guy try, unsuccessfully, to use his code to enter.

As this has happened to me in the past I gave it a minute and then went and pushed the door open for him. He said thanks as I nodded and went back to lifting.

I work out with ear buds plugged into my phone that allow me to listen to music so I didn’t hear him turn on the television.

As I paused between sets the individual I had let in was watching The View.

I couldn’t hear it, thankfully, but it appeared Ted Cruz was battling with pedantic progressives.

I continued to lift and prep my body for future needs.

A bit later, shirt soaked, I looked in the direction of the television and CNN was on.

I shook my head and stared at the guy but he appeared lost in the trance of the idiot box.

As I finished my workout another guy entered and went about his business, while I grabbed my bag and headed for the door, where the TV watcher had camped.

He nodded as I approached and said, “Thanks again for letting me in.”

I nodded in return and said, “If I knew you were going to turn on CNN I’d have left you outside.”

His eyes grew large and said, “Really?”

“Oh yeah, I hate Liberals,” I said a foot from him.

“Oh uh yeah, I’m not a Liberal, uh I support Trump.”

“You support President Trump but watch CNN?” I barked at him.

“I like to see both sides.”

We had a little chat afterwards.

He was a nice enough guy who thought because he was a self-proclaimed sixty-two he had a better understanding of the world.

After two minutes he realized this was not the case.

I asked him a few questions that he struggled with and finally he came up with his own.

“How does all this craziness stop?” he asked.

“Are you ready to pick up a weapon?”

“Oh no, I, uh, it’s hard to take a human life.”

I stared at and said, “No it isn’t.”

His eyes widened and he repeated his response, “It’s hard to kill someone.”

“No, it isn’t,” I said again.

“Well, maybe not for you Jason.”

“Not just for me. A five year old with a loaded gun can kill someone. Humans die in Chicago every day. Killing someone isn’t the hard part. Sleeping with it at night is the struggle.”

I continued, “You asked when it will stop. I asked if you were willing to pick up a weapon. You said no. When you and people like you change your answer to yes then critical mass will have occurred and then things will change.”

I’d forgotten about the third guy who’d arrived and turned my head to a voice that asked, “Are you guys watching that?” pointing to the vomit on the screen.

He’d been listening to the conversation and realized he had support in at least me.

I looked back at the “Trump” supporter and said,”I’m not watching it.”

The Trump supporter said he wasn’t either.

The guy wearing an American Flag t-shirt went over and turned off the TV.

I smiled and walked out, my workout complete.

Never doubt the power of the Truth and the support for these United States.

Prepare to engage and be bold in your charge with the understanding that your preparation is the reason you can venture forward, alone if you must.

Correct the lies, pound the liars, and crush any and all who attempt to subvert the greatest country in the history of Man.

I had someone ask me once why I do the things I do.

I replied, “I feel the need to stick my nose into situations where Freedom requires my input. I simply want to make sure I can get it back.”

Lift, grapple, work the bag, train, eat well, and live life to the best of your ability.

In reality you the American are the weapon.

Prepare to enter the fray.

You won’t be alone.

I’ll see you there.

As always at the front, and I guarantee, I won’t be alone.

Jason Kraus



Never Forgive, Never Forget

As I walked the Yuba County Jail doing cell checks I was informed that the sergeant on shift wanted to see me.

I reported to the booking counter to find a male inmate, dressed in orange, standing awaiting my arrival.

My sergeant saw me and motioned for me to join her on her side of the counter.

I nodded, dropped into a chair and said, “What’s up?”

The inmate listened to her explain that he was formally lodging a complaint of harassment against me.

He didn’t like my “tone”.

I listened while she read his version of events and when she turned to me I said, “He’s a liar.”

She nodded and asked if I had anything else to offer.

I said, “Yes on top of being a liar he’s a child killer. Why would anyone believe anything he said?”

My question was rhetorical as my sergeant well knew.

She nodded again, looked Evil straight in the eye and said, “Anything else?”

The murderer tried to plead his case again and when he finished she said, “Okay, I’ve heard both sides. Complaint dismissed. Take him back to his cell.”

As I started to rise from my chair she turned and said, “Not you. You come with me.”

The child murderer who is still on California’s Death Row, and if the Democrats have their way will eventually be released and given voting rights, was escorted back to his cell.

Once he was gone my sergeant looked at me and said, “Good job. I hope that guy rots in hell.”

That was almost twenty-five years ago and my how things have changed.

First, due to Kamala Slave Owner Harris and Gavin Drug Addict Newsom, that convicted child killer is again STILL sitting on California’s Death Row and as long as Liberals are in charge will live until he dies of a heart attack or is released back into the Golden State’s population to kill other children.

Happens every day.

I knew a felon who served less than ten years after he walked up, shot and killed a guy, because the guy was “gay”.

If he isn’t dead, is probably walking around with his teardrop tattoo in a California neighborhood, near you.

How anyone who is gay, or has children, can vote for Democrats is beyond me.

Probably the same group who keeps dropping off their kids for child care at the Catholic Church.

All followers of Christ in any denomination should disavow the Catholics as they are making a criminal mockery out of the life of Jesus.

The same could be said for any follower of Muhammed as Sharia is nothing but a modern day affirmation of wife beating and child molestation.

What is going on with the Abrahamic religions?

The Jews in America apparently didn’t learn the lesson of the 20th Century and by voting for Democrats are changing the phrase Never Again to Yes sir may I have another.

The Muslims actively promote hatred for the United States INSIDE the United States.

One press conference from Rashida Tlaib or Ilhan Omar is all the proof you need but if you still are unconvinced just pull up Keith Ellison, a disciple of Louis Farrakhan who has stated many times his goal of killing all Whites and Jews in America.

In spite of all this it is Donald Trump being called the racist.

The bigot.

The dictator.


President Trump, who isn’t Jewish, has done more for the Jewish State of Israel than any Jew I can think of in the past twenty years.

Yet the Jews are reportedly lining up to vote for Biden, a man who supports Hamas.

President Trump has nominated a Catholic for the Supreme Court but the Catholics are reportedly siding with the molester Biden who chose a Vice-Presidential candidate who attacks Catholicism any time she can.

Of course the Muslims are lining up against him.

They hate America and anyone who will stand and defend her, never mind the fact that the Sunnis and Shiites have OVERWHELMINGLY voted for the Democrats.

Voting is taking place across our vast land right now.

Fraud, corruption, and lies are everywhere.

Just like twenty-five years ago.

The difference now is the liars, the traitors, the deceivers are filling the airwaves with so much garbage the average American, whatever that means, has either bought in, tuned it out, or never cared in the first place.

Democrats are suing in Florida so supposedly felons can vote.

I’ve known plenty of felons.

None of them vote.

Those ballots though will be cast, and I guarantee, if they are accepted, will somehow make their way to Broward County, to be counted.

Out here on the West Coast we have our own version of Broward County.

We call it California (Loretta Sanchez), Oregon (Motor Voter), and Howard Schultz Seattle.

Where politicians think arson is man made climate change, where drugs addicts are given food, shelter, and more drugs to escape the tiniest of possibilities that they will contract the RONA.

Better to be high on crack than catch the flu.

In conclusion, to all those Liberals/Democrats who are supporting Black Lives Matter.

First of all none of you matter.

The world is a much safer place without George Floyd, Jacob Blake, and Breonna Taylor.

I’ve dealt with men who’ve abused and raped women and lived next to a drug dealer and their “girlfriends” and family members.

It’s a special kind of hell.

More importantly we can see you and your heated yet cowardly rhetoric on the airwaves and social media.

Unlike the Lib Jews, we Americans will not forget your behavior and eventually someone like me is going to be in a position of significant authority.

When that happens I guarantee you will be dealt with.

I have a long memory and unlike the favorite saying of Forgive and Forget, you can take one thing to the bank.

I will never forgive your treason, and just like the Internet, I will never forget.


You clowns better pray President Trump is re-elected.

He’s the only thing standing between you and US.

Jason Kraus



Uphold the Constitution

Over the years I’ve listened and read many different lamentations from Americans around the country, attempting to comprehend what makes someone vote Democrat.

Stupidity, self-loathing, stoned out of their minds?

Sadly, no.

The reason people in the country vote Democrat is Selfishness.

Dems are the classic Me Me Me concept.

The Live for the Now and You Only Live Once crowd.

No concern about the future, no concern about freedom, just a never ending Woodstock orgy that transitions from smoking pot and doing shrooms to inhalers, edibles, and little blue pills.

Hair cuts and ice cream for piggish Pelosi but YOU have to put on a mask and stay locked down in your towns.

I could be here for hours with Hollywood examples alone, and even more time, if I applied the NBA. NFL, and MLB.

Instead I will point to the behavior of a Liberal who was so selfish, she is thankfully leaving her Party, the same way she left the world.

Much worse off. 

It is a poorly kept secret that Barack Obama wanted to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg with a younger Progressive (see Communist) Supreme Court Justice and many members of his criminal administration applied significant pressure on Ginsburg in hopes that she would step down. 

RBG’s response to her Party’s begging?

Pound sand. 

I remember hearing about this behind the scenes melodrama and I laughed as I quickly realized Ginsburg only cared about her Party as long as she was in the cat bird seat.

It’s similar to Michelle Obama stating the only time she was proud to be an American was when her husband was elected President. 

Me Me Me.

It’s always all about them.

They have no concept of service or sacrifice.

They actually believe they are special, and the lives of the peons known as the Citizenry, are but a mere annoyance to them during election cycles otherwise known as you ain’t black, you ain’t gay, you ain’t a woman if you don’t genuflect to their “hairy legs” and Wakanda gear.

Of course Michelle’s never been elected to anything and Ginsburg was a token appointment. 

No one with a scintilla of knowledge would ever mistake Traitor Bader for a brilliant mind. 

What is fascinating about Liberals is their belief that because they are special they don’t have to work hard.

Selfishness begats laziness which describes why Ginsburg wouldn’t retire and Obama decided to not appoint anyone to hundreds of positions in the Judiciary.

He simply couldn’t be bothered to stop vacationing and she wasn’t willing to give up her position as it would lessen her stature in the world. 

Due to the selfishness of these two, President Trump, who is a worker, has reportedly historically filled the courts and as hard work is usually rewarded, will have a third Justice nominated to our highest ranking bench. 

Dear President Trump,

You’ve been in the position for almost four years now and we are getting ready to send you back for four more. 

You’ve had many successes but your appointees to the Supreme Court have been lacking to say the least.

I know you are having to use the opinions of people around you for these positions, as I am quite sure, just like the rest of us, had never before heard of Gorsuch or Kavanaugh. 

I will be brief in my summation of these two.

Gorsuch is eventually going to get the “tribes” crushed as he continues to ignore the reality of what will happen when Americans are stripped of their land.

Kavanaugh is a strange, calendar keeping weeper who is easily swayed and/or intimidated by stupid humans.

For the Supreme Court to have any credibility your next choice must be an American Hammer and that hammer is named Thomas Cotton. 

Once this is complete we can make one of your first priorities as a second term President removing John Roberts.

Actually you should have someone working on this now. 

I guarantee former Director of the CIA and current Secretary of State Pompeo has some very interesting info on ol Johnny boy. 

Yes it can be done, and if this country is going to have any chance at some type of battle not breaking out, the courts have to be filled with men and women who have ethics AND courage.

Cotton in for Ginsburg and Dr. Benjamin Carson in for little Lord Fauntleroy as a friend of once called Roberts. 

It’s a two-fer.

We rid ourselves of a Liberal leech to be replaced by a combat veteran whose IQ trumps RBG by probably thirty points. 

We then replace Obamacare Roberts with an actual medical genius, a celebrated neurosurgeon in Carson.

After this occurs we build a great big wall on the border and make Mexico pay for it while deporting forty million criminal foreign nationals. 

Sounds like quite a list doesn’t it President Trump?

This should be nothing for the man who is bringing peace to the middle east besides we know you like a challenge. 

Cleaning up the mess Clinton, Bush, Soetoro, and McCain left behind is low hanging fruit. 

You have a real opportunity to change, for the better, the lives of millions of Americans.

Let’s get these masks off, get back to work, and stop suppressing interest rates. 

I don’t care that the Fed is now agreeing with you.

They are wrong and we both know this.

How do we know this?

You said so years ago. . .before you were President. 

We have your back in more ways than one but you have to stop crushing the savers and devaluing the Dollar.

You are opening up the opportunity to Cryptos and that will NOT be good for the average American. 

Hold the line Mr. President.

Ready when you are.

Jason Kraus



The Noose is Loose

Today’s experts seem to never get anything right.

It’s as though we’ve raised generations of weathermen and women, and spread them throughout the country into universities, the media, and of course politics.

For example a recent “expert” just explained that our markets are a raging mania and we could see five to ten percent inflation.

He then stated “we could also see deflation.”

I love it when experts go out on a limb.

He reminded me of another expert who told us all to “wear the masks” one day, and then “not to” the next, proceeded by “well okay wear the masks” as he engaged in leisure while of course not wearing a mask.

If that wasn’t enough this same expert, months later mind you, told everyone to start wear safety glasses as well.

After all that the CDC experts changed their findings and voila the RONA is less dangerous than taking your children to a Biden rally, a Catholic church, or Portland, Oregon.

Every day on television some new pill arrives to cure “diseases” such as type-two diabetes.

Just take this pill, and that pill, and this pill too, say the experts, and you can eat anything you want, as much as you want, or maybe, just maybe, eat less, exercise more, and presto chango, no more pills.

I know, I know, crazy talk.

Just put your gag, err, mask back on after you take your pills, and soon to be coming vaccines.

You’ll be fine as you wait a decade for your television to provide you with a number to call for “compensation.”

The experts told us that people taking a knee was to protest the police killing black men.

The foolish, stupid, and lazy jumped on board ignoring the factual data that black men kill more police, white men, black women and, wait for it, BLACK MEN, than the other way around.

Bubba Wallace turned a garage door pulley into a world-wide event and even had Richard The Dick Petty in his corner.

After all was said and done the pulley had been there for months, well before Dumb Bubba arrived.

Of course it didn’t matter to the media experts, as they raged about a rope, tied in what they decided looked like a noose.

These are of course men and women who couldn’t tie a knot to save their lives but are now all trained sailors.

This fit perfectly with CNN who spent a year doing aviation search and rescue for a number of planes.

Just like facts, the Clinton News Network never found any.

Recently Bubba declined to re-sign with The Dick’s racing team.

I’m sure his zero wins will be missed.

I’m thinking about t-shirts.

The Noose is now Loose with a Blackwall hitch hat tip to Jussie Smollet and of course O. J. Simpson.

Not to be outdone Hollywood’s experts attacked each other with a hashtag that stood for sexual abuse of women, homosexuals, and minors and at the same time jumped to the defense of Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Both are supporters of Sharia (women are the property of men) and Biden is on tape groping other peoples children.

Making sure they weren’t left out the Liberals who run Netflix released a show that reportedly sexualizes kids.

Maybe the hashtag was completely misunderstood.

Maybe as each rapist/molester was being outed, Hollywood was showing support by saying yep Me Too, as in WE DID IT TOO.

We have the financial experts attempting to explain that Social Security is in great shape and will last for years but then answering “well that’s a problem” when someone points out the Federal Government is 25 trillion in debt. . .and counting.

I even saw an expert say the more America “borrows” the cheaper the debt will become.

These have to be the same pillocks who are doing all the polling.

Finally we have the political experts who told us Hillary was favored to win at a ninety-three percent clip.

When the illegals, idiots, and in the ground votes were tallied the Betrayer of Benghazi was found to be woefully short of success and head first in the bottle.

After the experts finished their cry and call for the stock markets to crash, they went back to work with their treasonous behavior that ended in an attempted coup.

The response from the Department of Justice experts?

Yes, some of their behavior was bad.

Yes, servers were smashed and Mueller phones were “wiped” but not, wink wink, to the level of prosecution.

It’s a good thing we have so many experts.

One could only imagine the carnage if any of these people were to actually get something right.

Maybe the best way to deal with government is to send the dregs, the degenerates, the dipsticks and dullards to Washington, guaranteeing nothing ever gets done.

Then again as one moron said a long time ago,

Mission Accomplished.

Jason Kraus

